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Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed today. This surgery involves the placement of implants into the breast tissue to create size, fullness and a more pleasing shape to the breasts. In addition to improving your appearance, breast augmentation can boost your confidence and your self-esteem. If you are thinking about breast enhancement, there are a few basic factors to consider when determining whether this procedure is right for you and the best time for scheduling your breast augmentation surgery. TIMING OF THE PROCEDURE Breast augmentation can be performed on women of nearly any age. Saline implants have been approved by the FDA in women age 18 and over, while silicone implants have been approved for use in women age 22 and over. This is a procedure that is frequently sought by younger adults, since it can benefit patients of all ages. You can have breast augmentation before you have children and there is a good chance you will still be able to breastfeed with your implants in place. However, if a family is in your near future, it is important to note that pregnancy and nursing can affect the results of your breast implant procedure. Some women choose to wait until after they have children to ensure the results of their breast augmentation are stable. Others move forward with augmentation surgery knowing there is a possibility they may want to undergo a revision procedure after they have had their children. SCHEDULING SURGERY Breast augmentation is generally performed on an outpatient basis and the recovery time is relatively short compared to other types of surgical procedures. However, there is a recovery period of one to two weeks after this procedure, which you will need to accommodate. It is important to prepare for that time so you can focus on your recovery without stress or worry over what you might be missing. Look for a time for your breast augmentation when it will be easy to take time off work and step out of other activities and obligations to give yourself ample time to heal. When you can make that time as restful as possible, your recovery will be much more pleasant and your results will be that much better. TIME OF THE YEAR If you are a beach babe that likes to spend time near the water in the summer, now is the perfect time to schedule your breast augmentation procedure. By undergoing surgery while the temperatures are cool, you will have plenty of time to heal from your procedure before the beach starts to beckon. With incisions safely placed inside your bra, you can flaunt your new bikini without worry that anyone will know you had plastic surgery performed. TAKE THE FIRST STEP If you are thinking now is a good time to move forward with breast augmentation, the next step is to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art. He will make a thorough assessment of your current health status, cosmetic concerns and desired results to determine whether augmentation will meet your needs best. He can also help you determine whether this is the best time for your procedure or whether it might be better to wait a bit to ensure the best possible results.


Injectable treatment is widely popular amongst those who do not want to receive surgery to look younger. The minimally invasive technique involves only the prick of a needle to receive natural facial rejuvenation. It’s not just women who desire injectables; men, too, want smoother skin and younger-looking features. Injectables can restore volume to the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles regardless of gender.   Although injectables are useful for almost any individual, some patients may have a preference over which injectable they receive. Much of the decision-making process comes from the area that requires treatment, which is different for men and women. When it comes to the injectables that men are seeking, there are a few different concerns that they want to address. At Rodeo Surgical Art, Dr. Mashhadian uses injectable treatment as a solution for several cosmetic issues. THE POWER OF BOTOX By now, nearly everyone has heard of Botox and what it’s capable of achieving. Cosmetically, Botox can reduce the appearance of forehead lines and crow’s feet along with several other areas where the skin has become prone to too much muscle exertion. Botox works by targeting particular facial muscles directly and blocking their ability to move. By temporarily preventing muscle contraction, facial wrinkles can no longer form. In a matter of weeks, you will notice your forehead lines and crow’s feet less and less, and with monthly re-treatment, you can maintain your smooth skin. Botox also has medical uses, depending on the particular condition you are facing. Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is just one issue that the injectable is FDA-approved to treat. Whether you are working out or socializing with friends, sweating through your clothing is never fun. Additionally, the body odor you accumulate as a result can make you feel self-conscious. When injected into the underarms, Botox can block the neurotransmitters in your body signaling your sweat glands to perspire. When your sweat glands don’t receive proper communication, then your t-shirts can remain dry. After a few weeks of having Botox injected, you will notice a significant reduction in sweat. REDUCE FAT WITH EASE Along with cosmetic issues that your body produces, localized fat can also pose a problem, especially as you get older. Fat becomes harder to get rid of as you continue to age. Diet and exercise are not always effective for stubborn pockets of fat around your face and body. It is possible, however, to treat fatty bulges through nonsurgical injectable treatment. Kybella is specifically designed to dissolve the fat creating a double chin. Known as submental fullness, the double chin is particularly difficult to treat. Before Kybella, many patients would resort to liposuction to eliminate fat. Although liposuction is an effective treatment option, its invasive techniques would often deter most patients. Kybella, on the other hand, involves no incisions and includes only six injections that reduce fat in the submental region. Kybella is comprised of a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body that is responsible for metabolizing fat cells. In a higher concentration, deoxycholic acid can significantly eliminate the fat around the chin. Over a period of several weeks, you will notice an improvement in your profile, which will help you appear slimmer and younger.


Deciding that you want to receive breast implants is one thing, but it’s something else entirely to consider the many options that can help you customize your procedure. Between the placement of your implants, their size and shape and the material they are made out of, there is much to think about when it comes to your new breasts. The best way to learn about your options for breast augmentation is to schedule a consultation at Rodeo Surgical Art. Together, you and Dr. Mashhadian can discuss your options and create a treatment plan that coincides with the cosmetic goals you have in mind. Before coming in for a consultation, it’s helpful to perform some research of your own and learn more about the variations in breast augmentation technique. The better you understand the procedure, the more capable you will be of making important breast augmentation decisions. View More Patients Results CHOOSING THE RIGHT PLACEMENT Your surgeon can place implants in one of two ways: either underneath or on top of the pectoralis muscle in your chest. The placement that you and your surgeon choose will depend on your particular expectations for surgery as well as your long and short-term cosmetic goals. If you have plans to breastfeed in the future or are more athletically built, then seriously considering the placement of your implants will be beneficial. Regardless of the placement you decide upon, the goal is for your implants to look completely natural. THE BEST INCISION FOR YOU Similarly, there are several techniques for creating an incision for breast implants. Your surgeon can make an incision either underneath the breast fold, around the areola or within the underarm. As with the placement of your implants, the incision you receive has a lot to do with your expectations for surgery as well as the size and material of the implants you choose. All are made with the intention to reduce the visibility of scarring once you recover fully. DECIDING BETWEEN SALINE AND SILICONE Understanding the difference between implant materials will help you choose how you want your results to look and feel once they heal. Saline and silicone gel implants both produce natural and beautiful results, but you may choose one over the other based on your budget and aesthetic desires. Implants filled with saline solution can feel more like natural breasts to some patients and are less expensive than their silicone counterparts. Silicone gel implants are more cohesive and tend to take on the natural shape of your breast. The best way to choose between materials is to feel and try on different implants. Doing so will give you a better idea of what your results will look like. WHAT’S THE RIGHT CUP SIZE? Of course, you want your breasts to be larger, but you still need to decide on the exact cup size you would like to achieve. The size of your implants will depend on the amount of tissue you have available on your breasts as well as the current proportions of your body. To ensure that your results look natural, it’s important for you and your surgeon to choose an implant size that complements your natural features. The material that you pick for your implants will also determine how large you can go.


The summer months are the perfect motivation to undergo cosmetic surgery, as outdoor events tend to call for lighter clothing. So when you’re uncomfortable in your own skin, you may begin to compare yourself to others and even skip out on social situations entirely. One of the most common areas that our patients wish to see addressed is the abdomen. Whether through aging, weight fluctuation or childbearing, the stomach muscles begin to weaken—leaving saggy skin in its place. When this happens, you may consider a tummy tuck to help tighten the lost structure and improve the overall contours of your body. This procedure offers many advantages to appearance, but there is usually one defining factor that seems to have patients on the fence: cost. View More Patients Results ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES So how much does it really cost? The short answer is that it depends. Also referred to as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is ideal for those with excess abdominal fat or stretched out muscles. But just as your individual concerns are unique to you, so too are the costs associated with them. When in the care of Dr. Mashhadian, no two tummy tuck procedures are performed the same way. Some patients may need only minor adjustments, while others may require a more dramatic transformation. Other factors that will affect the overall price of the procedure include: Choice of IV sedation or anesthesia Shape and length of incision Garments for post-operative care Prescription medications When you come in for your first visit, it’s important to have a discussion with your surgeon to determine which expenses are part of your quote. Dr. Mashhadian and the entire team will gladly take the time necessary to thoroughly explain the procedure, aftercare and all the costs associated with your tummy tuck. AFFORDABLE OPTIONS Since abdominoplasty is generally not a procedure that is covered by insurance companies, most plastic surgeons will offer payment options. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we understand that surgical costs can be spendy and we don’t want that to alter your decision. We believe that feeling confident with your body is an important part of overall happiness, so we offer a variety of ways to help get you that much-desired tummy tuck. Not only do we accept most major credit cards, but we also accept CareCredit—which is a credit card with no interest rate, if paid off in a certain amount of time. You can go apply for the card yourself by going to the CareCredit website, or come into the office and we can help you get set up. To ensure that your tummy tuck is made affordable to you, we also offer patient financing through Prosper Healthcare Lending. Through low monthly payments, you can finally achieve the flatter, more toned tummy that you have been waiting for.


At Rodeo Surgical Art, we understand that every transformation is unique. The ideal solution for one patient might not be the best answer for the next. This is particularly true when it comes to combining injectables. A variety of nonsurgical techniques can be merged to rejuvenate, brighten and reveal the singularity of your own expression. Every remedy is distinctly personal since the treatment can be tailored to the contours of an individual face. Aging is universal; we all experience it, whether it is the wrinkles creeping into the corners around the eyes, the dark spots appearing on the skin or the loss of vitality. The good news is that each day, experts are coming to better understand the science of the aging face and this has opened new possibilities for prevention through non-invasive treatments. Using one medicine to reduce wrinkles and another to restore the fullness in the lips can be the prime solution for creating the ideal look. Dr. David Mashhadian works closely with each patient to create exceptional results. Not one solution is the same when finding the perfect fit. THE BEAUTY OF VARIETY Below are just a few of the options that you can pick and choose from at Rodeo Surgical Art: Botox is a prescription medicine which can lift the brows and erase the lines of aging around the neck, forehead and mouth. Restylane is a filler which provides volume restoration through the replacement of lost collagen. It can be used to even the creases of the face and to give the lips a fresh plumpness. Radiesse is a unique volumizing filler which works to stimulate your body’s natural collagen-making capacity for exceptionally long-term results. Dysport is an injectable treatment that lessens unwanted frown lines with neurotoxin botulinum toxin type A. The prescription is low in protein and the results are a soft, even and younger-looking appearance. Juvederm is an injectable filler that provides a natural look, immediately returning vitality to the face in areas where there has been a significant loss of volume and collagen. Perlane consists of hyaluronic acid which helps maintain the skin’s elasticity. The treatment can smooth away some of most severe lines or creases of age while creating fresh and defined contours in the face. These simple treatments use a vast range of the latest anti-aging technologies. They can also be easily combined with other treatments such as laser or radiofrequency resurfacing, or a host of alternative skin enhancements. Not only are these less invasive options usually more cost-effective than surgery, they also allow more flexibility for continued alterations in the future.


Medical advances are always being made at Rodeo Surgical Art and with each new advance, new options are available to you. This is especially true when it comes to breast augmentation. Apart from the priority of your safety, there is not any one path for a procedure, but each surgery can be tailored to the specific needs and wishes of the patient. If you are considering breast augmentation, it can be helpful to understand your options for incision placement. Although each choice is safe, different aesthetics can be realized according to your decision. View More Patients Results TRANSUMBILICAL One of the latest and most exciting developments in breast augmentation is the transumbilical incision, also known as TUBA. The incision is made through the inside edge of the belly button. Empty implants are inserted, moved to the breast where they can be put into position and then inflated. The obvious benefit of this method is that the scar is hidden within the belly button. It also requires less time under anesthesia and can usually be done in 30-45 minutes. Disadvantages can arise if there are complications with positioning or if adjustments need to be made later. The TUBA scar cannot be reopened so any future alterations would require an additional surgery. TRANSAXILLARY Transaxillary is another option available through an incision made in the armpit. Again, this possibility avoids any scarring whatsoever on the breast. The skin creases around the armpit often naturally hide any sign of a surgery. Although endoscopic technology provides very precise control from this position, further surgery to remove scar tissue can be problematic from this approach. INFRAMAMMARY Inframammary is one of the most directly visible incisions, but many women will find that the scar is easily hidden beneath the fold of the breast. The position offers exceptional precision for the placement of silicone gel implants and the incision is easily accessible for additional surgeries. PERIAREOLAR Finally, there is the periareolar approach. By following the lower curve of the nipple, an incision is made and a pocket is created within the breast. Through such direct positioning, the implant can be easily and precisely slipped into place. The color of the nipple will often hide the scar and the incision can be conveniently reopened for necessary alterations in the future. THE DETAILS OF SUCCESS Dr. David Mashhadian understands that success is always in the details. This is what motivates him to approach every surgery with complete accuracy and utmost care. He is aware that making any change to your body is an incredibly personal and important decision. For this reason, he is always available before and after a procedure to answer questions and concerns, and ensure your satisfaction.


By now, you have probably heard of Kybella — the nonsurgical injectable treatment designed to reduce submental fullness, or what is known commonly as the double chin. What you may not know is whether the injection is right for you. Dr. Mashhadian most commonly offers Kybella as an alternative to liposuction or a neck lift but he also uses it to treat the bra-roll, arms, legs and abdomen as we have seen excellent results on those areas. It’s an ideal treatment for those who desire a minimally invasive procedure that requires very little downtime. If you’re curious about Kybella and are wondering what your individual treatment will be like, it’s best to schedule an appointment at Rodeo Surgical Art, but in the meantime, you can learn more about what you can expect, here. YOUR INITIAL APPOINTMENT Before beginning your treatment with Kybella, you need to find out whether the injectable is right for you. If you exhibit fat under your chin that makes you feel overweight or self-conscious about your appearance, then Kybella can help. Kybella is also useful if you have tried to reduce the volume under your chin with diet and exercise but fail to see the results you want. When stubborn fat refuses to disappear, then cosmetic enhancement may be able to provide a solution. During your initial consultation, Dr. Mashhadian will examine the skin underneath your chin as it relates to the contours of your face, and he will determine whether Kybella will provide you with the most promising results. ADMINISTERING YOUR INJECTIONS Kybella is composed of synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is a natural molecule present in the body that aids in the degradation of fat. Essentially, Kybella injections increase the concentration of deoxycholic acid in the chin, activating the molecules and destroying unwanted fat for good. You will receive six injections total to reduce your submental fullness. The injections are small, relatively painless and should take no longer than 15 to 20 minutes to administer. POST-TREATMENT CARE Kybella treatment involves very few side effects, especially when compared to the downtime associated with surgical procedures; however, it is possible for you to experience some swelling and bruising around the injection site as well as slight numbness. Side effects are temporary and should subside within a couple of days. If you experience anything other than the mild discomforts that Dr. Mashhadian describes, you should contact Rodeo Surgical Art right away. FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS The number of Kybella injections that you receive depends on your unique case, and Dr. Mashhadian can determine the precise amount of treatment sessions during your initial consultation. At most, you will receive six injections spaced one month apart. Although you may start to see results after two or three doses, it’s recommended that you carry out the entire treatment duration. When you’ve received all of your injections, the fat under your chin will be permanently destroyed, meaning that it will not return and further treatment is not necessary. Of course, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent additional weight gain, but you can expect your results from Kybella to last indefinitely.


A full backside is a coveted feature today, but not every woman is naturally blessed with the curves she wants. Fortunately, there are ways to accentuate the derriere to produce the body contour you desire with natural, long-lasting results. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we see patients daily who are interested in buttock augmentation. That is why we offer different techniques to ensure all our patients can achieve the curvaceous figure they want, including the Brazilian Butt Lift and non-surgical gluteal augmentation. If you are interested in filling out your backside, check out these choices in buttock enhancement at Rodeo Surgical Art. FAT GRAFTING FOR BUTTOCK AUGMENTATION Have you ever thought about how exceptional it would be if you could take unwanted fat from one area of the body and add it to another area where you would like to up the volume impact? Now you can, thanks to advances in fat grafting techniques that have led to a procedure known as the Brazilian Butt Lift. This process begins by using liposuction to remove stubborn fat from one area of the body like the abdomen and hips, creating a sleeker contour. Liposuction is performed using tiny incisions that allow for entry of a narrow tube called a cannula into the fat pocket. The cannula loosens the fat and suctions it away, preserving the fat cells for the second step of this procedure. The removed fat can then be purified and prepared for injection into other areas in need of augmentation, such as the buttocks. Numerous injections are placed strategically into the buttocks to ensure a smooth, even and natural result. Dr. Mashhadian is highly skilled in fat transfer techniques so you can rest assured you will obtain the best possible outcome from your treatment. PROS AND CONS OF FAT GRAFTING There are many advantages of this method of buttock augmentation, including: Ability to contour one area of the body while augmenting another Fat is a natural substance, and taken from your own body there are no worries over rejection or allergic reactions Augmentation by injection means no incisions needed and no visible scarring afterward The fat cells that “take” in the treatment area should provide long-lasting results Recovery time is shorter than more invasive surgical procedures Despite the many benefits, there are a few drawbacks to fat transfer as well: Requires sufficient fat in one area of the body to be able to transfer to the buttocks Liposuction is a type of surgery that requires anesthesia and a recovery process Patients must remain off their buttocks for a few weeks to allow the fat time to “take” The body will absorb some of the injected fat, altering the results If you are considering fat grafting for your buttock enhancement, Dr. Mashhadian will go through the benefits and disadvantages with you to determine whether this will be the best procedure for you. NON-SURGICAL GLUTEAL AUGMENTATION While fat transfer is an effective method of buttock enhancement for many of our patients, we now offer an alternative procedure that can produce similar results without the need for the liposuction step. Instead of using the patient’s fat, this treatment involves injections of a long-lasting dermal filler called Sculptra. Although the results are not permanent, they can last for many years, giving patients a non-surgical option in buttock augmentation that does not require anesthesia, incisions or downtime. Dermal fillers like Sculptra are proven anti-wrinkle treatments, smoothing away those telltale lines and wrinkles from the inside out. However, some of these formulations are designed to do much more than merely reduce wrinkles. Sculptra is used to restore youthful volume, with results that last for years, rather than months. Now, Sculptra has been proven to be an effective method of buttock augmentation, offering subtle, gradual effects that last as long as two years. The procedure is completely non-surgical, requires almost no downtime, and produces significant improvement in the backside. Sculptra is a unique type of filler that contains Poly-L-lactic acid, a substance that is known to promote the body’s production of collagen. Collagen is abundant in the body during the younger years, providing the support the dermal structure needs to maintain a soft, supple complexion. Over time, the body makes less collagen, which leads to skin laxity and the appearance of facial wrinkles. Lack of collagen in the buttocks can result in a flat, unshapely backside. By injecting Sculptra into the buttocks, the stimulation of additional collagen production can produce fullness and curves to the area over time. The procedure does not require anesthesia or incisions, and the results become apparent soon after the treatment session. PROS AND CONS OF SCULPTRA The advantages of choosing Sculptra injections for your buttock augmentation include: Non-surgical procedure leaves no visible scarring behind There is no anesthesia or downtime associated with Sculptra injections You will see the results of your procedure within weeks after your treatment Positive results will last up to two years before additional injections are necessary The treatment can be customized to your specifications, injecting just enough Sculptra to produce the desired results Excellent choice for patients that do not have sufficient fat to transfer Like other cosmetic procedures, there are some disadvantages associated with Sculptra as well: The results are not permanent, so you will need to repeat your treatment to maintain your enhanced appearance Sculptra is limited on how much augmentation it can produce, so your results are likely to be subtle Because cost is based on the amount of Sculptra injected, this procedure may prove to be costlier than fat transfer Dr. Mashhadian will listen carefully to your aesthetic goals to determine which of these procedures will produce the best results for you. Rest assured he has extensive experience in both approaches, so your procedure will be as safe and successful as possible. He will also provide you will all the information necessary to know what to expect from your treatment and your results.

How to Get an Hourglass Figure

Having the perfect figure used to be about specific measurements: 36-24-36. The bust and hips would measure 36 inches and the waist would be 24 inches. Today, an hourglass figure is not so much about precise measurements as it is about proportion, and getting a look that fits with your aesthetic goals and lifestyle. If you desire a more stunningly curvaceous figure, there are a variety of cosmetic procedures that can be used alone or together to help you achieve your goals; such as a tummy tuck, body lift, buttock lift, breast augmentation and fat transfer. Fat transfer is becoming more popular in contouring an hourglass figure because it is less invasive than other procedures, uses fat from your own body, and creates a natural look. Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art is the best way to determine how you can achieve an hourglass figure; however, it is also important to understand how fat transfer can transform your body and give you the curves you desire. WHAT IS FAT TRANSFER? Ever wished you could send fat from where it’s less wanted, to where it could make a significant impact on enhancing the way you look? Now you can, with fat transfer. Fat transfer is a process where fat is extracted from one part of the body (donor site), purified, then injected into another part of the body (treatment area), slimming and narrowing one area of the body while volumizing and shaping another. Using fat transfer to achieve an hourglass figure involves removing fat from areas where you don’t want it, like the abdomen, flanks (sides) or thighs, and injecting the fat cells into the buttocks, hips or breasts. This two-in-one process helps trim you down where you want to look slimmer, and gives you curves where you desire them. The result: a beautiful, classically curved figure tailored exactly to you. THE BENEFITS OF USING FAT TRANSFER TO ACHIEVE AN HOURGLASS FIGURE When trying to achieve an hourglass figure, fat transfer is less invasive than other cosmetic procedures or implants. Fat transfer removes unwanted stubborn fat from trouble areas, and redistributes it to parts of the body that need added volume and contouring. Small injections are used instead of incisions, which means less chance of infection, complications or scarring, as well as less downtime. The injections are placed strategically and meticulously, allowing Dr. Mashhadian to precisely contour your figure to meet your aesthetic goals. Because fat transfer uses your own fat cells to reshape your body, there is less chance of an allergic reaction or rejection. In addition, the fat harvested from your body is all natural and therefore it looks and feels more real than artificial implants. THE FAT TRANSFER PROCEDURE Fat transfer can be performed with “twilight sedation” (which means you are not unconscious, but are instead in a completely relaxed and pain-free state and will not remember the procedure) or general anesthesia. Two sites will be prepped for surgery: the donor site where fat is extracted, and the treatment area where fat will be injected. Once you are sedated and both sites are ready, the procedure will begin with liposuction at the donor site. Liposuction serves a dual purpose—it providing targeted slimming and sculpting at the donor site, and harvests the fat cells that will be used to volumize your chosen treatment area. A small tube, or cannula, will be inserted into the donor area to extract the fat. Once the fat cells are extracted, they are put through a purification process and separated from any additional liquid and tissue that may have been removed during liposuction. Dr. Mashhadian will then inject your purified fat cells carefully and precisely into your desired treatment area, whether your hips, buttocks or breasts, thereby creating the shape you’re after. The entire fat transfer procedure takes approximately two hours. If additional cosmetic procedures are performed in conjunction with fat transfer, additional time may be required. RECOVERY EXPECTATIONS AND RESULTS Immediately following surgery, and for the next week, you can expect some redness, swelling, bruising and discomfort at both the donor and injection site. Small scabs may develop where the cannula was inserted for liposuction as well as where fat cells were injected. These are all normal, and will resolve on their own, but in the meantime, cold compresses and oral pain medications can ease your discomfort. Dr. Mashhadian will advise you about what pain medications to take, as some medications, such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen, can cause increased bleeding. In addition, Dr. Mashhadian will send home detailed post-op instructions. Follow them carefully and plan to take it easy for the next month. Because fat cells can die if they do not receive sufficient blood flow, it is very important to keep pressure off the treatment site in the weeks immediately following surgery. Do not exercise or exert yourself. Depending on where the treatment site is, Dr. Mashhadian will provide you with information on what you need to do to ensure the transferred fat is able to survive. For example, if fat transfer is done to the buttock, you will need to sleep on your stomach. Most patients can return to their job and other daily activities after about a week or two, but exercise and more intense activities should be avoided for at least six to eight weeks. Between two and three months post-surgery, the fat transfer should be established, and you will be able to see the full results of your brand new figure. Your final results are considered permanent, but this will depend on you – maintaining a stable, healthy weight is key to ensuring that you keep your new curves intact. WHAT ARE THE DOWNSIDES OF FAT TRANSFER? There are downsides to any procedure or surgery. The most significant drawback to fat transfer is fat reabsorption. It can take up to four days for blood vessels to reach the newly transferred fat. Because of this, as much as 60 percent of the transferred fat can potentially be reabsorbed within those first four days following …

How to Get an Hourglass Figure Read More »


Standard rhinoplasty techniques primarily dealt with Caucasian bone and facial structures until a scant few years ago. For this reasons, there’s an increasing demand for experienced ethnic rhinoplasty surgeons, who have the skills and know-how of advanced surgical techniques to work with variations in facial structure and still provide the outstanding results that patients are after. Dr. David Mashhadian is a Diplomate of American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, a credential that comes with extensive experience and training in rhinoplasty, delivering excellent results to all patients while helping them to gain an aesthetically pleasing balance to their unique facial features. Gaining a general understanding of what goes into ethnic rhinoplasty can help you determine whether nose reshaping surgery is right for you. View More Patients Results TRADITIONAL RHINOPLASTY VS. ETHNIC RHINOPLASTY: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? As one of the five most popular plastic surgery procedures, rhinoplasty makes it possible to modify the nose’s characteristics to achieve a more aesthetic effect in terms of facial symmetry and overall beauty. Rhinoplasty entails sculpting the bone and cartilage to create the look the patient desires. Nose reshaping surgery can also help correct structural defects as well as defects that cause breathing problems. More specific applications for rhinoplasty include: Adjusting the size of the nostrils Altering the profile of the nose Straightening the septum to allow for improved breathing Altering the tip of the nose for an enhanced shape and contour Straightening a crooked nose ETHNIC RHINOPLASTY While ethnic rhinoplasty works towards the same ends as traditional nose surgery, differences in facial structure between people of European, African, Asian, Hispanic and Native American descent require specialized techniques that take these structural differences into account. Each ethnicity not only possesses different bone structures but also varied skin textures. Likewise, differences in ethnicity can also influence what each person perceives as aesthetically pleasing, so what is as attractive to one person may not be seen in the same way by another. Ethnic rhinoplasty uses many of the same techniques as the traditional approach but must also work with the different bone structures that characterize individuals of different ethnicities. For example, patients of Asian descent tend towards smaller nose structures with a less defined tip than the Caucasian nose. The overall bone structure of the face is also different. As an ethnic rhinoplasty specialist, Dr. Mashhadian takes the patient’s desired outcome into account while balancing the reshaping effect to blend with the natural features of the face. SPECIALIZED TECHNIQUES USED IN ETHNIC RHINOPLASTY The techniques used in ethnic rhinoplasty require advanced surgical training that specifically addresses the variations in the facial structure for different races to enhance overall facial balance and symmetry. Techniques often used in ethnic rhinoplasty procedures include: Sculpting bone and cartilage to lengthen, straighten or reduce the width of the nose Using cartilage grafts to remodel the structure of the nose Using artificial implants to add definition to the bridge of the nose Refining and lengthening the tip of the nose Other factors taken into consideration include skin texture and pigmentation. For example, people of African descent tend to have thicker skin tissue which inevitably adds to the size and contour of the nose. This characteristic must be accounted for or skin regrowth during the healing process will alter the intended result. Likewise, this particular skin type is also prone to hyperpigmentation and scarring so that new skin may grow in darker than the rest of the face. Dr. Mashhadian has the level of training and experience needed to take these factors into account during the planning stages and produce the outcome you expect, with minimal scarring. WHO’S A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR ETHNIC RHINOPLASTY? If you’re unhappy with one or more features of your nose and have an idea of the changes you’d like to see, you may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty. While specific features, such as a flat bridge or a dorsal hump may characterize particular ethnicities, the result of nose reshaping surgery works to enhance your natural features, so they blend with the rest of your face. Other features of the nose that can be modified include: A wide nose base A drooping nose tip A retracted columella, which is the area of the nose between the nostrils Large nostrils A wide or flat nose bridge The best way to determine if ethnic rhinoplasty is right for you is to schedule a one-on-one consult with Dr. Mashhadian. A consultation offers the perfect opportunity to discuss the changes you’d like to see and go over all available options for accomplishing these ends. Bringing a picture that shows how you want your nose to look provides the doctor with a good starting point. At the same time, Dr. Mashhadian can show you before and after pictures of other patients to give you a sampling of the type of results he delivers. GET THE RESULTS YOU EXPECT – GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT Dr. Mashhadian, a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon and founder of Rodeo Surgical Art, combines his training and experience as a plastic surgeon with a lifelong passion for art. The name of our cosmetic surgery office reflects these two themes in Dr. Mashhadian’s work. The doctor’s ability to deliver outstanding results derives from an appreciation of natural beauty as portrayed within the balance and symmetry of the face.

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