What are the Benefits of a Breast Lift?
When we’re self-conscious about any aspect of our appearance, it can really be tough to overcome. For many women, the breasts are an integral part of femininity, and when they sag or droop, it can really drag down confidence. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we believe in lifting women up, and that includes with a breast lift. View More Patients Results How Does a Breast Lift Work? A breast lift aims to correct a few concerns women have about their breasts. It repositions breast tissue higher on the chest wall for breasts that have sagged. Next, it removes excess skin that has allowed breast tissue to droop. Finally, it relocates the nipple to the middle of the breast to repair nipples that point downward and are not well-positioned, a condition known as ptosis. Every woman’s concerns and goals for naturally looking breasts are unique, and Dr. David Mashhadian is dedicated to achieving results you hope for as well as improving your body’s proportions and profile. For some women, this could also mean the addition of breast implants with their breast lift. 5 Benefits of a Breast Lift 1. The first and most obvious benefit is a firmer breast appearance. Drooping breasts appear elongated or deflated, especially for mothers after breastfeeding or those who’ve had significant weight loss, so a breast lift is specifically designed to support your breasts’ new position for a longer lasting, firmer yet natural shape.  2. Of great relief to many of our patients is the reduction of irritated skin on the underside of the breast. Elongated breasts can rub even with support from a bra, so lifting the breasts to reduce the amount of skin-to-skin contact on the underside with your torso can give that skin much needed air to breathe. This reduces chafing, rashes, and heat bumps many patients have simply resigned themselves to for years. Not anymore. 3. Improved nipple projection may be one of the biggest concerns our patients express during their breast lift consultation. When your nipples are too big for your liking, cover more of the breast, and point downward rather than outward, it can make you want to cover up. A breast lift relocates the nipple, and reduces the areola if desired, so that your breasts have a more natural forward projection. 4. The breast lift restores breasts to a more youthful profile because high, perky breasts are considered a hallmark of the young. By correcting any ptosis and repositioning breast tissue higher on the chest wall, Dr. Mashhadian can restore your breasts to a more youthful position you can enjoy for years to come. 5. Advances in surgical techniques and Dr. Mashhadian’s proprietary Recovery EXL™ process means reduced scarring and improved recovery times. We can also customize your breast lift with the types of incisions for a procedure that fits your exact needs to achieve your breast lift goals. What Results Can I Expect? The procedure itself takes between 3-5 hours to perform, and you’ll have your lift done in Rodeo Surgical Art’s cutting-edge on-site procedure room as an outpatient, so you’ll be able to return home the same day. Once the bruising and swelling subsides after the first week or two, your new breasts will emerge in the natural, beautiful, and youthful shape you discussed with Dr. Mashhadian. If you’ve had implants placed as well, you’ll experience fuller, more voluminous breasts. Most women are pleased with their breast lift for a lifetime, and never need to repeat the procedure. So give yourself the lift you’ve always wanted with a breast lift at Rodeo Surgical Art. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation To schedule your in-person breast lift consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!