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Rhinoplasty is surgery that reshapes the nose. This procedure can dramatically impact your outlook on life by letting you face the world with a nose that gives you the confidence you want. Also known as nose reshaping, rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed today. Candidates for rhinoplasty may be seeking changes in one or more of the following: Nose width Nose shape or symmetry Overall nose size relative to the face Nostril size Position or direction of the nasal tip Several surgical techniques are used to reshape the nose, including trimming of cartilage, tailoring of bone, and making incisions within the nostrils to minimize scarring. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we understand that your nose is every bit as unique as your face and personality. When you choose Dr. Mashhadian for your rhinoplasty procedure, he will carefully consider your individual needs in making recommendations.


Many of our Beverly Hills breast augmentation patients lead a healthy and active lifestyle, so it is only natural that we often get questions and concerns about exercising after receiving breast implants. The key to any recovery is listening to your body. We will provide guidelines for when you will likely be ready to resume your normal activities, but you should never push yourself too hard. Your body needs time to heal.Of course, we always encourage patients to take light walks around the house beginning the day following surgery. This will help keep your blood flowing and aid your recovery. From there you can work back up to your normal routine as your body heals.You should be able to return to light exercise within 4-6 weeks, but you shouldn’t try strenuous activity or heavy lifting until you have been cleared by Dr. Mashhadian to do so.


All women have some degree of asymmetry in their breasts. One breast is usually slighter larger or may even be slightly differently shaped. Many women live with this minor inconvenience, but when your breast asymmetry is noticeable, it can leave you feeling self-conscious and embarrassed about your body. It makes it more difficult to select clothes that flatter your figure, and swimsuits may be your own personal nightmare. At Rodeo Surgical Art, Dr. David Mashhadian has helped many women correct the asymmetry in their breasts with a breast lift. With a breast lift, Dr. Mashhadian can remove excess breast tissue and correct breast sagging at the same time so that you are left with firmer, more symmetrical, and more youthful looking breasts. A breast lift can also be combined with breast augmentation to give you the fuller, shapelier bust that you are proud to show off with flattering clothes.


Many of the attributes we find beautiful are simply a matter of symmetrical features, especially in the face. With the right facial implants, Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Mashhadian can help you achieve the natural looking symmetry that will enhance your facial beauty. Cheek and chin implants are popular among our patients. With cheek implants, you can gain the appearance of higher cheekbones and a more filled out cheek area. Both will give you the more youthful appearance you want. With chin implants, you can give your face a more well-defined look with a stronger profile. Although a variety of materials can be used for cheek and chin implants, Dr. Mashhadian commonly uses silicone or Medpor, a dense and porous polyethylene material. During your consultation, Dr. Mashhadian will determine which material is right for you.


Many of our Beverly Hills patients have heard that liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can both make dramatic differences in their appearance, but how do you know which one is right for you? During your consultation with Dr. Mashhadian, he will listen to your body goals and help you determine which procedures will give you the results you want. However, you should understand the basics about the procedures you are considering. Liposuction is a less invasive procedure than a tummy tuck. With liposuction, Dr. Mashhadian can remove unwanted fat and give you the body contours you want. It can also be used in areas other than your abdomen. Popular liposuction treatment areas include the thighs, calves, arms, and buttocks. Tummy tuck is an excellent procedure to reduce excess tissue, skin, and fat around your abdomen. The results from a tummy tuck will have a greater impact on the appearance of your abdominal region, but the procedure does require a longer recovery time.


With current advances in breast implant technology, your choices can seem overwhelming. With the help of experienced Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Mashhadian, you will learn about your breast implant options and which choices are right for your breast augmentation. Saline implants are made with a silicone shell that is filled with salt water. The main benefit of saline implants is that they can be placed with a smaller incision and the size can be adjusted during surgery because they are filled once placed. Silicone implants are made with a silicone shell and filled with a silicone gel. Many patients think that silicone implants give their breasts a more natural look and feel than saline implants, but it is a matter of personal preference. Silicone implants are also only available to patients over the age of 22.


After recovering from your tummy tuck, you will want to maintain your new body contours for a long time. Many of our Beverly Hills patients already lead a healthy and active lifestyle, but it is important to keep up with good nutrition and exercise to keep your body looking its best. Weight gain is the enemy of maintaining your amazing tummy tuck results. To combat unwanted weight gain, you should start your regular exercise routine again as soon as Dr. Mashhadian clears you to do so. Keeping a good balance of cardio and resistance training in your routine will help you keep those unwanted pounds off and maintain the muscle tone that makes you look so great. Packing your diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, protein and water is also a great way to ensure that extra pounds don’t sneak back on to your midsection.


The short answer is yes. All surgical procedures will leave a scar. You cannot make an incision without a resulting scar. However, the good news is that with a skilled Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon like Dr. David Mashhadian performing your tummy tuck procedure, your scar will be well placed so that it is easily covered with swimsuits or underwear. The incision for your tummy tuck procedure will be placed on your lower abdomen. For a full tummy tuck, Dr. Mashhadian will make a horizontal incision between your pubic hair line and your navel. The length and shape of this incision will depend on the degree of correction necessary. For a mini tummy tuck, your incision will be smaller and less noticeable, but your results will not be as dramatic as the full procedure. In consultation with Dr. Mashhadian, you can have all of your concerns addressed about scarring and determine which procedure, the full or mini tummy tuck is the right one to achieve your cosmetic goals.


Do you suffer from excess fat in your upper or lower eyelids but are afraid to go under the knife for cosmetic correction? You aren’t the only one. Luckily with advanced technology and the skill of Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Mashhadian, you can get the natural-looking, long-lasting results you want from blepharoplasty without the surgical procedure. In non-surgical blepharoplasty, Dr. Mashhadian contours your eye area with dermal fillers made of hyaluronic acid. This material mimics the youthful appearance of naturally occurring collagen in your skin to fill the lines and crevices that have aged your appearance. Non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed right in our office under topical anesthesia. With his expert eye for facial contours, Dr. Mashhadian will use dermal fillers to correct the asymmetry of your facial appearance and leave you looking youthful and vibrant.


Capsular contracture is one of the complications that may be experienced following a breast augmentation procedure. It is relatively uncommon, but our Beverly Hills patients should be aware of the risks associated with breast augmentation and the corrective measures taken to correct them. With any foreign object inserted into the body, such as a breast implant, your body will form a protective pocket of scar tissue around the object. This is the body’s normal healing process and happens with all breast implant patients. Capsular contracture occurs when that scar tissue begins to squeeze the breast implant and can cause it to harden and become misshapen. Capsular contracture is usually diagnosed upon physical examination and can be corrected with a breast augmentation revision surgery.

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