What is a Transumbilical Breast Augmentation?
Advancements in breast augmentation, such as the TUBA procedure, have seen better results and faster recovery times. Dr. David Mashhadian of Rodeo Surgical Art, as one of the most experienced cosmetic surgeons in Beverly Hills, is often on the forefront of these procedures, and brings his expertise to his patients. View More Patients Results How Does Transumbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA) Work? The transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) procedure is an innovative way of enhancing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts and reducing scars by inserting the implants through the belly button. It’s a revolutionary technique, and Dr. Mashhadian is one of the most experienced practitioners performing TUBA procedures today. Traditional breast augmentation inserts the implants through incisions around the areola or under the breast. While the scars are discreet, they are still there. The TUBA procedure hides the only incision in the belly button. Aside from less scarring, the TUBA procedure has other distinct advantages: Less risk of nerve damage and sensation loss Minimized risk of infection Less interruption of healthy breast tissue Preservation of breastfeeding capabilities Faster, less painful recovery The TUBA procedure is performed under general anesthesia for maximum patient comfort. The navel incision is made and Dr. Mashhadian will tunnel through your abdominal wall with a non-bladed surgical instrument called an obturator, advancing only 4cm at a time to ensure proper placement. Once the tunnel is created, a tube is inserted, the obturator is removed, and the integrity of the tunnel is checked endoscopically. Tissue expanders are introduced to create the pocket for the implant. The area is flushed with saline, during which time Dr. Mashhadian applies manual external pressure to shape and perfect the breast pocket. Only then is the implant inserted and manually advanced into the pocket, then filled to the predetermined volume. After Dr. Mashhadian is satisfied with the outcome, the incision is closed with a dissolving suture. Am I a Good Candidate? The best TUBA candidates are those in good health who wish to enhance the size and shape of their breasts with saline implants. Women preferring gel, or gummy bear, implants will fare better with traditional augmentation. What is the Procedure Like? Because of Dr. Mashhadian’s meticulous attention to detail and artistic eye, TUBA procedures are a good choice for many women desiring no visible scarring. There are myths surrounding the TUBA, however, including that the more distant incision and the implant traversing the tunnel means a greater chance of complications. The TUBA procedure is actually less prone to complication than other implant placement techniques. Following your procedure, your chest and abdomen are wrapped in a pressure bandage to be removed the following day. You’ll be encouraged to avoid underwire or push-up bras until your implants settle into the proper position. Downtime and Recovery Recovery for a TUBA procedure is less uncomfortable than traditional breast augmentation, and because of Dr. Mashhadian’s Recovery EXL™ system, you’ll be on your feet fast and may not even require prescription pain medication. You should be able to resume light activities and sedentary work in about 1 week. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we know you have many options for how your breast augmentation will go, from who your physician is, how the procedure is performed, and which implants you choose. Dr. Mashhadian is your partner in this decision, guiding you to the best choices for your unique goals and physique. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation To schedule your in-person Transumbilical breast augmentation consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!