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What is Rhinoplasty?

As a central feature of the face, the nose has a lot of sway over our overall appearance. When there are imperfections, such as a prominent bump on the bridge, or an out-of-proportion tip, it can really affect self-esteem and confidence. You can regain your confidence and love your nose again with the help of Dr. David Mashhadian, one of Beverly Hills’ most renowned plastic surgeons. How Does Rhinoplasty Work? Every nose is different, so rhinoplasty to reshape unwanted features or correct trauma can be a complex undertaking, one in which Dr. Mashhadian has extensive experience and training. Changes to your nose’s shape can profoundly improve your whole appearance, as well as function of your nose if you have trouble breathing due to deviated septum or structural irregularity. There are a few options for how your rhinoplasty is performed. Open rhinoplasty improves your nose from the inside and the outside with incisions inside the nose as well as across the columella, the narrow strip of tissue between the nostrils. This gives Dr. Mashhadian greater access to the tissues and cartilage of the nose for optimal shaping. Closed rhinoplasty is performed through incisions only inside the nasal cavity, which means there’s no visible scarring. This is only possible for patients seeking minor correction because it limits access to all the nose’s structures. Revision rhinoplasty may be necessary when a patient hasn’t gotten the results originally desired. Dr. Mashhadian carefully assesses your current nose as well as your original nose. After thorough discussion about your goals from the first procedure and where it fell short, Dr. Mashhadian can give you a greater understanding of how your revision will help. Thanks to his skill, extensive experience, and meticulous attention to detail, it’s a rare situation where he cannot improve your happiness with your nose’s overall appearance. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is for patients seeking the subtlest of changes and don’t mind having repeat treatments using dermal fillers. This option gives you a semi-permanent solution to improve your nose’s shape without a lifetime commitment. It’s an option for patients unwilling to have surgery, or it may be a stepping stone to a surgical rhinoplasty with more permanent outcomes. Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty? If the shape of your nose negatively impacts your life and you want to change its size, shape, or other central feature, rhinoplasty may be your solution. If you have breathing trouble, rhinoplasty may even be partially or fully covered by insurance. Your consultation includes a thorough discussion about what rhinoplasty can do for you, so your likelihood of success is greater. What is a Rhinoplasty Procedure Like? Dr. Mashhadian performs rhinoplasty procedures in the Rodeo Surgical Art accredited surgical suite. Most treatments last between 90 minutes and 3 hours under general anesthesia. Your treatment plan is implemented with well-placed incisions, through which Dr. Mashhadian begins your nose’s remodel. Some patients may require cartilage grafts from donor sites elsewhere on the body (most often the ear) to achieve optimum results. When you awaken, your nose will be bandaged and have internal packing to protect what Dr. Mashhadian has so carefully sculpted. You may have some swelling and bruising, and you should avoid blowing your nose for up to 2 weeks. Your packing will be removed after a few days at your first follow-up visit, and each subsequent visit will allow Dr. Mashhadian to monitor your healing. What Results Can I Expect After my Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty often requires some healing before results fully develop, but your new nose will emerge as swelling subsides. Your new look will last a lifetime, and you need no further treatments to maintain it.

How Does Liposuction Work?

The beauty of liposuction is how much sculpting power it gives a surgeon with Dr. David Mashhadian’s skill, expertise, and level of artistry. Liposuction is possible on even the smallest amount of stubborn fat, so while it’s not a great solution for significant weight loss, you can target those areas that simply don’t respond to diet and exercise.   How Does An Liposuction Actually Work? The concept of liposuction is simple but its execution takes experience and training to elevate the results, which Dr. Mashhadian delivers for his Rodeo Surgical Art patients time and again. Stubborn fat is suctioned out through a small cannula inserted through a tiny incision, leaving your body lean and slender in ways the gym can’t always provide. Because of liposuction advanced technology, Dr. Mashhadian can very precisely mold your body to the shape you’ve always wanted. Diet and exercise can only shrink fat cells. Liposuction removes them entirely, and because the body stops producing fat cells after puberty, once they’re gone, they’re really gone. Existing fat cells may still grow in size, so a healthy lifestyle will maintain your slim physique for years to come. Liposuction can be performed virtually anywhere: Abdomen Flanks Arms Thighs Upper back (around the bra line) Around the knees or ankles Under the chin   Am I a Good Candidate? Ideal liposuction candidates are men and women in general good health who cannot shift those stubborn pockets of fat with diet and exercise. The best results happen for patients who don’t smoke, have good skin elasticity, have realistic expectations, and can commit to the necessary recovery time and healthy lifestyle. What is the Procedure Like? There are a multitude of varied liposuction techniques, making it highly customizable. Most Rodeo Surgical Art liposuction procedures Dr. Mashhadian performs are outpatient under general anesthesia and take place in an accredited surgical suite with state-of-the-art technology at his fingertips. The type of liposuction you have changes how the procedure is performed. Tumescent liposuction involves the infusion of sterile fluid to your treatment area. This minimizes bleeding and preps the fat cells for easier removal and more precise body sculpting. Tumescent liposuction is ideal for patients transferring the fat being removed to another area of the body for additional sculpting. This technique is also incredibly successful for the larger regions, such as the back, abdomen, and flanks. The tumescent fluid also flushes out the area as it leaves the body, reducing the risk of complications and infection. Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy directly to the fat cells to liquefy them for easier removal and better, more precise body contouring. Because the fat is easier to remove, there’s less trauma to surrounding tissues, which eases your recovery and produces less swelling and bruising. You’re able to see your new body shape sooner than with traditional methods of liposuction as you heal. Both procedures only take 60-90 minutes, and you may have more than one area sculpted at the same time, or use liposuction in combination with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck or arm lift. What Results Can I Expect? Swelling from your procedure requires a couple of weeks to subside enough for your new shape to emerge. Your skin will be smoother, your abdomen and flanks flatter and more toned, and your arms or thighs will be thinner. If you’ve had your double chin treated, your jawline will be more defined, your neck more graceful and attractive. It may take a few months for your tissues to fully settle, and once they do, you’ll enjoy your new silhouette for a lifetime with a healthy lifestyle.

How Often Do You Need to Replace Your Breast Implants?

Like many procedures, breast augmentation has grown and advanced, with new implant technologies and surgical options becoming available all the time. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we offer the most innovative and safest types of breast augmentation to give you the best possible results. What is Breast Augmentation? If you wish you had larger, more symmetrical, or differently shaped breasts, you may want to consider breast augmentation. Dr. David Mashhadian performs several different types of augmentation to help you achieve your goals. He can also help you select the right type of implant for the breast shape, appearance, and feel that you desire. What Types of Breast Augmentation are Available? You have several options for breast augmentation, including one option with no implants. During your consultation. Dr. Mashhadian will review your options and help you choose the best implants and the best procedure for you. Traditional Breast Augmentation Traditional breast augmentation uses an incision in one of several places, including along the edge of the areola or under the armpit. All leave minimal scarring, especially in the hands of an experienced surgeon. Implants are placed into a pocket created behind the breast tissue. This type of augmentation allows for any type of implant placement, giving you more options for implant shape and texture. TUBA Procedure The transumbilical breast augmentation, or TUBA, leaves no scars, minimizes recovery time, and prevents disruption of the breast tissue. It uses an incision inside the belly button. Dr. Mashhadian will then create a pathway through the fat layer of the abdomen, avoiding any delicate structures. He will create an implant pocket using a tiny camera to visualize the area. An empty saline implant is rolled to a small size and inserted through the belly button. After placing the empty implants, he fills them with saline to the desired volume. Fat Transfer Augmentation For more subtle and natural breast augmentation, fat transfer augmentation may be a good choice. Dr. Mashhadrian will liposuction fat from another area of your body and then inject it into your breasts. As an expert in this type of breast augmentation, he can create noticeable volume enhancement using this fast, non-surgical method. What Kind of Breast Augmentation is Right for Me? Your ideal type of breast augmentation depends on your desired results. A TUBA procedure offers many advantages, including the lack of a visible scar and the shortened recovery time. However, TUBA procedures only allow the surgeon to place saline implants. If you choose a silicone implant type, you will have more options for shape, projection, and feel, but you will require a more traditional augmentation procedure. Fat transfer augmentation makes an excellent option for those who want to avoid implants. How Long Do Breast Implants Last? Breast implants can last ten to fifteen years or even longer. However, you may choose to have them removed before this time. While ruptures happen very rarely, they can occur, especially in older implants. This is not dangerous but requires a replacement of the implants. Some people also develop capsular contracture, where scar tissue forms around the implant. Dr. Mashhadian can correct this problem before placing new implants. What Implant Choices are Available? You can choose between a range of implant types to help you achieve exactly the breasts you desire.  Saline A saline implant uses a silicone shell that the surgeon fills with saline after placing it in the breast pocket. This allows precise control of the breast volume. These implants have FDA approval for ages 18 and up, making them available to younger adults. Silicone These implants may require a slightly larger incision since they will already be full when Dr. Mashhadian places them. Silicone implants come in a wide range of shapes to give you the outward projection, upper volume, or enhanced roundness you want. They usually feel more like natural breasts. They are FDA approved for those 21 and older. Ideal Implant These implants strike a balance between the benefits of saline and silicone. Ideal implants have a silicone shell and internal dividers. They have two saline-filled chambers. The unique design of the silicone shell makes it more natural to the touch. Unlike a typical saline implant, a rupture will only affect one chamber, so your breast will not suddenly lose volume. Gummy Bear These firm, resilient implants hold their shape, unlike other implants that contain liquid or gel. Solid gummy bear implants have become increasingly popular since they can produce significant enhancements in shape and projection. However, they may feel too firm for some people. Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation? If you want to enhance the volume or shape of your breasts, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation. Ideal candidates are in good health, have no history of bleeding or clotting problems, and do not smoke or are prepared to quit. Even if you want to avoid implants, you can still get excellent results from a fat transfer augmentation thanks to Dr. Mashhadian’s skill with this procedure.

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