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Choosing your cosmetic surgeon is the most important decision you will make regarding your cosmetic surgery procedures. A good cosmetic surgeon will leave you feeling satisfied with your results and confident in your new look. To ensure that you choose the right cosmetic surgeon for your procedures, remember these tips: Choose a surgeon that you feel comfortable with. He should be able to answer your questions in terms that you can understand. Get recommendations. Ask your friends and search online for what people are saying about the surgeons you are considering. Ask for patient success stories. Your surgeon should have plenty of before and after photos from satisfied patients. You want to know what results you should expect. Do your research. Make sure to choose a surgeon who plenty of experience performing the procedures you are considering. You want a surgeon who is skilled and has an artistic eye for the beauty of the human form.


Otoplasty is surgery performed to correct imperfections with the shape of the ear. Sometimes this procedure is referred to as ear pinning or ear reshaping. Many patients come to Rodeo Surgical Art in Beverly Hills because they feel uncomfortable with or embarrassed by protruding ears. Often patients have dealt with ridicule in childhood about their overly large ears and that insecurity follows them into adulthood. With otoplasty, Dr. David Mashhadian can correct your ears so that they lay flatter against your head and provide a more balanced and proportional appearance with your face. Otoplasty can actually be performed on patients as young as five years old so your children do not have to suffer the same teasing that you may have as a child. The procedure itself only takes about an hour and your recovery time lasts about a week. And your results last for a lifetime.


Recovery from rhinoplasty generally lasts about one to two weeks. After your procedure, you will need someone to drive you home from our Beverly Hills office. You will return in a couple of days to have the surgical packing removed from your nose. And in about one week, we will remove the splint and bandaging around your nose. During the first several days, your face will likely feel puffy. You will also experience some bruising and swelling around your eyes and nose. However, within ten to fourteen days, most of those effects will subside. You will want to keep your head elevated for a few days, even during sleep, and you should not return to strenuous activities or exercise until cleared by Dr. Mashhadian for those activities. Remember that each patient heals at their own rate. Listen to your body and follow our post-operative instructions for the most comfortable recovery and the best the results.


Liposuction is not an effective weight loss tool. Although it effectively reshapes areas of your body and removes stubborn fat pockets, it should not be used for weight reduction. It is a body contouring technique. Liposuction is best used to treat small areas of fat that have not responded well to diet and exercise. These are common on your abdomen, back, buttocks and thighs, but liposuction can also be used on your arms and neck. During your consultation with Dr. Mashhadian, you will discuss your trouble spots and your goals for liposuction. He will recommend the type of liposuction that best suits your body type and will give you the results you are looking for.


We’ve all had that feeling of gravity taking its toll on our bodies – especially as we age or after a life-changing event such as a pregnancy or major weight loss. Whether you are choosing abdominoplasty as a present to yourself or as part of a mommy makeover in the Beverly Hills area, there are some important health considerations to think about; particularly in terms of pregnancy. View More Patients Results GETTING PREGNANT AFTER A TUMMY TUCK There is a low risk of injury to yourself or your baby if you get pregnant after a tummy tuck.  Bear in mind, though, that being pregnant will stretch your abdominal wall muscles and any overlying skin in a way that may potentially reverse the cosmetic effects. It is typically recommended in most cases to wait until after you have finished your child bearing before getting cosmetic surgery like a tummy tuck. There are a number of factors to consider in terms of pregnancy and a tummy tuck. These include: muscle separation weight gain stretch marks skin laxity personal desire There are women who have experienced childbirth after their cosmetic surgery procedure. Many of them will be satisfied with their previous surgical results after pregnancy while others may decide to have a revisionary tummy tuck procedure performed. Our goal at Rodeo Surgical Art is not to change but to enhance in a way that paints each of our patients’ individual masterpieces. We are caring, compassionate and available to our patients to answer your questions or to address any concerns.


VASER liposuction is an exciting liposuction technique. Like traditional liposuction, during a VASER procedure your excess fat cells will be suctioned out using a cannula (special tube made for the procedure). However, with VASER liposuction, Dr. Mashhadian uses an ultra sonic instrument to emulsify the fat cells in the treatment area. This ultra sonic pressure liquefies the fat cells making them easier to remove. This procedure allows Dr. Mashhadian to more easily shape the underlying tissue to provide just the right contours for your results. VASER liposuction is not right for everyone, but it is a very effective procedure for many of our Beverly Hills patients.


Any time you are choosing a cosmetic surgeon, you want to make sure you are selecting a doctor who can provide the quality results you want. When you are choosing a rhinoplasty surgeon, that choice is even more important because the results of your surgery will be evident to everyone you meet. Your rhinoplasty surgeon should make you feel confidnose ent that the results you discuss in your consultation are the results you can actually expect from your procedure. Make sure to ask for before and after photos from previous patients so that you can see for yourself exactly what this surgeon has accomplished for others. You also want to feel comfortable that your surgeon genuinely cares about your results and will take the time to achieve the look you want. A cosmetic surgeon with an artistic eye will ensure that each patient leaves the office feeling like the work of art that they are.


Many patients work for months or even years to achieve significant weight loss. And unfortunately many of them are disappointed with their body after reaching their goal weight. Although you are probably healthier and feel fitter than ever before, you are likely dealing with a large amount of excess skin and tissue throughout your body. As you reduce the fat beneath your skin, your skin does not always shrink around your new figure as well as you would like it to. That’s where a body lift can help you finally achieve the look that you have worked so long and hard for. Depending on your unique body and needs, you can reduce the appearance of unwanted skin and tissue in almost any area of your body, from an arm lift to a breast reduction to a tummy tuck.


If you are losing the battle against stubborn fat pockets on your abdomen, combined with excess skin and tissue, then a tummy tuck may be just the right procedure to give you back the confidence you want in your body. Good candidates for tummy tuck surgery are women or men who are struggling to get the toned abdomen they want with diet and exercise alone. For many tummy tuck candidates, life events such as pregnancy and weight loss have left them with excess skin and tissue in the abdominal area. With a tummy tuck, Dr. Mashhadian can eliminate unwanted skin and excess fat. He can even eliminate or reduce the appearance of stretch marks. If you are interested in the results a tummy tuck can give you, the best way to understand the procedure and your candidacy is to speak with Dr. Mashhadian.


An arm lift can reduce the appearance of that jiggling extra skin and tissue on the under side of your arm. Many of our Beverly Hills patients have already seen the dramatic difference this procedure can make in the way the world sees their figure. An arm lift can be right for you if you have excess skin and fat underneath your arm due to: Weight loss Weight gain Pregnancy Age Heredity issues During your arm lift procedure, Dr. Mashhadian makes an incision from your elbow to your arm pit on the underside of your arm. This will result in some scarring that fades with time. However, you should be aware of the incision location when weighing your plastic surgery options.

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