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What’s the Recovery Time for a Breast Reduction?

While society may appreciate larger breasts, if they’re disproportionate to a woman’s stature, they can cause significant physical distress. This distress can include chronic back, shoulder, and neck pain, migraines, bra strap grooves dug into the shoulders, and skin irritation/rash. If your breasts bring you discomfort and pain, a breast reduction at Rodeo Surgical Art could be the answer to this problem. View More Patients Results How is a Breast Reduction Performed? Breast reductions have come a long way in both advancements and patient outcomes, and none are better than those performed by Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art. In some cases, a reduction deemed medically necessary may be covered by insurance. Breast reductions are performed in our state-of-the-art facilities under general anesthesia and begin with the incision that best suits the type of breast reduction you’re having. One type is the vertical, or “lollipop” reduction and involves incisions around the areola and vertically from the bottom of the areola to the inframammary fold, which is the crease beneath the breast. This allows for the removal of the excess breast and fatty tissue and reshaping of the breast internally. Another type is the anchor incision reduction, where incisions encircle the areola and go down to the inframammary fold vertically, and some skin is removed, creating a keyhole shape. A third incision is made along the underside of the inframammary fold to create room for more intensive fat and breast tissue removal. Once the tissue is removed, the incisions are brought together for breast reshaping, nipple and areola repositioning, and closure. An alternative to traditional techniques is scarless breast reduction. For individuals with less breast relaxation who elect to have limited reduction, this uses a liposuction technique. This minimizes complications and results in a smooth recovery with fewer wounds to require healing. Am I a Good Candidate? If you’re embarrassed and uncomfortable with your large breasts, wish you could wear more form-fitting clothes, and want to reduce discomfort, a consultation with Dr. Mashhadian can determine if you’re an ideal candidate. What is Recovery Like? Your reduction is performed at Rodeo Surgical Art’s state-of-the-art facilities, and with a loved one’s help, you’ll be able to return home the same day. There will be bandages on your chest, and drains may be necessary to minimize fluid retention. A compression device or surgical bra may also be necessary. A standard recovery period for breast reduction is 1-2 weeks with limited physical activity and range of motion for your arms. You may resume moderate exercise after 4 – 6 weeks. For 15 years, Dr. Mashhadian has developed and perfected the Recovery EXL™ proprietary system, which begins with advanced procedural techniques designed to reduce pain and recovery times. In fact, many patients require no pain medication at all and experience immediate mobility with much faster recovery times. Don’t let the fear of pain and discomfort keep you from taking back your confidence and improving your physical silhouette. You don’t have to live with overly large breasts anymore. The Rodeo Surgical Art Team and Dr. Mashhadian provide our patients with the highest standard of care, and we’re with you every step of the way through your recovery. Many reduction patients say their procedure was the best thing they’ve ever done for themselves. Our cutting edge approach to cosmetic rejuvenation allows us to give you the shape and confidence you should have had all along. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person Breast Reduction consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

What’s the Best Treatment for Skin Tightening?

One of the first casualties of aging is collagen, the skin’s most prolific protein, and structural support. As we grow older, our collagen production slows, and our existing collagen wears out. This results in wrinkles and lax or sagging skin and other unwanted effects. Cosmetic rejuvenation advancements mean Rodeo Surgical Art can help you ward off the signs of aging without invasive procedures. How Does Ultherapy® Work? Ultherapy® is one such advancement, taking well-understood ultrasound technology—which has been used in medicine for over 50 years—to a whole new level. Dr. David Mashhadian uses Ultherapy® to tighten skin without the need for full cosmetic procedures like the facelift. It all starts with collagen. Ultherapy® is the only non-invasive FDA-approved treatment for signs of aging such as lines and wrinkles, texture and tone concerns, and folds from loose skin. Using ultrasound energy, Dr. Mashhadian can see areas in the lower dermis where collagen breakdown is at its worst. Highly-controlled ultrasound energy is delivered to lax skin tissues to raise the temperature of the underlying skin layers, rebooting your system’s natural collagen production. Over time, your collagen levels increase, and your skin restores its natural elasticity and support as well as tone and texture. Ultherapy® is often more effective than laser treatments because it penetrates farther into the skin’s structure, and Dr. Mashhadian is able to see which specific areas require intervention. If you have wrinkles, sagging skin, deepening folds around your nose and mouth, or even loose skin on your face, neck, or décolletage, Ultherapy® can restore collagen support to these tissues, tightening your skin for a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Am I a Good Candidate? You know your skin best, so if you believe you could benefit from tighter skin and improved collagen production, you may be an ideal candidate. Ultrasound is one of the safest technologies in all of medicine, so few people are disqualified. Schedule a consultation at Rodeo Surgical Art to learn more information. What is Treatment Like? An Ultherapy® session is fast, taking only around an hour, depending on how many areas are treated, but the results of that hour pack a punch. Your treatment begins with a thorough cleanse so there is no surface debris to interfere with the ultrasound energy. Just like with ultrasound for medical testing, a gel is applied to the skin to facilitate the Ultherapy® wand’s movements. Dr. Mashhadian will identify the areas which can be most helped by the treatment to deliver the appropriate level of ultrasound energy for maximum effectiveness. Patients report immediately experiencing tightening results after having Ultherapy®. What Results Can I Expect? While some patients feel immediate effects from the treatment, collagen gradually accelerates as the production centers repair the skin over time. Peak results are more commonly visible between 2-3 months following treatment. Your results with Ultherapy® are long-lasting because collagen production is reset within the deepest layers of the skin for better-quality collagen that supersedes what shallower treatments can produce. Your overall health can help maintain your results, as will consistent application of sunscreen before sun exposure. Not all treatments at Rodeo Surgical Arts are invasive, and Ultherapy® is one such treatment that comes with big results without a lot of intervention. Many patients need only one session to see a lasting improvement to skin laxity and other signs of aging. Take control of your appearance and vitality with Ultherapy® today. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation To schedule your in-person Ultherapy® consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

Silicone VS Saline Implants: Which is Best?

Women undergo breast augmentation for many reasons, including to correct asymmetry, replace volume loss after breastfeeding or weight loss, increase the size of small breasts, or to change breast shape. Whatever your reasons, you may ask which is better, silicone or saline implants. Rodeo Surgical Art has your answer. View More Patients Results Silicone or Saline: What’s the Difference? Both silicone or saline breast implants augment a woman’s breast shape and/or size. The procedure itself involves placing the implants behind the breast, or subglandular region, or behind the chest muscle, or submuscular placement. Whether or not to have silicone or saline implants depends on various factors, not the least of which is the patient’s choice for what works best for them. Implants come in a range of base widths, projection size, and fill volumes to account for the different shapes and silhouettes a patient desires most. The shell of all implants is made of silicone with either a smooth or textured surface. Smooth implants roll subtly in the breast pocket, which mimics natural breast movement. Textured implants encourage the soft tissues to adhere to their surface, holding the implant to keep it from shifting out of place. The best match is something you discuss in-depth with Dr. David Mashhadian to ensure the final result is everything you hope it will be. Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater. During your procedure, the shell is inserted and then filled to the desired volume. Saline’s movement is not as natural as existing breast tissue, so the sensation may take some getting used to, and if your skin is very thin, there’s a chance the folds of the implant may be seen or felt from the outside. This is known as “rippling” or “wrinkling,” and the volume of the solution may help minimize this. In the event of a rupture, your body will absorb the saline without significant risk to your health. Saline implants may also be adjustable following recovery via a remote injection port to fine-tune the volume of the implant. Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. Thicker than saline, silicone moves differently within its shell, creating a more natural look that feels more like breast tissue. Silicone gel implants have come a long way since the late 1960s with advancements in how the silicone molecules are cross-linked. Softer, thinner gels are more malleable because their links are fewer and farther between. These are typical of routine augmentations. Stiffer, thicker gels with more cross-links closer together are often used in the post-mastectomy reconstruction. For those who’ve had implant replacements due to rippling or wrinkling, an intermediate thickness is also available. A ruptured silicone implant does not necessarily mean health risks, but it may cause pain, thickening, or changes in breast shape and size. Am I a Good Candidate? Only you can decide if breast augmentation is right for you. A comprehensive consultation with Dr. Mashhadian can answer your questions about which kind of implant and placement would best suit your needs. At Rodeo Surgical Arts, we use the most advanced techniques to reduce risk, minimize complications, and enhance procedural outcomes. With Recovery EXL™, Dr. Mashhadian’s proprietary combination of medications and surgical techniques, your recovery is smoother and you’re on your feet faster than ever, often without requiring narcotic pain management. Your comfort and satisfaction our top priorities at Rodeo Surgical Art. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person breast augmentation consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

Does a Non-Surgical Facelift Exist?

Not everyone looking for facial rejuvenation is thrilled with having a surgical procedure, such as a facelift, performed. Thanks to advancements in cosmetic enhancement, now you don’t have to compromise on the treatment while still enjoying the results of a facelift at Rodeo Surgical Art. What is The M Lift™? A revolutionary non-surgical facelift procedure, The M Lift™ was carefully curated over 15 years as Dr. David Mashhadian combined of FDA-approved dermal fillers and neuromodulators to develop the facelift that requires no surgery, and with very little downtime. The cornerstone of The M Lift™ is Dr. Mashhadian’s critically artistic eye and extensive experience as Rodeo Surgical Art’s founder and medical director. The M Lift™ concentrates on the structural facial features of three areas: the cheeks, the jaw angle, and the chin. These are the most important areas of the face that maintain youthful vigor and shape. By strategically placing dermal fillers, like Juvéderm® and Restylane®, and neuromodulators such as Botox®, Dr. Mashhadian reverses the signs of aging such as under-eye hollows and circles, volume loss in the cheeks and mid-face, forehead lines, brow furrows, and crow’s feet, and jowls and deepening nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth. Once the injections are complete, chemical peels can be added for skin rejuvenation, after which a supplement to speed recovery and promote healing is provided. There is also The M Lift™ Extended, which also addresses hollows near the temples and can smooth and tighten lax skin in the neck area. Am I a Good Candidate? Men and women alike who are experiencing early signs of aging may qualify for this procedure. Dermal fillers and neuromodulators are well-tolerated by most patients. A consultation with Dr. Mashhadian can determine how best The M Lift™ can enhance your unique facial structure. What is a Non-Surgical Facelift Like? Your M Lift™ treatment process will be determined during your comprehensive consultation and will contain a combination of treatments with Juvéderm® and/or Restylane® dermal fillers and Botox®. To restore your inner radiance and youthful face shape, a series of injections are carefully planned and executed. Dr. Mashhadian performs the treatment mostly needle-free, using a small cannula to minimize discomfort and reduce bruising and swelling. Your customized M Lift™ precisely places the fillers and neuromodulators in less than an hour, after which you’re free to return to your busy schedule. Any mild bruising or swelling will subside in a few hours. The use of a post-treatment herbal supplement will boost your body’s recovery process and minimize any chance of complications. You’re refreshed and ready to go immediately. Results from The M Lift™ Your treatment is based on the unique features of your face and specific formulas Dr. Mashhadian has perfected over the years. You’ll see immediate results, and they’ll continue to improve in the weeks following your procedure. Some patients metabolize hyaluronic acid from the dermal fillers quicker than others, so touch-up treatments may be necessary. Given the ease of the procedure, repeated maintenance treatments will prolong your results for years to come. Wherever possible, Dr. Mashhadian helps our patients realize their aesthetic goals with noninvasive methods. The enhancement of your appearance builds confidence, renews self-esteem, and helps you keep your youth and vibrancy for the long-term. Facial rejuvenation is Dr. Mashhadian’s passion, and as such, he’s perfected procedures and techniques to stay on the forefront of the cosmetic enhancement industry. Take advantage of his expertise today. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person M Lift™ consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

How Long Does Botox Last?

Botox® has become the #1 cosmetic enhancement treatment in the US, with more than 7 million procedures performed in the last year alone. It’s a safe, effective, and fast-acting alternative to more invasive facelift procedures. Rodeo Surgical Art stands above the rest in the Beverly Hills area as one of the premier clinics in which to have Botox® treatments. How Does Botox® Work? Botox’s® primary function is as a neuromodulator, controlling the impulses to the nerves that control muscles responsible for repetitive facial expressions like smiles, frowns, and brow furrows. By blocking these nerves, Botox® relaxes the muscles responsible for horizontal forehead wrinkles, brow furrows, and crow’s feet, so they don’t contract and perpetuate the wrinkles, giving them time to repair themselves. Dr. Mashhadian will provide a full exam and skin evaluation to best determine how to achieve fantastic results with Botox® for the most comprehensive treatment you can find. With Dr. Mashhadian, you can treat beyond standard horizontal and vertical frown lines, starting with: Lip lines (smoker’s lines) Wrinkles across the nose bridge (bunny lines) Crease under the nose for a slight nose tip lift Gummy smile Chin wrinkles (that present like orange peel skin) Brow lift Fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet) Softened jawline Platysmal bands (neckbands) Axillary Hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweat) Jaw slimming TMJ Pain, teeth grinding (bruxing) Shoulder slimming, neck lengthening Am I a Good Candidate? Botox® is not indicated for lines and wrinkles caused by aging or sun damage, only those that are the product of facial expressions. Let Dr. Mashhadian guide you through the best treatment possible for your skin’s unique condition, starting with a consultation. What is Treatment Like? Your Botox® procedure is only as painful as a typical injection, and with the use of a tiny micro-needle and Dr. Mashhadian’s perfected technique, your treatment is performed as painlessly as possible. You may immediately resume your normal schedule, and any mild tenderness at the injection site will resolve within hours. Dr. Mashhadian’s expertise with Botox® will have you loving your new look while the expressions and emotions that display the real you remain intact. How Long Does Botox® Last? Botox® takes anywhere from 7-10 days to fully take effect, after which your skin will smooth out and any dynamic wrinkles will diminish and disappear. For most new Botox® patients, the effects of the medication last between 3-5 months. It has a cumulative effect as time goes on, however, so patients who become Botox® veterans enjoy the effects for longer. Your muscles become accustomed to the medication relaxing them, giving you longer between appointments because your muscles take longer to resume normal levels of motion and expression. Dr. David Mashhadian sees and treats each and every patient at Rodeo Surgical Art, so from your first consultation to your rejuvenation appointment, you can discuss your concerns, aesthetic goals, and potential uses for Botox® with a fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon, not a nurse or physician’s assistant. You can also trust that any treatment you receive, from Botox® to more extensive procedures, will be overseen from start to finish by Dr. Mashhadian, so if your treatment needs to adapt, it will be done smoothly and with as little disruption to your treatment plan as possible. While you may have earned every one of your worry lines, you don’t have to show them anymore. Smile with no concern about forming new wrinkles thanks to Rodeo Surgical Art. Rodeo Surgical Art. My friend and I both had Botox and the results were amazing. The Doctor and staff were so nice and attentive. I would recommend them to everyone. AWHappy Patient View More Patient Reviews Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person Botox® consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

How Long is Recovery from Breast Augmentation?

The shape and size of a woman’s breasts are often directly linked to her self-esteem, confidence, and satisfaction with her overall appearance. It is no small thing to be unhappy with your breasts. Rodeo Surgical Art has helped thousands of women get the breast size and shape they desire, and we can help you, too. View More Patients Results Benefits of Breast Augmentation Breast augmentation can correct breast shape, size, and asymmetry, and at Rodeo Surgical Art comes with a variety of choices that shape the outcome. Dr. David Mashhadian steps every patient through the process, so you’re assured of the best possible result. We offer different types of implant, (saline, silicone, or gummy bear), as well as different placement of the implant (subglandular or submuscular). Each patient’s unique needs is front and center at Rodeo Surgical Art. Your breast surgery is customized for your unique proportions and the results you desire. Benefits include: Enhancing your appearance Increasing your self-esteem and confidence Reconstructing breast from prior surgeries like mastectomy Correcting breast asymmetry Reshaping breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding Am I a Good Candidate? If you’re concerned about small breasts, have changes to your breasts following pregnancy and/or nursing, or have asymmetrical breasts, you may be an ideal candidate. Your consultation with Dr. Mashhadian will determine whether breast augmentation is the answer you’ve been seeking. What Can I Expect During the Procedure? Dr. Mashhadian has helped thousands of women and has perfected surgical techniques to minimize discomfort and recovery time. Breast augmentation takes 1-3 hours and is performed in Rodeo Surgical Art’s state-of-the-art procedure room. Your procedure may be performed with local anesthesia and sedation or with general anesthesia as is most optimal for you. Your treatment plan includes the type of incisions, placement of the implants, and type of implant you’ve chosen. Your plan is carried out by Dr. Mashhadian using advanced techniques like the Keller Funnel, which is designed to minimize trauma to surrounding tissues during your procedure, reduces risk, and minimizes infection. You get the long-lasting, beautiful results you desire with as little disruption as possible to your life. How Long is Recovery from Breast Augmentation? Dr. Mashhadian has perfected his proprietary Recovery EXL system, specifically designed to reduce recuperation and side effects like nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness, and minimize the need for narcotics. Through a precise formula of medications combined with advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Mashhadian reduces your recovery time significantly compared to traditional breast augmentations. You’ll receive antibiotics to prevent infection, as well as instructions to reduce complications and common side effects such as bruising and swelling. A surgical bra provides additional support as your breasts heal, and you should avoid strenuous activity for 4-6 weeks. For many patients, the Recovery EXL system had them ambulatory in days rather than weeks,  and the healing process was surprisingly comfortable. Recovery EXL is proven to improve recovery time and patient comfort, including: Significant reduction in post-op pain, virtually removing the need for narcotics Reduced side effects like nausea, vomiting, bruising, and swelling Improved mobility sooner after the procedure, reducing the risk of blood clots Ability to resume a modified level of activity, including returning to work, in days rather than weeks Patients of Rodeo Surgical Art can attest to the quality of results and highest standard of patient care provided by Dr. Mashhadian and the Rodeo Surgical Art team. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person breast augmentation consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Sometimes, no matter our diet or exercise habits, we can’t shift the stubborn fat pockets we’re trying hardest to get rid of. Through no fault of our own, our body is not shaped the way we like. That’s where Rodeo Surgical Art comes in. Body contouring has never been easier with liposuction. View More Patients Results How Does Liposuction Work? Sometimes, the most effective methods of body sculpting are the tried and true procedures like liposuction. Thanks to the skill and expertise of Dr. David Mashhadian, you can achieve results with liposuction that just aren’t possible with less invasive body sculpting procedures. Liposuction is such a versatile treatment it can be performed with other procedures, like a tummy tuck or arm lift. Precision fat targeting, advanced surgical techniques, and customization for each patient’s unique body type and desired outcomes mean liposuction through Rodeo Surgical Art is unparalleled in both recovery and results. We are born with a fairly static number of fat cells, so having liposuction is an excellent way to shape your body to its best advantage with full confidence those stubborn pockets of fat you’ve tried so hard to exercise or diet away will never return. Nearly any area of the body can be treated, including the abdomen, arms, thighs, arms, buttocks, and even your neck and chin. Your body will not produce new fat cells, so liposuction in combination with a healthy lifestyle will give you the body shape you’ve always wanted for years to come. Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction? Liposuction is not an ideal solution for patients seeking to lose significant amounts of weight. For patients within 30 pounds of their ideal body weight who have good skin elasticity as well as realistic expectations, liposuction may be an excellent solution. What Can I Expect During Liposuction? All procedures at Rodeo Surgical Art are performed by Dr. Mashhadian after the creation of a fully inclusive treatment plan and all your questions are answered. You can also enhance your liposuction outcome with tumescent liposuction, Vaser liposuction, BodyTite liposuction, and Renuvion J Plasma. Tumescent liposuction includes a sterile infusion of fluid to improve sculpting and ease fat removal. Vaser liposuction liquefies the fat through ultrasound heat and improves the sculpting process. BodyTite combines radio frequency (RF)  with lipo to liquefy fat as well as tighten your skin. Another skin tightening option is Renuvion J Plasma, which combines RF and helium to contract tissues underlying the skin for the smoothest results. Each liposuction procedure takes approximately 60-90 minutes. Our state-of-the-art procedure room helps you experience your outpatient procedure in comfort without the need for a hospital stay. Bruising, swelling, and soreness are common side effects following your procedure. A compression garment is recommended to promote healing. It may take up to 2 weeks for your new contour to shine through. How Much is Liposuction? The American Society of Plastic surgeons lists the average cost of liposuction at $3,518, depending on the treatment protocol, physician expertise, and geographical location. Dr. Mashhadian and the Rodeo Surgical Art team understand cost is a major factor in deciding on any cosmetic procedure. We have worked very hard to provide extremely competitive pricing and financing options to our patients. No procedure is performed without the patient having all the information, including costs, so you can rest assured you’re receiving top quality care at the best possible value. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation To schedule your in-person liposuction consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

What Are the Benefits of a Breast Reduction?

It’s widely believed women unhappy with their breasts seek to increase the size, but a large subset of women have the opposite problem: oversized breasts. Breasts too large for a woman’s frame can drain self-confidence, inhibit proper clothing fit, contribute to poor posture and physical discomfort, and impede exercise. If this sounds familiar, let Rodeo Surgical Art help you shed the burden of overly large breasts through a breast reduction. View More Patients Results The Benefits of a Breast Reduction Large breasts interfere in many ways. They can cause physical discomfort through back and shoulder pain, poor posture, and headaches. Exercise, even something as simple as jogging, is all but impossible. Finding clothes you like—including comfortable bras—isn’t easy. Large breasts can affect social interactions, coloring how colleagues and friends see you and how you see yourself. Your breasts don’t have to overshadow your life anymore. A breast reduction can be a literal weight off your chest, and Dr. David Mashhadian offers several techniques to tailor the procedure to the individual patient’s needs. The amount of breast tissue can determine which type of reduction you have, but overall, a reduction has many benefits, including: Reduced burden on your back, shoulders, and neck Improved posture Better fit of clothes Boosted self-esteem and body image Improved endurance and exercise, including yoga, cardio, and more Reduction in pain Am I a Good Candidate? Ideal candidates for breast reduction are those whose breast size interferes with daily quality of life, impedes a healthy lifestyle, and detracts from social interactions. Get started with a consultation with Dr. Mashhadian to go over all your options and answer your questions. What Can I Expect During the Procedure? Dr. Mashhadian will perform your breast reduction in Rodeo Surgical Art’s advanced procedure room under general anesthesia. Your incisions will be made as discreetly as possible, and excess fat, tissue, and skin will be removed. Depending on the extent of tissue removal, the placement of your areola and nipple is adjusted, which may result in some loss of sensation after healing is complete. The breasts are then contoured and the incisions are brought together for an immediate result. In some cases, Scarless Breast Reduction is possible, using a liposuction technique that may also include Vaser treatment for improved fat reduction. This reduces the breast size and minimizes complications while improving recovery. Recovery and Results Dr. Mashhadian has perfected the Recovery EXL system, a proprietary combination of medication and surgical techniques designed to reduce complications, minimize post-op pain and improve recovery length. A compression bra will be recommended for improved healing. Many Rodeo Surgical Art patients have resumed their regular schedule remarkably fast because of Recovery EXL, becoming ambulatory almost immediately, and returning to work in as little as a week. A breast reduction is one of the procedures for which results are immediately visible, though it will take 4-6 months for your final breast shape to settle. Patients report an immediate sense of physical and emotional lightness from the weight removed, and 95% of patients are satisfied with the results. Many breast reduction patients cite their procedure as being life-changing, improving their quality of life so much they often call it the best decision they’ve ever made. You, too, can benefit from Dr. Mashhadian’s surgical artistry and take back your life, your health, and your emotional well-being with a breast reduction. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person breast reduction consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

What to Expect After Breast Implant Removal Surgery

With the number of breast augmentations performed, the results can sometimes go wrong. Whether you’ve had unexpected complications, your expectations weren’t met, or you’re simply unhappy having implants, breast revision at Rodeo Surgical Art can restore your confidence in your breasts and yourself. View More Patients Results How Does Breast Revision Work? You may desire breast implant removal for any number of reasons, like a cancer diagnosis, a change in your lifestyle or circumstances, or physical complication. Dr. David Mashhadian, founder of Rodeo Surgical Art, has performed many breast revisions, including implant removal. It is recommended implants be updated every 10 years, but a lot can change in that time. Implants can shift, rupture, or your healing process is difficult. Maybe their position resulted in a double bubble, a complication where the implant settles incorrectly behind the inframammary fold, creating a second pocket visible on the outside, creating tension bands on the skin. Sometimes the implants are too large, or the chest muscle was too aggressively handled, so the implants sit too close together at the sternum. This is called Symmastia, or “uniboob.” There are also cases of capsule contracture, in which too much scar tissue forms in the pocket, hardening the implant or restricting its movement in the pocket for an unnatural appearance. Even if it sounds as simple as removing the implants altogether, a breast revision requires a skilled surgeon to address all the unique issues a patient’s experience with breast augmentation. Changing breast tissue and maintaining a natural appearance while preserving sensitivity can be a challenge. Am I a Good Candidate? Depending on the complication being addressed, you may not only be a candidate for breast revision, but it may be required, particularly in the event of a silicone implant rupture. If you’re unhappy with the appearance, quality of healing and scar tissue, or other concern, Dr. Mashhadian would love to have a consultation with you. What is the Procedure Like? A lot of the procedure techniques depend on the reason for your revision and implant removal. Every procedure at Rodeo Surgical Art is performed in our advanced procedure room with Dr. Mashhadian’s proprietary techniques to minimize patient discomfort and recovery time. The Rodeo Surgical Art team is committed to making your experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. Every patient is seen by the doctor himself to explain the entire process, answer questions, and follow-up during your recovery. We’re with you every step of the way. What Can I Expect After the Procedure? Recovery from a straightforward implant removal is typically smoother than the initial augmentation surgery. In some cases, a breast lift improves the final results of implant removal, and that impacts your recovery. If you’ve had capsular contracture, the implant removal will involve scar tissue removal as well, which could take longer to heal. Most women return to work within 5 days, and with Dr. Mashhadian’s Recovery EXL™ technique, you’ll be up on your feet quickly and may not even require prescription pain management. Breast implant removal scarring heals well and is very often unnoticeable after full recovery. Scars heal in stages, however, so they may take 3-4 months to become unobtrusive. Following all post-op instructions will minimize your complications and increase your comfort during healing. As they did with your augmentation, your breasts will take a few months to settle into their final position after implant removal. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation To schedule your in-person breast revision consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

How Much Does Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Cost?

Your nose is the centerpiece of your face, and if features of it are disproportionate or asymmetrical, it can throw off the balance of your appearance and steal your confidence. Even a little change can significantly improve your nose, so maybe you’re not ready for the commitment of surgery. Rodeo Surgical Art offers non-surgical rhinoplasty, and for many, it’s a revelation. View More Patients Results How Does Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Work? You can transform your nose in the subtlest of ways without surgery at Rodeo Surgical Art. A non-surgical rhinoplasty is a fantastic way to, without permanent commitment, try changing your nose’s appearance. You’ll have a shorter recovery, less financial investment, and a way to preview the nose you’ve always wanted before committing to traditional rhinoplasty. Through the use of dermal fillers, Dr. David Mashhadian can balance your nose to better compliment your facial features and dramatically improve your look with beautiful, natural results. You can add volume, change the shape of the bridge or the tip, widen a narrow nose, or reposition the slope of your nose. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is safer, with no need for anesthesia. It’s quicker, taking an hour or less in-office at Rodeo Surgical Art. Am I a Good Candidate? A non-surgical rhinoplasty can’t be performed on someone needing to decrease volume in their nose, but it can help those with the following concerns: Uneven nasal bridge Nasal bridge bump or concavity Asymmetrical sides Narrow nasal bridge Nasal tip that needs reshaping or rotation Scarring that indents or otherwise misshapes the nose Correct previous rhinoplasty results that didn’t live up to expectation If you aren’t sure about surgery but would like to see your nose in a different light, start with a consultation at Rodeo Surgical Art. What is the Procedure Like? There is no anesthesia involved in non-surgical rhinoplasty, and therefore, no downtime. The best part is, you can see immediate results, without waiting for swelling to reduce or bandages to be removed. You can see even the subtlest or most dramatic of changes right away. The dermal filler is delivered through injections, so the worst discomfort is the pinch of a needle. Most patients immediately return to their regular activities, and no one has to know you’ve had your nose done. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a temporary solution. Depending on the dermal filler you’ve chosen, your results may last 12-18 months or longer. You’ll need touch-ups to maintain the look as required. How Much Does Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Cost? The amount of dermal filler required to achieve your goals varies by patient and does affect the overall price. You can expect a cost, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, that ranges between $600-$1,500. Dr. Mashhadian understands cost factors into your decision for any cosmetic rejuvenation, and non-surgical rhinoplasty, for the short-term, is a less expensive solution than traditional rhinoplasty. Any cosmetic rejuvenation procedure on your face is made more complex by the thinness of your skin, their exposed nature, and how important your facial features are to your personality. This is why you want a surgeon as skilled as Dr. Mashhadian, whose sense of artistic quality coupled with his experience and proprietary surgical techniques elevate him above others in one of the most beauty-conscious locations in the world. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a great way to test the way you’ll look after rhinoplasty without committing in style or expense. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation To schedule your in-person non-surgical rhinoplasty consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

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