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What Procedures are Typically Included in a Mommy Makeover?

The Mommy Makeover is rapidly rising in popularity because it specifically addresses the concerns of mothers who’ve had unwanted body changes due to pregnancy and childbirth. Moms are busy people, and at Rodeo Surgical Art, you can restore your body to its pre-pregnancy prime with only a single recovery period, getting you back on your feet faster for your family. What is a Mommy Makeover? The term Mommy Makeover was popularized by celebrity moms who underwent customized body contouring procedures in a single surgical treatment. For some moms, a breast lift and tummy tuck is the desired combination, while for others, a breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction is their treatment of choice. Tailored especially for you, Dr. David Mashhadian can help you create a treatment plan that will reshape your figure to bring back its pre-pregnancy glory. What Procedures does a Mommy Makeover Include? Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a serious toll on a mom’s breasts, so the Mommy Makeover most often includes either a breast lift or breast augmentation, or sometimes both. A breast lift repositions sagging breasts higher on the chest wall and corrects shape changes wrought by breastfeeding. A breast augmentation can also correct shape irregularities and restore lost volume to your breasts. Dr. Mashhadian employs surgical techniques with breast augmentations, such as the Keller Funnel for touch-free enhancement, to improve safety and reduce trauma to tissues for a faster recovery. The next most common treatment area mothers opt to correct is the abdomen, where pregnancy and childbirth can wreak serious havoc. Baby bumps stretch out skin, which may not always bounce back after giving birth the way one would hope. In some cases, pregnancy can detach muscles from the abdominal wall, leading to a protruding side profile that make some women appear as though they’re still pregnant. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, addresses this specifically. It tightens and shapes the abdomen by strengthening and tightening weakened abdominal muscles and removing excess fat and loose skin for a slimmer, sleeker silhouette. There are three levels of tummy tuck, the mini-tummy tuck, full tummy tuck, and extended tummy tuck, each of which come with their own advantages and disadvantages. Liposuction is often added to the Mommy Makeover to enhance the results of the tummy tuck, particularly if you’ve got concerns about your flanks, sides, or pockets of fat in other areas besides the abdomen, like thighs or on your back. Liposuction is the least invasive of the common Mommy Makeover procedures, and can often produce enhanced results for a smoother, sculpted body contour. Some don’t stop there, choosing also to consider a thigh lift, arm lift or a Brazilian butt lift as well. What Recovery and Results Can I Expect? Your recovery and results largely depend on which procedures you use to customize your Mommy Makeover. For example, the extended tummy tuck is probably the most invasive of the Mommy Makeover options, which requires the most recovery time, but also provides the most dramatic improvement. Because you’ll need to recuperate for 1-2 weeks, it’s wise to plan for help around the house. You’ll be unable to lift anything greater than 10 pounds for this duration, including children. While it may take 6-12 months for the swelling to subside and your tissues to fully settle into their new position, your Mommy Makeover results can be spectacular, with naturally shaped, pleasing breasts, a slimmer, sleeker torso, and tighter skin. Your friends and loved ones will be amazed by your figure after having children. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person Mommy Makeover consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

What are the Benefits of Renuvion Skin Tightening?

It’s an unfortunate reality that over time, skin loses its firmness and youthful appearance. This can be exacerbated by fluctuations in weight, pregnancy, and the natural aging process. While it’s normal, it can have a negative effect on confidence and comfort with one’s appearance. Now, there’s Renuvion (J Plasma), a revolutionary skin tightening procedure that can correct loose skin without visible scarring and major surgery. Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art can perform this procedure alone or in conjunction with other procedures so you can have smooth, tight skin you’ll love. How Does Renuvion Work? Renuvion works when radiofrequency (RF) energy converts helium gas to an extremely stable cool plasma at lower temperatures than RF or ultrasound alone (100º vs 300º-600º). When applied to the underside of skin through a tiny cannula, the plasma beam cuts, coagulates, and ablates soft tissues either laparoscopically or in open procedures. As a result, skin contracts and stimulates collagen production, the support structure that maintains skin’s firmness and youthful look. The process resets the clock so your tissues behave as much younger skin, taking years off your age. Because Dr. Mashhadian can see the tightening as it happens, he can sculpt and contour your soft tissues to the best possible shape, all without damaging nearby tissues, thanks to Renuvion’s temperature safety controls. These extraordinary skin tightening effects can rejuvenate nearly anywhere on the body, such as the: Neck Abdomen Arms Thighs and legs Back Sides or flanks Hips Buttocks The cannula is inserted through small incisions made either exclusively for Renuvion skin tightening or another procedure, such as liposuction or a tummy tuck. The plasma beam reacts with the underside of your skin to tighten and boost collagen, and it only takes around 30 minutes to complete. Am I a Good Candidate? Have you got loose skin you’d like to tighten, but aren’t sure about having an invasive surgery to remove it? Renuvion may be the answer you’ve been waiting for. If you’re having another procedure, Renuvion may be added to enhance your results. A consultation with Dr. Mashhadian is a great place to start. What are the Benefits of Renuvion Skin Tightening? Recovery time with Renuvion is minimal. Because the tiniest of incisions are made and Dr. Mashhadian carefully navigates the cannula to strategically tighten your skin without damaging surrounding tissues, recovery from Renuvion takes up to 2 weeks less than more invasive procedures where recovery can last a month or more. You may resume your normal schedule 1-2 weeks after your procedure. There’s a minimal chance of scarring. The procedure to remove excess skin can often come with large scars due to the need for big incisions to remove excess skin. Renuvion’s energy is delivered through the smallest incisions possible, so while you may have tiny marks, they’re much less noticeable than traditional skin removal procedures. The results are indisputable. With Renuvion, you’ll see immediate improvement with noticeably tighter, firmer skin. Because stimulating collagen is a longer process, your results will continue to improve for months, so what’s immediately visible will get even better with time. Studies show Renuvion treated skin behaves like skin much younger, so while you’ll still experience aging, it will do so from a much more youthful starting point. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we believe in bringing our patients the latest innovations, technologies, and techniques to stay at the forefront of the cosmetic enhancement industry. With our commitment to visible, quantifiable results, we only adopt procedures and technologies that provide true, measurable improvements. We’re excited to bring Renuvion to our patients for the least invasive, most effective skin tightening available today. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person Renuvion Skin Tightening consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

How Long is Recovery from Rhinoplasty?

The nose is one of the cornerstones of our appearance, and when something about it is out of proportion, it can have devastating effects on our self-confidence. The good news is a rhinoplasty (commonly called a nose job) is one of the most well-documented and practiced cosmetic enhancement procedures available. At Rodeo Surgical Art, Dr. David Mashhadian has melded artistry with medicine to perfect his technique for rhinoplasty, so you’re looking good sooner than you thought possible. View More Patients Result How Does Rhinoplasty Work? There are so many techniques available to customize a rhinoplasty to each patient to achieve the outcome you most desire, from changing the size, shape, and placement of your nose to correcting asymmetry or deformities. Dr. Mashhadian performs rhinoplasty using incisions on the inside of the nose for no visible scarring. If you struggle to breathe due to a deviated septum or other functionality issue, this can be corrected as well. Even the subtlest change to the size, shape, and placement of your nose can have a big impact on your appearance. There are several ways the procedure can be performed, including open, closed, revision, and non-surgical rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty involves an incision under your nose between the nostrils, which can leave a scar but it’s minimal. Dr. Mashhadian can perform more extensive improvements with this option, and it’s the most common technique he uses. Closed rhinoplasty keeps all incisions within the nasal cavity. Revision rhinoplasty varies patient to patient to fix previous procedures that did not work. Non-surgical rhinoplasty involves the use of dermal fillers to enhance the nose’s shape and correct asymmetries. These results won’t be permanent and will need maintenance appointments to keep them in place. Am I a Good Candidate? If you’d like to change your nose to be more proportional to your other features, remove a bump on the bridge, alter the width, correct asymmetry, reduce its prominence, or change the tip, you may be an ideal candidate for a rhinoplasty. Dr. Mashhadian can discuss your goals during a thorough consultation and provide you with everything you need to make an informed decision. Treatment and Results At Rodeo Surgical Art, rhinoplasties are performed in-office in our state-of-the-art procedure room under general anesthesia, and they take between 90 minutes and 3 hours to complete. Depending on your correction, you may also have cartilage grafted from your ear to your nose to achieve the exact shape you’re looking for. As for results, they may not be immediately visible due to swelling and bruising, which can take a few weeks to subside. Residual swelling can happen for a year after your rhinoplasty, but once your nose fully settles into its final shape and position, your results last a lifetime. How Long is Rhinoplasty Recovery? You’ll awaken from your procedure with splints or packing inside your nose. This is to protect it from jarring and preserve the shape Dr. Mashhadian sculpted, and they’ll come out after a few days during a follow-up visit. For the first week, it’s advisable to sleep in an elevated position for comfort and good blood flow. Avoid blowing your nose for 2 weeks. Most patients return to normal routines in 1-2 weeks, and keep exercise light until around 4 weeks. Within a month, your new nose will begin to emerge and you’ll see how talented Dr. Mashhadian truly is. Because of his proprietary Recovery EXL process, you may not even need narcotic pain management. The nose brings harmony and balance to the face no matter how subtle the change you’d like. Let Dr. Mashhadian give you the nose you’ve always wanted, so you can be the best version of you. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person Rhinoplasty consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!

What Types of Breast Augmentation Exist?

The choices involved in a breast augmentation can go a long way toward giving you the result you most desire, which increases patient satisfaction and success. Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art is one of Beverly Hills’ most talented surgeons, and with his proprietary surgical techniques, you could not be in better hands for your breast enhancement. View More Patients What are the Types of Breast Augmentation? The choices in a breast augmentation procedure reach far beyond what type of implant (silicone, saline, or gummy bear) you select. That’s where the talent, precision, and attention to detail of a surgeon of Dr. Mashhadian’s caliber comes in. Each patient is unique, so optimizing your outcome through the type of procedure that’s right for you is critical. Placement of the implants, subglandular or submuscular, can make a big difference. With subglandular, the implant is situated between the breast tissue on top of the pectoralis muscle. This option better suits patients with more skin elasticity. Submuscular placement puts the implant beneath the pectoralis muscle. This is a beneficial technique for women with limited amount of natural breast tissue and tighter skin. Incision type is what determines the surgical technique. Dr. Mashhadian includes his own proprietary techniques to minimize trauma to surrounding tissues (such as use of the Keller Funnel) for an easier recovery as part of his Recovery EXL™ system. Let’s take a look at incision types. Breast Augmentation Incision Techniques For the periareolar technique, the incision circles the areola and provides Dr. Mashhadian with direct access to accurate and natural implant placement. This technique also allows for size and shape enhancement of the areola itself. The inframammary incision runs horizontally in the breast fold,. It’s the most common technique because of the precise control it provides for implant positioning. It also interferes less with future breastfeeding success, though it does result in a larger scar. Proper scar care can minimize the scar’s appearance, so this is still a popular choice among patients. Transaxillary incisions are made in the armpit, significantly disguising the resulting scar. The implant is placed endoscopically, which gives Dr. Mashhadian added control over unwanted bleeding, minimizes tissue trauma, and improves post-op discomfort. Transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) has gained popularity because the incision is made in the navel, and the implant is threaded into position through a carefully created tunnel through the abdomen above the rectus fascia. TUBA procedures can significantly reduce the risk to the patient of nerve damage and infection while preserving breastfeeding function, resulting in no visible scarring. Trans-abdominoplasty breast augmentation is performed during a tummy tuck and is often part of a Mommy Makeover procedure. This avoids additional incisions and leaves the patient’s breasts scar-free. Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation? Women concerned with the size, shape, symmetry, and profile of their breasts who want to feel confident and beautiful are ideal candidates. The best results happen for those who are in good health, don’t smoke, and have realistic expectations. Dr. Mashhadian will help you decide which choices will help you achieve success with your procedure, and he’ll be with you every step of the way, from your comprehensive consultation through your recovery. What is Breast Augmentation Like? The procedure’s techniques are determined by the specific type of breast augmentation you’ve chosen, and all procedures are performed in the top-of-the-line procedure room at Rodeo Surgical Art on an outpatient basis. Breast augmentations typically last 1-3 hours, and you’ll be able to return to the comfort of your home to recover. It takes months for your breasts to fully realize their intended shape, but you’ll immediately experience the increased size, and as swelling subsides, your new, beautiful shape will emerge.

How Much Does BOTOX® Cost?

While BOTOX® injections may be the most popular cosmetic rejuvenation procedure in the country, the caliber of your provider can make a huge difference in your success and satisfaction with the results. This can raise questions, however, about how affordable the treatment will be. Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art understands this, so while he personally handles all BOTOX® injections, he’s also cultivated a clientele that allows Rodeo Surgical Art prices to remain as competitive as possible. How Does BOTOX® Work? Fine lines and wrinkles happen when we smile and frown. These muscle movements contribute to unwanted wrinkles that prematurely age us. BOTOX® Cosmetic works by temporarily blocking facial muscles from moving quite as deeply, allowing the treatment area to relax and giving the skin a chance to repair and renew without the wrinkles. A skilled cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Mashhadian has the necessary knowledge to perfectly place BOTOX® injections, so you get the benefit of fewer wrinkles without losing what makes your facial expressions natural. There are no exaggerated or frozen results at Rodeo Surgical Art, because Dr. Mashhadian is a fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon with a passion for the beauty and art of cosmetic rejuvenation. How Much Does BOTOX® Cost? For many patients, the cost of BOTOX® is a big consideration. Part of your treatment’s price will be determined by both the depth of the wrinkles you wish to erase and the number of units that erasure will require. Men tend to require more units than women because of larger facial muscles, and the number of units also depends on the treatment location. The price can be anywhere from $10-$25 per unit. So how does that translate to a treatment area? Here’s a general guide: Forehead lines: 10-30 units, or $100-$750 Brow furrows: 20-25 units, or $100-$625 Crow’s feet: 20-25 units per side, or $50-$375 Neck bands: 30-50 units, or $250 – $750 Underarm sweating: 100-140 units, or $1000-$2000 Please keep in mind that these prices are based upon averages found online and are no way a direct quote for your treatment. We believe every patient can benefit from the confidence boosting effects of cosmetic rejuvenation. Dr. Mashhadian and the team at Rodeo Surgical Art have worked hard to cultivate a well-established roster of patients so we can price our treatments at an extremely competitive level while maintaining the personalized, compassionate care for which we’re known. BOTOX® treatments are an investment in your health and mental well-being, so we’ve established financing options designed to relieve the burden of treatment on your budget. We want nothing to stand in the way of you achieving the best, most beautiful version of yourself possible. Am I a Good Candidate? BOTOX® Cosmetic has been FDA-approved since 2002 and is one of the safest cosmetic enhancement medications available today. Most patients tolerate BOTOX® injections well, with slight discomfort in the injection site. If you’re concerned about premature aging from lines and wrinkles of your forehead, brows, or lines around your eyes or mouth, Dr. Mashhadian can answer all your BOTOX® injection questions in a comprehensive consultation at Rodeo Surgical Art. When Can I Expect Results? The effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic can sometimes be immediate, but most patients report improvement in their fine lines and wrinkles between 7 and 10 days. During this time, your muscles will suspend most movement, but not all, which leaves you free to express your true self with all the confidence that your wrinkles will soon fade. BOTOX® effects last up to 5 months, with seasoned BOTOX® recipients able to wait longer before their next session because their muscles acclimate to the effects of the medication.

Can You Combine a Breast Lift and a Breast Augmentation?

When a woman is self-conscious of her breasts, there can be many reasons why. Are they too small or asymmetrical? Does their skin laxity cause drooping? Do the nipples point outward or downward? These are all considerations Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art can answerwhen you’re considering what type of breast procedure is best for you. View More Patients Result How Does a Breast Augmentation Work? Breast augmentation is more than simply increasing the size of the breasts. For some women, their breasts do not project very far forward from the chest wall, a trait known as the breast profile, so from the side, they appear flatter-chested than they’d like. Breast implants can also correct a size difference between the breasts for better symmetry. For other patients, the shape is of more concern, which is why implants come in round or teardrop options, each of which produce unique results. The implants themselves are placed either above or beneath the pectoralis muscle, which produces different desired results. The method of insertion and incision placement can also affect outcomes, but the general aim is to situate the implants in the best placement to achieve the specific results the patient hopes to achieve. This improves the breasts’ profile, shape, size, and contour. How Does a Breast Lift Work? A breast lift is a bit different because it aims to restore sagging breasts to a higher, more pleasing position on the chest. The breast profile can be addressed with this procedure, like with a breast augmentation, without adding volume to the breasts’ size. Excess skin is removed as necessary, and the nipples can be repositioned to a perkier, youthful direction. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on the breasts as can fluctuations in weight, so what once might have been pleasing breasts before may have changed over time. A breast lift may be the desired option for breasts that have drooped or sagged or nipples that have pointed more downward than outward. Am I a Good Candidate? Patients who achieve the most successful results from a breast procedure at Rodeo Surgical Art are those who are generally healthy, don’t smoke, and whose expectations are realistic. A consultation with Dr. Mashhadian is a great starting place to have all your questions answered. Can a Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift be Combined? A breast augmentation can absolutely be combined with a breast lift successfully! The implants you choose can be inserted into the breast pocket that’s best for you through the incisions made for your specific type of breast lift using a Keller Funnel, which minimizes trauma to surrounding tissues so you experience less swelling and bruising as much as possible. Breast lift incision types can impact your final results, so it’s best to carefully consider what kind of end result will be achieved with each. What is Recovery Like? All procedures by Dr. Mashhadian are performed in the Rodeo Surgical Art surgical suite on an outpatient basis. You’ll awaken from your procedure wearing a compression bandage to keep your contours in place. Patients with implants will experience a heaviness on the chest that may take some acclimating to. After a few hours of careful monitoring, you may return to the comfort of your home for the remainder of your recovery. Because of Dr. Mashhadian’s Recovery EXL™ techniques, you may be on your feet faster than ever, and may not even require narcotic pain medication. Your new breasts will settle into their best position in the following months, leaving you happier with your overall profile and silhouette.

How Long is Recovery from a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck recovery is often hyped as one of the most difficult of all cosmetic enhancement procedures, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Yes, a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a major procedure and shouldn’t be taken lightly, but Dr. David Mashhadian’s skills, proprietary surgical techniques, and experience honed over a decade ensure you’re in the best possible hands. View More Patients Result How Does Abdominoplasty Work? A tummy tuck removes excess fat, restores weakened abdominal muscles, and corrects their separation from the abdominal wall if applicable. Excess skin may also be removed, which can take care of stretch marks. Women who’ve been through pregnancy and childbirth are often interested in a tummy tuck, alone or as part of a mommy makeover, because the abdominoplasty’s particular focus corrects most of the concerns having children brings. There are levels of abdominoplasty, where the fat can be liposuctioned away and a minimal amount of skin removed (Mini Tummy Tuck), more extensive fat and skin removal (Dermolipectomy), or Post Bariatric Body Contouring, which involves a complex plan to smooth the abdomen after significant weight loss. Am I a Good Candidate? Patients who most benefit from a tummy tuck are those concerned about excess belly fat, weakened abdominal muscles, a forward protruding belly that may indicate abdominal wall muscle separation, and loose skin. Start addressing your specific goals with a consultation with Dr. Mashhadian. What is the Tummy Tuck Procedure Like? You’ll first receive anesthesia in Rodeo Surgical Art’s state-of-the-art surgical suite, and depending on which type of abdominoplasty you’re having, an incision will be made horizontally between the pubic hairline and the navel. The length of your incision is determined by specific corrections Dr. Mashhadian is making. The abdominal muscle repair is performed if necessary and then fatty tissue and skin is removed. Your incision is then closed and you’re kept under observation until it’s time for you to recover at home. How Long is Recovery from a Tummy Tuck? At Rodeo Surgical Art, Dr. Mashhadian has perfected techniques paired with medications to create the Recovery EXL system, the details of which will be thoroughly discussed with you before your procedure. Because of this method, Dr. Mashhadian is able to significantly reduce recovery times, complication risks, and even your postoperative pain. Many patients don’t even need narcotic pain management and are up on their feet within days of their procedures. You’ll wear a compression garment to support your abdomen, minimize swelling, and preserve Dr. Mashhadian’s contouring efforts. Sleeping and resting inclined on pillows will help minimize pressure on your abdomen. Walking a bit every few hours will help reduce the risk of clotting complications, but listen to your body and rest when necessary. It will be up to 6 weeks before more strenuous physical activity or exercise is permitted, and Dr. Mashhadian can recommend the best forms of exercise at each stage of your recovery. Swelling for 3 months is fairly normal, and your final results may not fully settle into place until the 1 year mark. Dr. Mashhadian will provide a remarkable topical product for incision care to minimize the appearance of your scar. With a slimmer, firmer abdomen made more proportionate to your height and weight, your clothes will fit better, you’ll stand taller, and be more confident in everything you do. The recovery may be a process, but the results, as Dr. Mashhadian’s past abdominoplasty patients can attest, are very worth it.

How Does BOTOX® Work?

In a time when BOTOX® injections are the most popular cosmetic rejuvenation procedure in the US, it’s more important than ever to fight signs of aging with a provider of Dr. David Mashhadian’s caliber. At Rodeo Surgical Art, your experience is about so much more than getting your treatment done. It’s about the compassionate, knowledgeable staff, Dr. Mashhadian’s stellar artistry, and the best possible rejuvenation experience available in Beverly Hills. How Does BOTOX® Work? BOTOX® is FDA-approved to block the signals from your nerves to specific muscles in your face responsible for repetitive motion which creates fine lines and wrinkles. It’s a process called cosmetic denervation. These muscles relax without constant movement, allowing your skin time to repair and smooth away wrinkles. With Dr. Mashhadian’s expert injection techniques, not all are affected, so you’re still able to express yourself while looking younger without that frozen, surprised look indicative of bad BOTOX® injections. Typically injected in the forehead, between the brows, or around the eyes, BOTOX® can safely be administered for other treatment areas. Dr. Mashhadian specializes in treating: Lip lines (sometimes called smoker’s lines) Wrinkles across the bridge of the nose (bunny lines) Creases under the nose which slightly tip the nose up Overly gummy smile Chin dimples (the orange peel effect) Neck bands (platysmal bands) Axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweating) Am I a Good Candidate? BOTOX® has been proven safe since it’s FDA-approval in 2002, and most everyone is a candidate to receive the injections. If you have an active infection at the site of injection, it’s best to postpone your BOTOX® treatment until the infection clears. What is BOTOX® Treatment Like? BOTOX® at Rodeo Surgical Art is not the same as BOTOX® treatment anywhere else. We begin with a full examination and skin evaluation, and since BOTOX® can only relax the wrinkles caused by repetitive facial expressions, not those resulting from sun damage or environmental pollutants, we can offer comprehensive treatment options to achieve your overall goals. Dr. Mashhadian performs your BOTOX® procedure rather than another staff member, and as a fellowship trained cosmetic surgeon, you’ll receive the benefit of his extensive experience, knowledge of anatomy, and the successful results that entails. With topical numbing cream, your treatment will be pain-free, and the needle used is ultra-thin for maximum precision and minimal invasion into your muscles. Using a smaller needle allows Dr. Mashhadian more control over the placement of the medication, at the exact depth and with only the amount of BOTOX® necessary to achieve great results. Is there any Downtime? There is no downtime with BOTOX® injections. We advise to refrain from touching the treatment area the day of your appointment so as to not disrupt the placement of the medication. You may drive after your appointment and immediately resume your regular activities. You may experience some injection site tenderness and redness, but these will resolve on their own in a few days. What Results Can I Expect? BOTOX® results with Rodeo Surgical Art are nothing short of extraordinary. Because of Dr. Mashhadian’s critically aesthetic eye, passion for cosmetic rejuvenation, and keen understanding of facial anatomy, you will have natural, smooth results that don’t appear overdone or frozen in surprise. It may take up to 2 weeks for the full effects of BOTOX® to take hold. Once they do, you’ll enjoy a younger appearance for up to 5 months. The more BOTOX® treatments you have, the longer they last as your muscles acclimate to the medication. You have nothing to lose except years off your appearance.

How Can I Get Rid of Stubborn Fat?

There’s nothing more frustrating than working hard in the gym and keeping to a healthy diet, yet still seeing pockets of stubborn fat in the mirror. You put in the hard work and you deserve the rewards. Dr. David Mashhadian at Rodeo Surgical Art can give you that extra boost in body sculpting with liposuction. How Does Liposuction Work? Liposuction techniques have come a long way, but they all remove unwanted body fat where diet and exercise fail. The beauty of liposuction, and of Dr. Mashhadian’s skills, is its precision in shaping your body where other body contouring procedures have less accuracy. Liposuction sculpts the abdomen, hips, flanks, thighs, upper or lower back, arms, or even underneath the chin to give you the sleek profile you’re looking for. Different liposuction techniques achieve different results. This makes liposuction highly customizable for each patient, and offers the personal touch Dr. Mashhadian and the Rodeo Surgical Art team are known for. Tumescent liposuction infuses the treatment area with sterile fluid to ease the removal of unwanted fat cells while simultaneously reducing bleeding and resulting in less trauma to the surrounding tissues. A small incision is made through which a cannula is inserted to suction unwanted fat from the body. This method works well for larger areas like the abdomen, flanks, and back. VASER liposuction is also intended to ease fat removal, but through ultrasound energy to the treatment area before the cannula is introduced. The heat generated liquefies the fat cells, making them easier to suction out as well as giving Dr. Mashhadian a great deal of control over the body’s contours, making it ideal for smaller treatment areas. This also minimizes tissue trauma. Am I a Good Candidate? Liposuction is not for weight loss, so ideal candidates are within 20-30 pounds of their ideal weight. Patients who don’t smoke and have good skin elasticity are often more satisfied with their results. Sometimes, liposuction can be combined with additional procedures to improve overall results with a single recovery period. What is the Liposuction Procedure and Recovery Like? Rodeo Surgical Art’s state-of-the-art surgical suite is where Dr. Mashhadian performs liposuction procedures. Most of the time, patients are put under general anesthesia. Dr. Mashhadian then performs the liposuction with the benefit of years of experience, skillful artistry, and his proprietary Recovery EXL methodology, which shortens recovery time, reduces post-op pain significantly, and gets you on your feet much faster. Most liposuction procedures take only 60-90 minutes from start to finish.   You’ll awaken with a compression garment to minimize swelling and preserve Dr. Mashhadian’s sculpting efforts. Your procedure is outpatient, so you should be home the same day. Bruising and swelling, particularly around the incisions, is normal. With Recovery EXL, you may not even need narcotic medication to manage pain. What Results Can I Expect? Your new sculpted physique will emerge as the swelling reduces over the following few weeks. Fat cells are not replaced by the body, so once they’re gone, they’re gone for good. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will prolong your results for years. Gaining weight in the fat cells that remain in the treatment area after your procedure can undo the results Dr. Mashhadian has so carefully crafted. Many patients come to Rodeo Surgical Art and Dr. Mashhadian for help ridding themselves of stubborn fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise. If you’re ready to trim your stomach, sculpt your neck and jawline, slim your hips or flanks, get rid of wobbly thighs, or say goodbye to fat around your bra line or above your waistband, then liposuction with Dr. Mashhadian is the customized treatment for you. What do you have to lose besides the fat?

How Much Does an Eyelid Lift Cost?

Lines and wrinkles aren’t the only ways the skin around our eyes show age. Our eyelids become more lax over time, and as such, can give us a sleepy or hooded appearance. In more severe cases, your eyelids may droop so much they can obstruct peripheral vision. Dr. David Mashhadian can help with an eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, which opens up your eyes so you’re alert, refreshed, and bright eyed. How Does an Eyelid Lift Work? While blepharoplasty involves the subtlest of changes to the skin around your eyes, its results can be remarkably dramatic in how it reduces the appearance of age. Some patients with more serious eyelid drooping have even reported less fatigue at the end of the day. They no longer feel staying alert is a struggle with less skin weighing down their eyelids. It’s shifted fatty tissue and loose skin of both the upper and lower eyelids that creates puffy eye bags and sagging skin. Dr. Mashhadian makes small incisions in the natural creases of your upper or lower lid (or both in the same procedure) to remove excess fat and skin. This releases the pressure on your eyes for a more bright eyed appearance. You look more alert, refreshed, and ready to take on the day. Am I a Good Candidate? Blepharoplasty is for men and women who are unhappy with the appearance of their eyes due to drooping, sagging, puffiness, under eye bags, and hooding of the eyelid that can sometimes impede vision. During your consultation, Dr. Mashhadian will thoroughly evaluate your eyelid positioning and condition while listening to all your concerns and answering any questions you may have. In some cases, combining related procedures, such as a brow lift, with your blepharoplasty may achieve your goals more successfully.   What is the Procedure Like? Blepharoplasty is a relatively quick procedure at around 2 hours for both upper and lower lids. Patients having an upper eyelid lift may only need local anesthesia, but if you’re having upper and lower lids done simultaneously, you’ll likely require general anesthesia. Incisions are made in the natural creases of your upper lid, or along the lash line of your lower lid, and are well camouflaged once healed. Dr. Mashhadian repositions fat pads and removes excess fatty tissue and skin. This is where the artistry of a skilled surgeon of Dr. Mashhadian’s caliber matters most, and when he’s sure your eye contours are youthful and beautiful, he’ll close the incisions. Blepharoplasty recovery is often one of the easiest procedures to recover from. What Results Can I Expect? Initial swelling may obscure your results immediately, but as this settles down, your eyes will appear wider, brighter, and you’ll have a youthful, refreshed appearance no makeup techniques or caffeine can duplicate. The change may be physically subtle, but your confidence will soar and you’ll likely feel less fatigued at the end of a workday, especially if your work involves screen time. How Much Does an Eyelid Lift Cost? The cost of a blepharoplasty does depend on whether you’re having upper, lower, or both sets of eyelids lifted. Blepharoplasty is a highly complex procedure where every patient is unique, so your price will reflect this complexity. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons averages eyelid surgery costs around $3,200 nationwide. Because the Rodeo Surgical Art standard of care includes our patients’ comfort in all aspects of their procedures, including price, we offer stellar financing options. Dr. Mashhadian has also carefully curated a balance in patient care designed to make pricing as competitive as possible. You get Beverly Hills cosmetic treatment results without the Beverly Hills price tag.

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