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Breast Augmentation

Case 977
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan Saline High Profile, size 400cc implants place through the belly button.

Case 978
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan Saline, Hugh Profile, size 400cc implants places through the belly button, under the muscle.

Case 979
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, moderate profile, size 480cc implants placed through belly button, under the muscle.

Case 980
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, High Profile filled to 480cc implants placed through the belly button, under the muscle.

Case 981
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, moderate profile, size 480cc implants placed through the belly button, under the muscle.

Case 982
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, High Profile, filled to 480cc implants placed through belly button, under the muscle.

Case 983
Transumbilical breast augmentation with Allergan saline implants Moderate Profile, size 360cc, placed through belly button, under the muscle.

Case 958
Feeling disproportionate to her curves, she wanted a look to balance out her body. Dr. Mashhadian placed 400cc high profile implants under the muscle scarlessly through the belly button.

Case 975
Allergan Gel Silicone, Style 20, size 350cc implants through Peri Areolar incision, under the muscle.

Case 959
Always having small breast she was ready for a little increase in size and shape. Dr. Mashhadian placed 480cc moderate profile implants under the muscle under the muscle scarlessly through the belly button.