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How Can I Get Rid of Stubborn Fat?

There’s nothing more frustrating than working hard in the gym and keeping to a healthy diet, yet still seeing pockets of stubborn fat in the mirror. You put in the hard work and you deserve the rewards. Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art can give you that extra boost in body sculpting with liposuction. How Does Liposuction Work? Liposuction techniques have come a long way, but they all remove unwanted body fat where diet and exercise fail. The beauty of liposuction, and of Dr. Mashhadian’s skills, is its precision in shaping your body where other body contouring procedures have less accuracy. Liposuction sculpts the abdomen, hips, flanks, thighs, upper or lower back, arms, or even underneath the chin to give you the sleek profile you’re looking for. Different liposuction techniques achieve different results. This makes liposuction highly customizable for each patient, and offers the personal touch Dr. Mashhadian and the Rodeo Surgical Art team are known for. Tumescent liposuction infuses the treatment area with sterile fluid to ease the removal of unwanted fat cells while simultaneously reducing bleeding and resulting in less trauma to the surrounding tissues. A small incision is made through which a cannula is inserted to suction unwanted fat from the body. This method works well for larger areas like the abdomen, flanks, and back. VASER liposuction is also intended to ease fat removal, but through ultrasound energy to the treatment area before the cannula is introduced. The heat generated liquefies the fat cells, making them easier to suction out as well as giving Dr. Mashhadian a great deal of control over the body’s contours, making it ideal for smaller treatment areas. This also minimizes tissue trauma. Am I a Good Candidate? Liposuction is not for weight loss, so ideal candidates are within 20-30 pounds of their ideal weight. Patients who don’t smoke and have good skin elasticity are often more satisfied with their results. Sometimes, liposuction can be combined with additional procedures to improve overall results with a single recovery period. What is the Liposuction Procedure and Recovery Like? Rodeo Surgical Art’s state-of-the-art surgical suite is where Dr. Mashhadian performs liposuction procedures. Most of the time, patients are put under general anesthesia. Dr. Mashhadian then performs the liposuction with the benefit of years of experience, skillful artistry, and his proprietary Recovery EXL methodology, which shortens recovery time, reduces post-op pain significantly, and gets you on your feet much faster. Most liposuction procedures take only 60-90 minutes from start to finish.   You’ll awaken with a compression garment to minimize swelling and preserve Dr. Mashhadian’s sculpting efforts. Your procedure is outpatient, so you should be home the same day. Bruising and swelling, particularly around the incisions, is normal. With Recovery EXL, you may not even need narcotic medication to manage pain. What Results Can I Expect? Your new sculpted physique will emerge as the swelling reduces over the following few weeks. Fat cells are not replaced by the body, so once they’re gone, they’re gone for good. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will prolong your results for years. Gaining weight in the fat cells that remain in the treatment area after your procedure can undo the results Dr. Mashhadian has so carefully crafted. Many patients come to Rodeo Surgical Art and Dr. Mashhadian for help ridding themselves of stubborn fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise. If you’re ready to trim your stomach, sculpt your neck and jawline, slim your hips or flanks, get rid of wobbly thighs, or say goodbye to fat around your bra line or above your waistband, then liposuction with Dr. Mashhadian is the customized treatment for you. What do you have to lose besides the fat?

How Much Does an Eyelid Lift Cost?

Lines and wrinkles aren’t the only ways the skin around our eyes show age. Our eyelids become more lax over time, and as such, can give us a sleepy or hooded appearance. In more severe cases, your eyelids may droop so much they can obstruct peripheral vision. Dr. David Mashhadian can help with an eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, which opens up your eyes so you’re alert, refreshed, and bright eyed. How Does an Eyelid Lift Work? While blepharoplasty involves the subtlest of changes to the skin around your eyes, its results can be remarkably dramatic in how it reduces the appearance of age. Some patients with more serious eyelid drooping have even reported less fatigue at the end of the day. They no longer feel staying alert is a struggle with less skin weighing down their eyelids. It’s shifted fatty tissue and loose skin of both the upper and lower eyelids that creates puffy eye bags and sagging skin. Dr. Mashhadian makes small incisions in the natural creases of your upper or lower lid (or both in the same procedure) to remove excess fat and skin. This releases the pressure on your eyes for a more bright eyed appearance. You look more alert, refreshed, and ready to take on the day. Am I a Good Candidate? Blepharoplasty is for men and women who are unhappy with the appearance of their eyes due to drooping, sagging, puffiness, under eye bags, and hooding of the eyelid that can sometimes impede vision. During your consultation, Dr. Mashhadian will thoroughly evaluate your eyelid positioning and condition while listening to all your concerns and answering any questions you may have. In some cases, combining related procedures, such as a brow lift, with your blepharoplasty may achieve your goals more successfully.   What is the Procedure Like? Blepharoplasty is a relatively quick procedure at around 2 hours for both upper and lower lids. Patients having an upper eyelid lift may only need local anesthesia, but if you’re having upper and lower lids done simultaneously, you’ll likely require general anesthesia. Incisions are made in the natural creases of your upper lid, or along the lash line of your lower lid, and are well camouflaged once healed. Dr. Mashhadian repositions fat pads and removes excess fatty tissue and skin. This is where the artistry of a skilled surgeon of Dr. Mashhadian’s caliber matters most, and when he’s sure your eye contours are youthful and beautiful, he’ll close the incisions. Blepharoplasty recovery is often one of the easiest procedures to recover from. What Results Can I Expect? Initial swelling may obscure your results immediately, but as this settles down, your eyes will appear wider, brighter, and you’ll have a youthful, refreshed appearance no makeup techniques or caffeine can duplicate. The change may be physically subtle, but your confidence will soar and you’ll likely feel less fatigued at the end of a workday, especially if your work involves screen time. How Much Does an Eyelid Lift Cost? The cost of a blepharoplasty does depend on whether you’re having upper, lower, or both sets of eyelids lifted. Blepharoplasty is a highly complex procedure where every patient is unique, so your price will reflect this complexity. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons averages eyelid surgery costs around $3,200 nationwide. Because the Rodeo Surgical Art standard of care includes our patients’ comfort in all aspects of their procedures, including price, we offer stellar financing options. Dr. Mashhadian has also carefully curated a balance in patient care designed to make pricing as competitive as possible. You get Beverly Hills cosmetic treatment results without the Beverly Hills price tag.

What is Rhinoplasty?

As a central feature of the face, the nose has a lot of sway over our overall appearance. When there are imperfections, such as a prominent bump on the bridge, or an out-of-proportion tip, it can really affect self-esteem and confidence. You can regain your confidence and love your nose again with the help of Dr. David Mashhadian, one of Beverly Hills’ most renowned plastic surgeons. How Does Rhinoplasty Work? Every nose is different, so rhinoplasty to reshape unwanted features or correct trauma can be a complex undertaking, one in which Dr. Mashhadian has extensive experience and training. Changes to your nose’s shape can profoundly improve your whole appearance, as well as function of your nose if you have trouble breathing due to deviated septum or structural irregularity. There are a few options for how your rhinoplasty is performed. Open rhinoplasty improves your nose from the inside and the outside with incisions inside the nose as well as across the columella, the narrow strip of tissue between the nostrils. This gives Dr. Mashhadian greater access to the tissues and cartilage of the nose for optimal shaping. Closed rhinoplasty is performed through incisions only inside the nasal cavity, which means there’s no visible scarring. This is only possible for patients seeking minor correction because it limits access to all the nose’s structures. Revision rhinoplasty may be necessary when a patient hasn’t gotten the results originally desired. Dr. Mashhadian carefully assesses your current nose as well as your original nose. After thorough discussion about your goals from the first procedure and where it fell short, Dr. Mashhadian can give you a greater understanding of how your revision will help. Thanks to his skill, extensive experience, and meticulous attention to detail, it’s a rare situation where he cannot improve your happiness with your nose’s overall appearance. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is for patients seeking the subtlest of changes and don’t mind having repeat treatments using dermal fillers. This option gives you a semi-permanent solution to improve your nose’s shape without a lifetime commitment. It’s an option for patients unwilling to have surgery, or it may be a stepping stone to a surgical rhinoplasty with more permanent outcomes. Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty? If the shape of your nose negatively impacts your life and you want to change its size, shape, or other central feature, rhinoplasty may be your solution. If you have breathing trouble, rhinoplasty may even be partially or fully covered by insurance. Your consultation includes a thorough discussion about what rhinoplasty can do for you, so your likelihood of success is greater. What is a Rhinoplasty Procedure Like? Dr. Mashhadian performs rhinoplasty procedures in the Rodeo Surgical Art accredited surgical suite. Most treatments last between 90 minutes and 3 hours under general anesthesia. Your treatment plan is implemented with well-placed incisions, through which Dr. Mashhadian begins your nose’s remodel. Some patients may require cartilage grafts from donor sites elsewhere on the body (most often the ear) to achieve optimum results. When you awaken, your nose will be bandaged and have internal packing to protect what Dr. Mashhadian has so carefully sculpted. You may have some swelling and bruising, and you should avoid blowing your nose for up to 2 weeks. Your packing will be removed after a few days at your first follow-up visit, and each subsequent visit will allow Dr. Mashhadian to monitor your healing. What Results Can I Expect After my Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty often requires some healing before results fully develop, but your new nose will emerge as swelling subsides. Your new look will last a lifetime, and you need no further treatments to maintain it.

How Does Liposuction Work?

The beauty of liposuction is how much sculpting power it gives a surgeon with Dr. David Mashhadian’s skill, expertise, and level of artistry. Liposuction is possible on even the smallest amount of stubborn fat, so while it’s not a great solution for significant weight loss, you can target those areas that simply don’t respond to diet and exercise.   How Does An Liposuction Actually Work? The concept of liposuction is simple but its execution takes experience and training to elevate the results, which Dr. Mashhadian delivers for his Rodeo Surgical Art patients time and again. Stubborn fat is suctioned out through a small cannula inserted through a tiny incision, leaving your body lean and slender in ways the gym can’t always provide. Because of liposuction advanced technology, Dr. Mashhadian can very precisely mold your body to the shape you’ve always wanted. Diet and exercise can only shrink fat cells. Liposuction removes them entirely, and because the body stops producing fat cells after puberty, once they’re gone, they’re really gone. Existing fat cells may still grow in size, so a healthy lifestyle will maintain your slim physique for years to come. Liposuction can be performed virtually anywhere: Abdomen Flanks Arms Thighs Upper back (around the bra line) Around the knees or ankles Under the chin   Am I a Good Candidate? Ideal liposuction candidates are men and women in general good health who cannot shift those stubborn pockets of fat with diet and exercise. The best results happen for patients who don’t smoke, have good skin elasticity, have realistic expectations, and can commit to the necessary recovery time and healthy lifestyle. What is the Procedure Like? There are a multitude of varied liposuction techniques, making it highly customizable. Most Rodeo Surgical Art liposuction procedures Dr. Mashhadian performs are outpatient under general anesthesia and take place in an accredited surgical suite with state-of-the-art technology at his fingertips. The type of liposuction you have changes how the procedure is performed. Tumescent liposuction involves the infusion of sterile fluid to your treatment area. This minimizes bleeding and preps the fat cells for easier removal and more precise body sculpting. Tumescent liposuction is ideal for patients transferring the fat being removed to another area of the body for additional sculpting. This technique is also incredibly successful for the larger regions, such as the back, abdomen, and flanks. The tumescent fluid also flushes out the area as it leaves the body, reducing the risk of complications and infection. Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy directly to the fat cells to liquefy them for easier removal and better, more precise body contouring. Because the fat is easier to remove, there’s less trauma to surrounding tissues, which eases your recovery and produces less swelling and bruising. You’re able to see your new body shape sooner than with traditional methods of liposuction as you heal. Both procedures only take 60-90 minutes, and you may have more than one area sculpted at the same time, or use liposuction in combination with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck or arm lift. What Results Can I Expect? Swelling from your procedure requires a couple of weeks to subside enough for your new shape to emerge. Your skin will be smoother, your abdomen and flanks flatter and more toned, and your arms or thighs will be thinner. If you’ve had your double chin treated, your jawline will be more defined, your neck more graceful and attractive. It may take a few months for your tissues to fully settle, and once they do, you’ll enjoy your new silhouette for a lifetime with a healthy lifestyle.

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

Dermal fillers have really taken the cosmetic rejuvenation world by storm. They’re an incredibly versatile treatment for a multitude of patient goals, including filling in lines and wrinkles, restoring lost facial volume, enhancing features such as the lips, and more. Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art brings his unparalleled skill with injectables to every dermal filler session, so his patients leave not only satisfied with their look, but inspired. How Do Dermal Fillers Work? Skin isn’t the only thing to lose volume with age. Muscles and fatty tissues thin out as well, which can contribute to a haggard, weathered appearance none of us want to be reflected in the mirror. Dermal fillers combat this in a variety of ways.  Many of today’s most popular fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (HA) gel, one of the body’s most important tools in nourishing and hydrating skin. When expertly injected to restore volume and minimize wrinkles, these fillers, such as Juvéderm® and Restylane®, hydrate and plump the skin to youthful suppleness with soft curves to the features that take years off your appearance. Other fillers, such as Radiesse® and BellaFill®, are made of microspheres from unique materials that stimulate collagen production and provide a scaffolding for those collagen fibers to adhere to. The immediate lift provided by the gel is slowly replaced by skin with greater collagen density. How Long Will My Fillers Last? That depends on which dermal filler you’ve selected and what you’re trying to achieve with it. A lot of the longevity of your particular filler treatment depends on what brand and consistency of filler you’re having. Juvéderm® and Restylane® injectables most frequently average between 6-12 months, with Juvéderm® Vollure possibly stretching to 18 months. Radiesse® and BellaFill® are both collagen induction fillers, and as such, their gel forms may absorb into the body after about 1 year, but the collagen they stimulate prolongs the results of the fillers into the years beyond. For BellaFill®, your results may continue for an incredible 5 years. What Affects Dermal Filler Longevity? Every patient is different, and as such, gel absorption rates can vary. The location of your dermal filler treatment can also affect how long your injectables last. HA-based dermal fillers used in the area around the mouth tend to metabolize faster because that is the face’s most active area with the most muscle movement, while HA fillers in the cheeks or around the eyes can last a bit longer. The number of units you have injected can also determine how long your dermal filler lasts, as more gel takes more time for the body to absorb. While filler results are not permanent, consider having touch-ups to prolong the volume of your injections. It may take 12 months to reach full absorption, but some fillers can begin to degrade sooner than that. This likely won’t affect how your volume looks right away, as the HA based fillers absorb water and stay looking plump. However, a touch-up appointment with one or two syringes can keep your results looking fresh and lasting longer. By not waiting until your filler is fully absorbed, you can have the same great results with less filler to maintain your youthful appearance. Am I a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers? Dermal fillers are well-tolerated by most patients who are interested in the benefits they can provide, such as plumping facial features, reducing lines and wrinkles, and restoring lost facial volume. Men and women alike have used dermal fillers for prevention of the signs of aging as well as putting off the need for more intensive interventions, such as a facelift. A comprehensive consultation at Rodeo Surgical Art is a great place to start.

How Long Does Facelift Recovery Take?

There’s a reason the facelift is so widely known as the procedure that most successfully turns back the clock. It can lift the features of the face, tighten skin, and fight the effects of gravity that come with the aging process. Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art is a true artist with the facelift, with a wealth of skill and experience to draw upon for results you can’t help but love, all while minimizing recovery times. You’ll be looking your best and most youthful in no time at all.   How Does a Facelift Work? Facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, is about more than tightening the skin. This procedure remodels the face’s delicate anatomical features, which are part of the SMAS layer, the foundation of facial structure and support. By repositioning and reducing your fat pads, repositioning muscles that may have loosened with time, and removing excess lax skin, Dr. Mashhadian can refresh your appearance for natural results that emphasize your most striking features. The incisions are cleverly camouflaged in your hairline or in the natural creases around your ears. Am I a Good Candidate? Facelifts are performed on men and women alike for a variety of reasons. Those who are most satisfied with their results are generally healthy patients who don’t smoke. While a facelift cannot prevent future signs of aging, it can turn back the starting line from which those signs show. How Long Does Facelift Recovery Take? One of the most common concerns about a rhytidectomy is recovery. While every patient heals at their own pace, Dr. Mashhadian has developed the Recovery EXL™ process, a proprietary combination of advanced surgical techniques and medications that can significantly reduce recovery times and pain. Many patients don’t need narcotic pain management and are on their feet within hours rather than days. Rejuvenation Day This can be an emotional day full of excitement and nervousness, but you’re in the hands of a world-class surgeon with Dr. Mashhadian. After your procedure, you may feel unsteady and drowsy. Having a loved one support you for the first 24 hours can ease you into recovery. You’ll have some swelling and bandages, and it’s best to sleep with your head elevated to improve circulation. Recovery Day 2-3 Rest is highly recommended because you need energy to heal. Listen to your body and get the rest you need. Achieving some mobility will help reduce the risk of blood clots, but be careful not to overdo it. Your bruising and swelling may be at its peak during this time. Recovery Day 4-6 Any discomfort from your facelift will be noticeably diminished by this time, and your swelling begins reducing. You may also feel more mobile. If you feel well enough, light cooking or housework is permitted. Recovery Week 2 You may feel well enough to return to work during this week, provided your job is not strenuous. Some bruising and swelling may still be visible, and you experience tingling, tightness, or numbness. This is normal. Light activities like short walks may help you feel better. If you have sutures, they may be removed at the beginning of this week. Recovery Weeks 3-4 The results of your facelift should really be taking shape now. You may still have mild swelling or tightness, but this is the point most patients feel like themselves again and adopt moderate exercise. Socially, your recovery becomes much less obvious, with your incisions beginning to fade from red to pink. After this point, your life should resemble your pre-facelift routine. While these timeframes are averages, Dr. Mashhadian’s Recovery EXL™ program can reduce recovery lengths, so you may feel better sooner and begin enjoying your new, youthful appearance that will last for years.

What is BOTOX®?

When you smile, laugh, frown, furrow your brows in concentration, and perform many other repetitive facial expressions, that takes a toll on your skin in the form of dynamic wrinkles, like crow’s feet, laugh lines, brow furrows, or forehead lines. BOTOX® has become such a commonplace solution to reduce these wrinkles, there are so many med spas performing them. How do you know the best place to have BOTOX® treatments? Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art is a fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon who takes BOTOX® treatment to the next level. How Does BOTOX® Work? You may have earned every one of your worry lines, but that doesn’t mean you want to display them at the expense of your youthful appearance. With BOTOX®, you can relax dynamic wrinkles by interrupting the muscle movements responsible for repetitive facial expressions. BOTOX® works by blocking nerve signals to muscles in your forehead, brows, around your eyes, and your mouth in a process called cosmetic denervation. Without regular muscle contractions, your skin has a chance to relax and repair skin cells damaged by repetitive facial expressions. Dr. Mashhadian’s skill, extensive training, and experience makes having BOTOX® treatments at Rodeo Surgical Art a better investment than at other med spas performing cosmetic denervation. We provide a full exam and skin evaluation in order to understand every detail of your cosmetic goals and your skin’s condition. Dr. Mashhadian himself performs BOTOX® treatments, not only to ensure the treatment meets his exacting standards but to answer every question and ensure you receive world-class care. Am I a Good Candidate? BOTOX® is one of the most studied cosmetic enhancement medications and has been proven safe time after time. Most people who desire a reduction in dynamic lines and wrinkles are good candidates for BOTOX® treatment, and Dr. Mashhadian can bring you natural results in a luxurious setting with high clinical standards of excellence. What is the Procedure Like? BOTOX® is administered in very small doses with micro-needles at Rodeo Surgical Art to achieve precision delivery for the most natural and effective results. Because the needles are very thin, there’s minimal discomfort with BOTOX® injections and they are well tolerated by most patients. Topical numbing cream is also available for maximum comfort. After your minimally invasive BOTOX® procedure, you’re free to resume your normal schedule, including driving. There may be some injection site tenderness or bruising, but this will resolve on its own in a couple of days. What Results Can I Expect? Results at Rodeo Surgical Art are what make our BOTOX® treatments a cut above the rest. Dr. Mashhadian uses advanced injection techniques to achieve the desired results, so you’re never left with a frozen or surprised appearance. BOTOX® takes up to 7 days to take full effect, after which your dynamic wrinkles begin to fade. You’re left with smooth skin and more youthful-looking features without sacrificing your expressive personality. While BOTOX® cannot minimize wrinkles caused by aging or sun damage, it can prevent expression-caused wrinkles from deepening, and can take years off your appearance. Seasoned patients find they need fewer units of BOTOX® less frequently the longer they have cosmetic denervation treatments, as the muscles become acclimated to the medication. If you’re sick of looking aged, stressed, and overtired when you really feel energetic and ready to take on the world, you can match your outward appearance to your inner energy in a 15-minute BOTOX® appointment at Rodeo Surgical Art. Dr. Mashhadian’s personalized boutique-style service is designed to give every patient his full attention with comprehensive treatment for all your cosmetic enhancement goals. Call today to get started.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost?

The nose, as a central feature of the face, can make or break the symmetry and balance of your appearance. If there’s an aspect of it that’s over or under exaggerated, it can cause a lot of insecurity and self-consciousness. Dr. David Mashhadian understands how even small changes to your nose can impact your appearance, and has the talent and artistry to sculpt a new nose with uncompromising, natural results. How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost? According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average rhinoplasty cost in 2019 was $5,409. Dr. Mashhadian also works with leading medical financing providers to make the decision even easier. You may think that because Rodeo Surgical Art is in Beverly Hills that it’s very expensive, but Dr. Mashhadian has worked very hard to cultivate a patient schedule that gives him maximum time with each patient while also keeping pricing extremely competitive. After all, he doesn’t want patients weighing investments in themselves against the expense. If your nose garners too much attention for one feature or another and detracts from the balance of your facial features, call today to see how Dr. Mashhadian can resculpt your nose to a more pleasing, natural appearance. How Does Rhinoplasty Work? There are several techniques Dr. Mashhadian uses during a rhinoplasty, commonly called a nose job, to keep your unique and striking features while correcting the concerns you have about your nose’s shape and size. Rhinoplasty can correct the nose’s proportions in relation to other facial features, the width and projection of the bridge, the width of the nostrils, and the shape, projection, and rotation of the tip. Rhinoplasty can also alleviate breathing difficulties caused by injury or deformity of the septum. A closed rhinoplasty limits the incisions to the inside of the nostrils, which also limits the amount of correction that can be done. This technique is reserved for patients in need of small, detailed revisions. Closed rhinoplasty also leaves no visible scars. An open rhinoplasty is much more common, as Dr. Mashhadian has more control over the improvements he can make. An incision between the nostrils, in the area known as the columella, opens up a range of techniques to make changes to the shape of your nose. Because the incision is on the underside of your nose, it’s not obvious and usually heals to a pencil-thin line. Revision rhinoplasty is a complex procedure aimed at correcting previous rhinoplasty results that didn’t live up to expectation. Each case is unique and as such, Dr. Mashhadian will develop the techniques required to fix your nose’s appearance after a thorough examination. Am I a Good Candidate? If your nose has features that make you uncomfortable about your appearance, a rhinoplasty may be exactly the corrective procedure for you. Patients who are most satisfied with their results are generally healthy non-smokers who have realistic expectations about what Dr. Mashhadian can correct of your nose. A consultation, where he’ll take measurements and discuss different outcomes, is a great place to begin. What’s the Procedure Like? Most patients undergo rhinoplasty under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Rodeo Surgical Art’s state-of-the-art surgical suite is where Dr. Mashhadian performs rhinoplasties, and they take between 90 minutes to 3 hours, depending on complexity. You may feel nervous the day of your procedure, but Dr. Mashhadian and the team do everything they can to prioritize your comfort. You’ll awaken feeling a bit groggy, so it’s best to have a loved one drive you home. You’ll likely have packing material in your nose, and bandages, and bruising and swelling is perfectly normal. With Dr. Mashhadian’s proprietary Recovery EXL™ technique, you’ll be back to your normal routine soon.

How Long Will BOTOX® Cosmetic Last?

When wrinkles begin to creep into the corners of the eyes, across the forehead, and between the brows, it can really set off insecurity about how we’re aging. That’s why BOTOX® is the number one cosmetic enhancement procedure in the US. Wrinkles are the gateway to appearing older than we want and leave us asking what will age us next. That’s why Dr. David Mashhadian himself performs neurotoxin injections on patients—we want the best treatment to fight the signs of aging.   How Does BOTOX® Work? While smiling and laughing a lot are the hallmark of living a good life, they can still take a toll on our skin. The same is true with frowning or squinting. These dynamic facial movements cause the skin to fold repetitively, creating wrinkles and lines that don’t have the chance to repair themselves. BOTOX® and other neuromodulators like Dysport® and Xeomin® change all that by blocking the signals from the brain to the facial muscles via the nerves. Dr. Mashhadian has perfected the art of BOTOX® injections to ensure there is no overmedication which can result in a “frozen” or overly surprised look. The goal is to reduce muscle movement to give your skin a chance to renew and replace the damaged cells responsible for wrinkles, not freeze the muscles entirely. This allows you to maintain your natural, expressive appearance without compromising your youthful looks. How Long Does BOTOX® Last? There are factors that influence how long BOTOX® and other neuromodulator injections last. Men tend to need more units of the medication for their larger facial muscles. Men also tend to metabolize the medication faster than women. Seasoned BOTOX® recipients may also be able to prolong the time between appointments because their muscles have acclimated to the effects of the medication, so it wears off more slowly than when they first began treatments.   On average, patients can expect the effects of BOTOX® to take hold within 5-10 days of treatment and last for 3-5 months before another treatment is recommended to maintain results. You can plan on needing 2-3 BOTOX® treatments per year to continue enjoying the smooth, wrinkle free effects they offer. BOTOX® and other neuromodulators cannot prevent wrinkles that are caused by sun damage and other aging factors. Having BOTOX® injections is also a great prevention strategy for younger patients who haven’t yet begun to see the damage dynamic muscle movement can cause. Dr. Mashhadian has performed neuromodulator treatments on patients as young as those in their 20s to keep skin supple and youthful without letting the damage occur in the first place. If you’re concerned about the onset wrinkles, give us a call today.   Am I a Good Candidate? Neurotoxins are well-tolerated by most patients. So if you’ve noticed deepening wrinkles, crow’s feet, forehead lines, or brow furrows that are causing you concern, you may be an ideal candidate for a neuromodulator treatment like BOTOX®. What’s the Procedure Like? Dr. Mashhadian administers all injectable treatments himself to moderate the precise amount and placement of every injection. His extensive experience, critically aesthetic eye, and vast understanding of facial anatomy ensure the most effective BOTOX® treatment possible to maintain your natural, youthful features. The needle itself is tiny to improve patient comfort and give Dr. Mashhadian exacting control of the rate of injection. The procedure takes only 10-15 minutes and you’re free to resume your regular schedule.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a major cosmetic procedure with what is widely considered the longest recovery time. Understandably, this can give some patients pause about undergoing one. With a skilled surgeon of Dr. David Mashhadian’s caliber, and with his proprietary Recovery EXL™ system, the recovery period for even extensive procedures like the tummy tuck can be significantly shortened and almost pain-free. How Does a Tummy Tuck Work? A tummy tuck addresses a protruding abdomen that won’t respond to diet and exercise. Often, pregnancy is the cause, but in many cases, a belly pooch is simply hereditary. For those with a pregnancy related belly bulge, there can be additional trauma where the muscles have separated from the abdominal wall, causing a weakness in the core which can lead to further complications, such as a hernia. Dr. Mashhadian corrects this by making an incision above the pubic bone and re-anchoring those muscles to the abdominal wall. Next, he’ll remove that stubborn fat that refuses to budge. For some patients, this is all the correction necessary. For others, an incision around the belly button will allow access to the separated muscles of the upper abdomen, which will also be anchored. This may necessitate repositioning of the umbilicus. Finally, Dr. Mashhadian will tighten the skin by removing the excess and closing the incision. The result is a pleasingly flat stomach, stronger, tighter muscles, and smooth skin. While the scar may be several inches long, it’s below the waistband for nearly full-time concealment. The incision around the belly button will be concealed in the skin’s natural folds. How Long Does Tummy Tuck Recovery Take? Dr. Mashhadian has spent years perfecting clinical surgical techniques that reduce tissue trauma and a combination of medications delivered at precise intervals which minimize the length and discomfort of recovery times. It’s called Recovery EXL™ and it’s just one of the ways Dr. Mashhadian’s patient care is a cut above the rest. Many patients are on their feet within hours instead of days, and need minimal, if any, narcotic pain management. You’ll learn more about this proprietary method during your consultation to understand how it works. Treatment Day You may be nervous, but rest assured that the team at Rodeo Surgical Art will prioritize your comfort and ensure any questions you have are answered prior to the treatment. After your procedure, you’ll have swelling, bandages, and possibly surgical drains, and you may feel groggy and slow. This is normal. Having support from a loved one for the first 24 hours is recommended, and someone to drive you home is necessary. Days 2-3 You’ll need to be mobile for short durations to help with circulation and prevent clots, but listen to your body. It will tell you when it’s time to rest. Having a comfortable recovery nest can go a long way toward keeping you comfortable. End of Week 1 By this time, your discomfort will be noticeably reduced. You may feel comfortable resuming light activities like simple cooking or small chores. Keep hydrated and rest when necessary. Week 2 Most people return to work during this week, particularly for sedentary jobs. Bruising should be gone, and your wounds will be well on their way to healing, and any sutures or drains you have will likely be removed during this period. Swelling will be diminishing, though you’ll still be tender. More movement is permitted, though you should still keep exercise light. Weeks 3-4 You may begin feeling more like yourself during this time. Swelling is significantly minimized and you may resume most of your normal activities, though strenuous exercise should still be avoided for another few weeks. After this point, your results should be readily apparent. Clothing should fit better, and you should feel a boost to your confidence thanks to your more slender physique. While these timeframes reflect a standard recovery, the Recovery EXL™ timeline shortens recovery, so don’t be surprised if you’re enjoying your new silhouette sooner!

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