What Procedures are Typically Included in a Mommy Makeover?
The Mommy Makeover is rapidly rising in popularity because it specifically addresses the concerns of mothers who’ve had unwanted body changes due to pregnancy and childbirth. Moms are busy people, and at Rodeo Surgical Art, you can restore your body to its pre-pregnancy prime with only a single recovery period, getting you back on your feet faster for your family. What is a Mommy Makeover? The term Mommy Makeover was popularized by celebrity moms who underwent customized body contouring procedures in a single surgical treatment. For some moms, a breast lift and tummy tuck is the desired combination, while for others, a breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction is their treatment of choice. Tailored especially for you, Dr. David Mashhadian can help you create a treatment plan that will reshape your figure to bring back its pre-pregnancy glory. What Procedures does a Mommy Makeover Include? Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a serious toll on a mom’s breasts, so the Mommy Makeover most often includes either a breast lift or breast augmentation, or sometimes both. A breast lift repositions sagging breasts higher on the chest wall and corrects shape changes wrought by breastfeeding. A breast augmentation can also correct shape irregularities and restore lost volume to your breasts. Dr. Mashhadian employs surgical techniques with breast augmentations, such as the Keller Funnel for touch-free enhancement, to improve safety and reduce trauma to tissues for a faster recovery. The next most common treatment area mothers opt to correct is the abdomen, where pregnancy and childbirth can wreak serious havoc. Baby bumps stretch out skin, which may not always bounce back after giving birth the way one would hope. In some cases, pregnancy can detach muscles from the abdominal wall, leading to a protruding side profile that make some women appear as though they’re still pregnant. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, addresses this specifically. It tightens and shapes the abdomen by strengthening and tightening weakened abdominal muscles and removing excess fat and loose skin for a slimmer, sleeker silhouette. There are three levels of tummy tuck, the mini-tummy tuck, full tummy tuck, and extended tummy tuck, each of which come with their own advantages and disadvantages. Liposuction is often added to the Mommy Makeover to enhance the results of the tummy tuck, particularly if you’ve got concerns about your flanks, sides, or pockets of fat in other areas besides the abdomen, like thighs or on your back. Liposuction is the least invasive of the common Mommy Makeover procedures, and can often produce enhanced results for a smoother, sculpted body contour. Some don’t stop there, choosing also to consider a thigh lift, arm lift or a Brazilian butt lift as well. What Recovery and Results Can I Expect? Your recovery and results largely depend on which procedures you use to customize your Mommy Makeover. For example, the extended tummy tuck is probably the most invasive of the Mommy Makeover options, which requires the most recovery time, but also provides the most dramatic improvement. Because you’ll need to recuperate for 1-2 weeks, it’s wise to plan for help around the house. You’ll be unable to lift anything greater than 10 pounds for this duration, including children. While it may take 6-12 months for the swelling to subside and your tissues to fully settle into their new position, your Mommy Makeover results can be spectacular, with naturally shaped, pleasing breasts, a slimmer, sleeker torso, and tighter skin. Your friends and loved ones will be amazed by your figure after having children. Take the Next Step Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation  To schedule your in-person Mommy Makeover consultation, call Rodeo Surgical Art at (310) 652-4500. We look forward to hearing from you!