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Changing the size, shape or appearance of the nose no longer has to involve invasive surgical procedures. Some patients can achieve their aesthetic goals with a combination of injectable treatments designed to create balance and symmetry while smoothing out minor cosmetic imperfections. Dr. Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art has perfected the art of the non-surgical rhinoplasty, so patients that do not want to turn to surgery have another option in their quest for enhancement. View More Patients Results WHAT IS NON-SURGICAL RHINOPLASTY? Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses injections of a combination of different types of dermal fillers to correct minor imperfections in the appearance of the nose. This procedure can be performed in just a few minutes and does not require any anesthesia or downtime afterward. Patients can literally walk into our office and walk out a bit later with an enhanced appearance. Non-surgical rhinoplasty also does not involve any incisions, which means you don’t have to worry about post-operative scarring in exchange for your new look. WHAT CAN IT DO? Non-surgical rhinoplasty can achieve any or all of the following benefits: Alter the size or slope of the nasal bridge Create symmetry between the two sides of the nose Enhance the position, size and shape of the nasal tip Minimizing the appearance of a nasal hump Filling in concaves by creating natural fullness in those areas Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be used alone to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. It can also be an effective way to further improve the results of a surgical procedure. Some patients like to undergo non-surgical rhinoplasty prior to surgery to get an accurate idea of what they can expect from their more permanent results. HOW DOES IT WORK? There are a variety of injectable formulations that Dr. Mashhadian may use during your non-surgical rhinoplasty: Juvederm Restlyane Radiesse Perlane Each of these formulations comes with their own set of pros and cons. Dr. Mashhadian is experienced in using all of these treatments, qualifying him to make the decision as to which filler solution will provide you with the best possible results. In some cases, a neuromodulator like Botox may also be used during the non-surgical rhinoplasty to further enhance your outcome. . WHAT ARE THE RESULTS LIKE? The results of non-surgical rhinoplasty will vary based on the specific needs of each patient and the formulations used during treatment. In most cases, patients will see the preliminary results of the procedure right away. Those results can be dramatic, but they are only temporary. Patients will need to repeat the procedure every 6-18 months to maintain their positive new look. IS NON-SURGICAL RHINOPLASTY RIGHT FOR ME? While non-surgical rhinoplasty can be a good option for many patients, it is not the right choice for everyone. This procedure will not correct internal structural defects in the nose that can affect both appearance and function. Surgery may also be required to repair injuries or other defects that impact the look of the nose. Some patients find that after undergoing the non-surgical rhinoplasty for a period of time, they decide to move to surgery to achieve a permanent result.


There are many reasons to pursue rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery used to enhance the overall appearance of the nose. One of the reasons patients come to Dr. Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art is to correct the tip of the nose because they are unhappy with the shape. A square nose, also known as a “boxy tip” can create a wide tip that makes the nose look thicker and broader than many individuals like. This problem can be easily corrected with a rhinoplasty procedure specifically designed to narrow the nasal tip and create the triangular shape that is considered more attractive by most of our patients. View More Patients Results THE ANATOMY OF A SQUARE NOSE A square nose is a common problem among Caucasians, but may also be seen in patients of other ethnicities. You can tell if you have a square nose by looking at the underside of this feature, where the nostrils are visible. A triangular shape is what most people want, with a broader side between the nostrils and a narrower angle at the tip. With a square nose, the underside of the nose is rectangular, which makes the entire nose look wider. Some people mistakenly refer to this as a “bulbous” nose. However, unlike a bulbous nose, a square nose has the additional separation of the alar cartilages, which must also be corrected during surgery to achieve a natural result. While a square nose can be bulbous as well, not all noses have both characteristics. CORRECTION OF A SQUARE NOSE If you are looking for correction of a square nose, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon that is qualified in all types of rhinoplasty procedures. Dr. Mashhadian is experienced in correcting the square nose concern, offering a variety of techniques that can be tailored to the unique needs of each patient. In some cases, the procedure may involve less invasive surgery that focuses on the nasal tip, while other patients may need an open rhinoplasty technique to achieve the most dramatic correction and best results. Correction of a boxy tip is generally performed by altering the alar cartilage on either side of the lower portion of the nose. Cartilage is trimmed and brought together to form a more triangular shape and held in place with sutures. If necessary, a cartilage graft will be used to further enhance the shape of the nasal tip and overall profile of the nose. WHAT TO EXPECT Dr. Mashhadian performs most rhinoplasty procedures on an outpatient basis using either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. If he is able to use a closed technique, all incisions will be made inside the nasal cavities. If an open technique is necessary, a small incision will be made across the tissue that separates the nostrils on the underside of the nose. Visible scarring after this procedure will be minimal. Patients may go home with dressings and splints to hold the nose in place during the healing process. Bruising and swelling are common after rhinoplasty, but will subside on their own within a matter of weeks. Once the full results of your rhinoplasty are evident, they should be permanent.


Perhaps you have considered breast augmentation in the past but have put off the actual procedure because you are unsure what the process will be like. Unfortunately, this could make you miss out on the life-changing experience breast augmentation can be for many women. If you are not satisfied with the size or appearance of your breasts, Dr. Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art wants you to know what you can expect from the procedure to help you determine if a boob job is the right choice for you. GETTING STARTED The first step in the breast augmentation process is to schedule your 30-minute consultation with Dr. Mashhadian. During this meeting, you will discuss your specific concerns and your cosmetic goals. Dr. Mashhadian will also review your medical history and current health status to determine whether breast augmentation will be a safe and successful procedure for you. By the end of your consultation, you should feel comfortable with your choice of breast augmentation and prepared to move forward with the process. MAKING CHOICES There are a number of decisions you will need to make before you are ready to undergo breast augmentation. While these choices may seem overwhelming at first, keep in mind that they allow you to tailor your surgical procedure to your specific needs and desired results. Some of the decisions you and Dr. Mashhadian will work through together include: Implant type – saline or silicone Size and profile of implant Shape of implant – round or teardrop Placement of implant – over or under the chest muscle Incision placement – areola, breast crease, armpit or belly button These decisions will all be made prior to your procedure so you know precisely what to expect on the day of your surgery. PROCEDURE LOWDOWN Breast augmentation can be performed on an outpatient basis using general anesthesia or local with sedation. The entire procedure typically takes about one-and-a-half hours to complete. During the surgery, Dr. Mashhadian will make the incisions decided upon by the two of you and insert the implants into the breast tissue. If saline implants are used, they will be filled with a sterile saline solution once the shells or in place. Since silicone implants come pre-filled, they are simply placed into the breast tissue as is. After the implants are in place, Dr. Mashhadian will close the incisions using tiny sutures to minimize visible scarring afterward. If the incision was made in the belly button, there will not be any concern over scarring. You will remain in our recovery area for observation for a period of time before you are released to go home for your recovery. RECOVERY EXPECTATIONS You will receive a special surgical bra after your procedure, which will hold your breasts in place until they are fully healed from the procedure. Some bruising and swelling is normal after this surgery, but Dr. Mashhadian provides his patients with a speedy recovery supplement. This helps speed the healing time up to 50% allowing for faster recovery from bruising, swelling, and pain associated with surgeries. Most of our patients are back to the majority of their activities within about one week after their surgery.


Some women shy away from breast augmentation because they worry about the scarring that might be left behind after the procedure. The good news is that when women choose Dr. Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art for their breast surgery, they can choose a scar-free option known as transumbilical breast augmentation or TUBA. While this technique offers numerous benefits for patients, it is not performed by many cosmetic surgeons at this time. Dr. Mashhadian is one of the few in the Southern California region that offer this option. View More Patients Results WHAT IS TUBA? TUBA is breast augmentation that is performed through the navel, using special tools to place the implants from the incision into the breast pocket. Since the only incision is made through the belly button, there is no visible scarring after the procedure. Due to the small size of the incision and the tools used to place the implants, only saline implants are an option for TUBA. The implant shells are placed into the breast tissue and then filled with a sterile saline solution. BENEFITS OF TUBA There are a number of potential benefits TUBA offers patients over traditional methods of breast augmentation: No visible scarring on the breast or in the armpit after surgery Lower risk of sensation loss in the breast after surgery Greater likelihood breastfeeding will be possible after surgery Less disruption to breast tissue during the procedure Lower risk of infection due to distance between incision and implant Faster and more comfortable recovery for most patients ABOUT THE PROCEDURE TUBA is performed using a very small incision made inside the belly button. Through this incision, Dr. Mashhadian inserts a narrow instrument that will be guided from the navel to the breast tissue. A tissue expander is threaded through the instrument, which creates the pocket for the implant to be inserted. Once the implant is in place, it is filled with enough of the sterile solution to create the desired size. The instrument is then removed and the incision is closed using dissolvable stitches. ABOUT THE RECOVERY PROCESS Recovery from TUBA is often more comfortable than with other type of breast augmentation, due in part to the smaller incision used to perform the procedure. Patients are encouraged to rest for a number of days following surgery to allow for full healing to take place. You may be a bit sore around the abdominal area for a week or two – some patients liken it to the soreness experienced after a vigorous abdominal workout. Most patients are back to most of their regular activities within about one week. MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE In order to ensure a safe and successful TUBA procedure, it is important to select a surgeon experienced in this technique. Dr. Mashhadian sees patients from all over California and nationwide, due to his reputation as a leader in this procedure. It should also be noted that while TUBA offers a number of benefits, it is not the best choice for every patient. For example, patients who are set on getting silicone implants due to their more natural look and feel will need to consider other techniques for their augmentation surgery.


You invest time and money into your cosmetic surgery procedure, so you want those results to last as long as possible. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to keep your new look, whether your surgery involved facial rejuvenation or body contouring. Check out these tips from Rodeo Surgical Art to make the most of your positive results and maintain your youthful appearance for many years to come. SUN PROTECTION One of the best things you can do for your skin after any surgical procedure is protect it from the harmful UV rays of the sun. This exposure can quickly reverse any anti-aging benefits you may have received from your procedure, leading to skin laxity and the reappearance of facial wrinkles. In addition, sun exposure on incisions as they heal can affect how the scar will look well into the future. If you must be outside, wear a high-quality sunscreen at all times to prevent sun damage from occurring after your procedure. HEALTHY DIET You probably have heard, “You are what you eat,” and that is true for your skin, as well as your body. The more fresh foods you consume, the more nutrients the skin and body receive to keep them looking and feeling their best. In Beverly Hills, healthy eating is fast and easy, with these great juice bars to choose from: Pressed Juicery features a variety of fresh juices, as well as frozen treats and custom cleanses. Beverly Hills Juice has been serving up healthy juice blends and shots since 1975. Kreation Organic juices are made with certified organic ingredients from local farmers. In addition to fresh juicing, adhere to a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean dairy to maintain your post-operative glow. DAILY EXERCISE Exercise is another important component to keeping your positive cosmetic surgery results. Regular activity promotes healthy blood flow, which gets oxygen and nutrients to your treatment area and the rest of your body. One beneficial way to get the blood pumping is a Pilates workout at one of these Beverly Hills locations: Natural Pilates is one of the most private studios in the Los Angeles area with a fully equipped studio to meet all of your fitness needs. Bodyline Pilates and Fitness features both private and group sessions for every fitness level, as well as certification for those wanting to become Pilates instructors. Align Beverly Hills Pilates Studio combines East and West Coast Pilates philosophies for a well-rounded workout that focuses on both toning and alignment. Pilates is not the only way to get fit and maintain your cosmetic surgery results. Strength training, cardio workouts and yoga are also good options after your procedure. Make sure you wait to begin your program until Dr. Mashhadian determines you are fully healed and ready for that type of activity. QUALITY SKIN CARE In addition to the tips listed above, the use of quality skin care products at home will help to extend the results of any procedure. Medical-grade skin care tends to contain the best active ingredients at the highest concentration levels to reap the greatest benefits. Our staff would be happy to recommend products for you that will work with your specific skin type.


If you are unhappy with the appearance of a double chin, you are not alone. In fact, a survey from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery found that as many people are bothered by submental fullness under the jawline as they are about the formation of wrinkles. Today, there is an injectable treatment that can eliminate your double chin appearance without surgery. However, to get the full results of this procedure, there are a few basic facts you need to know.. THE KYBELLA SOLUTION Kybella is the latest weapon in the war against submental fat. This prescription medication is injected directly into the area of fat, using numerous needle points to create smooth, natural results. While the results take some time to develop fully, they can be both dramatic and permanent. Kybella is available at Rodeo Surgical Art for patients that want to achieve a more sculpted jawline without the worry over anesthesia or incisions. HOW IT WORKS The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a substance naturally found in the body that helps with the absorption of fat. When deoxycholic acid is injected directly in a deposit of focalized fat, it destroys the fat cells in the area so they can be eliminated by the natural excretions of the body. The elimination process takes some time, which means you won’t see the full results of your Kybella treatment for a number of weeks. ABOUT THE PROCEDURE Kybella treatments are usually performed using topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort during the procedure. You may receive anywhere from 10 to 50 injections per session, depending on the amount of submental fat you want to eliminate. While you can return to your activities right after the procedure, you may experience some swelling and soreness in the area for some days after. Ice packs and oral pain medication are usually sufficient for managing any discomfort. THE NEED FOR THREE One of the greatest benefits of Kybella is that you can begin to see positive results even after your very first treatment session. Unfortunately, the quick progress prevents some of our patients from reaping the full advantage of the procedure. If they see improvement after one or even two treatment sessions, they often don’t return for the third set of injections. However, it is this third session that produces the full results. The three treatment sessions should also be scheduled no less than one month apart to get the best possible results. Dr. Mashhadian will set your treatment program at your initial consultation, and it will be important to get to all of your appointments to enjoy the greatest value from your Kybella investment. SCHEDULE YOUR KYBELLA TREATMENT NOW Kybella will effectively eradicate submental fat, but the benefits are not immediate. Now is the time to schedule your consultation with Dr. Mashhadian to determine whether Kybella is the right choice for you. If it is, a commitment to your full treatment program will ensure the best possible outcome, with dramatic, permanent results to look forward to after your treatments are over.


When you decide to pursue cosmetic surgery, you cannot be too careful in choosing the right surgeon for the job. By selecting a physician with the proper training, credentials and expertise, you ensure your procedure will be both safe and successful. Here are three good reasons to choose Dr. Mashhadian for your aesthetic enhancement. BOARD QUALIFICATIONS The right credentials let you know that the cosmetic surgeon you choose is committed to the highest level of patient care and safety. As a diplomate of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Mashhadian enjoys a distinction not held by all surgeons in the field. This credential lets you know: Dr. Mashhadian has received training in all aspects of cosmetic surgery He has completed a fellowship consisting of 1-2 years in cosmetic surgery He has performed more than 300 cosmetic surgery procedures He is trained in non-surgical cosmetic procedures like injectables and skin rejuvenation In addition to his appointment as Diplomate, Dr. Mashhadian has also been appointed a board examiner for the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. WORK PHILOSOPHY Rodeo Surgical Art is a name that was specifically chosen by Dr. Mashhadian to highlight his commitment to both the highest level of surgical skill and his passion for art forms of all kinds. His background in painting, sculpting, ceramics and sketching has helped him develop a keen eye for the beauty of the human body. Each procedure he performs is done with the artistic sense he has nurtured since his childhood. Dr. Mashhadian believes that cosmetic surgery is a marriage of art and medicine, as an artistic eye helps him to create natural, beautiful results for all of his patients. With a focus on proportion, balance and harmony, Dr. Mashhadian can ensure the results of your procedure fit with the rest of your natural features and creates the precise enhancement you are looking for from your surgery. His skill and experience also give you peace of mind in knowing your procedure will be as safe as it is effective. PATIENT TESTIMONIALS In addition to looking at a surgeon’s credentials and philosophy, it is important to find out what other patients have said about the level of care and results they received from the doctor. In Dr. Mashhadian’s case, it is easy to see how patients have felt about their experience since many of the testimonials are posted right on the Rodeo Surgical Art website. You will find message after message from patients that felt they were well cared for and are happy with the results of their procedures. Handwritten notes, emails and video testimonials are available for patients of all ages that received a variety of surgical procedures. Whether you are considering breast augmentation, a facelift or nose reshaping surgery, you can hear from a former patient that had a similar procedure performed. You will also discover that many of Dr. Mashhadian’s patients return for additional procedures since they were so satisfied with their initial experience at Rodeo Surgical Art.


Nonsurgical treatment by way of injectables has become an attractive option for those who do not want to receive surgery or who desire subtle enhancement. Most injectables, however, work to fill in areas of the skin that have lost volume. Very few reduce unwanted features or destroy fat. Kybella is different. It’s a series of injections that work to eliminate submental fullness, commonly known as the double chin. Because you’re now able to reduce fat cells in a simple injection – without the need for surgery or downtime – the injection has begun taking the world by storm!   HOW DOES KYBELLA WORK? Kybella is composed of a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule in the body. The purpose of the acid is to break down and dispose of dietary fat. Usually, though, the amount of deoxycholic acid in the body is not enough to produce a substantial difference in fat distribution. Increasing the concentration of deoxycholic acid can, however, create a noticeable reduction in fat, which is precisely what Kybella does. In six easy injections, you can see your double chin decrease in size. Once the fat has been destroyed in your chin, it will not return. After six treatment sessions, spaced one month apart, you will have reached your treatment goal, and no further injections are necessary. Some patients may begin to notice their results after three or four injections, but it’s recommended that you carry out the entire procedure for optimal results. WOULD YOU BENEFIT FROM KYBELLA? If you are experiencing submental fullness, you likely have an excess amount of fat underneath your chin. A double chin can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance and may cause you to look older or overweight, even if you eat healthily and exercise. There are several ways to correct a double chin, including liposuction and facelift procedures, but receiving surgery is not always the desired option. If you are not interested in invasive techniques but want a slimmer facial contour, then Kybella may be right for you. Kybella’s nonsurgical results are especially beneficial for patients who lead active lifestyles and who don’t want to take time away from their daily routine for recovery. Because the symptoms for Kybella are minimal, there is no extensive downtime, making it an ideal option for those with busy schedules. A consultation with Dr. Mashhadian will help you learn more about Kybella and its intended purposes. From there, you can decide whether the injection would be beneficial for your unique case. You will find, after receiving treatment with Kybella, that you have more confidence on a day-to- day basis. Routine tasks become easier since you are no longer self-conscious about your profile. When you look good, you feel good, and Kybella can help you feel like the best version of yourself.


With plenty of effective non-surgical anti-aging treatments available today, you can keep that clock rolled back without anesthesia or incisions for an extended period. However, you are likely to get to a point when you realize those injections are no longer sufficient at eliminating all the aging symptoms you are starting to battle. This may be an indication it is time to move beyond those non-surgical treatments to a surgical facelift that will achieve the more dramatic results you are seeking. Rodeo Surgical Art has a few indicators to look for when you are trying to decide if the time is right for surgery. GOING DEEP Dermal fillers and neuromodulators like Botox are highly successful in smoothing away those pesky fine lines and wrinkles – at least in their early stages. The problem lies in the fact that those creases can continue to deepen, making it more challenging to eliminate them with injectable treatments alone. At this point, the best way to say goodbye to wrinkles may be to surgically remove them by repositioning underlying facial tissue and firming up the skin. These two goals are best achieved with a surgical facelift technique. RESULTS RING HOLLOW Wrinkles aren’t the only sign you are getting older. Some areas of the face like the temples, cheeks and under the eyes can take on a hollow look. This phenomenon is due to loss of collagen in the underlying skin structure that supports the dermal layers and gives skin its smooth, supple look. It is further exacerbated by the loosening of skin in the area, leading to sagging that magnifies the hollowing. Surgery may become the best approach for this hollowing by removing the extra skin and adding fullness to the facial contours. THE DROOPING BEGINS Gravity works with the natural aging process to draw skin and tissue down, creating a drooping that can make you look constantly worried, tired or even angry. This is particularly pronounced in the brow area and can even begin to interfere with your line of vision over time. A surgical brow lift raises the forehead area and the line of the eyebrows to create a refreshed look. A mid facelift can also address some of this drooping, particularly when it occurs underneath the eyes. THE SAGGING CONTINUES For a while, injections of dermal fillers were able to reduce the appearance of skin laxity that was beginning to lead to the formation of jowls along the jawline. However, a point will come when these injectable treatments will no longer have the desired effect because there is simply too much loose skin to address with dermal fillers alone. At this point, the only viable solution is likely a lower facelift with or without a neck lift, to restore the definition of the jawline and eliminate the dreaded jowls of old age. NO MORE TREATMENTS Even if your injectable treatments are continuing to have the desired effect, you may simply grow weary of scheduling regular procedures to maintain your positive results. Over time, these treatment sessions can begin to cost a significant amount of money in addition to your valuable time. At this point, you may decide to pursue more permanent results with a surgical procedure that only has to be performed one every 10 years or so.


The hands, like the face, can show the signs of aging must sooner than you would like. This is an area that is also vulnerable to frequent sun exposure, which tends to accelerate the aging process. Unfortunately, we don’t always think about protecting the hands from UV rays like we do other areas of exposed skin, leaving them prone to damage. Now, there is a way to rejuvenate the hands, restoring their youthful appearance. HOW THE HANDS AGE Like other areas of the skin, the hands are subject to depletion of an important protein known as collagen. Collagen works in the underlying dermal structure to support the skin and give it a smooth, supple look. As collagen levels decrease, a natural part of the aging process, skin becomes loose and thin. On the backs of the hands, this can lead to more prominent veins that give your hands the bony, aged appearance. While our bodies naturally produce less collagen over time, UV rays from the sun can speed up that process. That is one of the reasons why your hands, which have frequently been exposed to the sun, might look older than your friend’s hands that have been protected from the sun’s rays. Genetics, smoking and other factors can also play a role in how fast your hands age. INTRODUCING RADIESSE Radiesse is an injectable treatment designed to smooth away wrinkles on the face. When the solution is injected into the backs of the hands, it restores youthful volume to make prominent veins less noticeable. The result is smoother, more youthful hands in just a few minutes of treatment time. Radiesse contains calcium hydroxylapatite, a substance that naturally occurs in our teeth and bones. When injected into the dermal layers, the formulation immediately goes to work restoring volume in the treatment area. At the same time, Radiesse stimulates the body’s own production of collagen to produce natural results that last longer than other types of dermal fillers. THE TREATMENT PROCESS Injections of Radiesse are performed right in our office at Rodeo Surgical Art. You may ask for a topical numbing cream prior to injections if you are worried about your pain threshold during the procedure. Because the injections are administered using a very fine needle, many of our patients find the treatment is completely tolerable without any type of numbing beforehand. Dr. Mashhadian will place the injections into the back of the hand in strategic locations to create natural, even results. Most treatments take just a few minutes to complete and you will begin to see the results of your procedure right away. BACK IN ACTION Patients are able to return to their regular activities as soon as treatment is completed. There can be some mild bruising and swelling around the injection sites, particularly when Radiesse is used on the back of the hands where skin is very thin. Ice packs can help alleviate these side effects, which should subside on their own within a couple of weeks. The results of Radiesse appear right away and improve as the swelling and bruising disappear. The back of your hand will look smoother and more youthful, while the seemingly bulging veins will become less prominent. Patients enjoy the results of their Radiesse treatment for at least one year before a subsequent procedure is needed to maintain the positive new look.

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