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Case 1027
After having a tummy tuck and liposuction in the past she was still not satisfied with her look. Dr. Mashhadian performed liposuction on her upper and lower abdomen, waist, lower back, and inner and outer thighs to get her the look she wanted.

Case 1026
After 2 pregnancies she felt as though she could use a little shaping to smooth out her stomach and bring her waist back. Dr. Mashhadian performed liposuction on her upper and lower abdomen and waist.

Case 1025
Previously having had liposuction and a tummy tuck she wanted to gain a little extra definition. Dr. Mashhadian performed liposuction on her upper and lower abdomen, waist and upper and lower back.

Case 1024
Treatment: Liposuction of Upper and Lower Abdomen, Waist, Inner/Outer Thighs, to improve abdominal and thigh shape and contour.

Case 1023
Patient with history of large unsightly appendectomy contracted depressed scar. She was also unhappy with abdominal shape and not fitting well in her clothing. Treatment: Liposuction of Upper and Lower Abdomen, Waist, Lower Back, Inner/Outer Thighs, Subgluteal area, and Lipoharvest, to improve abdominal shape and contour. The harvested fat was transferred to the scar to improve it shape and depression.

Case 1022
Liposuction of Inner and Outer thighs, Sub gluteal area as know as Banana Roll.

Case 1021
Liposuction of Inner and Outer thighs, Sub gluteal area as know as Banana Roll.

Case 1020
Unhappy with her excess fat and back rolls, she came in looking to smooth her shape and define her curves. Dr. Mashhadian performed liposuction of the upper and lower back, waist and upper and lower abdomen

Case 1019
After 3 pregnancies she felt as though she needed some tightening up and shaping to help her feel like herself again. Dr. Mashhadian performed liposuction on her upper and lower abdomen, waist and upper and lower back.