Gummy Bear Breast Implant/Transumbilical /Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before and After

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Breast Augmentation

Case 977_1
Case 977
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan Saline High Profile, size 400cc implants place through the belly button.
Case 978_1
Case 978
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan Saline, Hugh Profile, size 400cc implants places through the belly button, under the muscle.
Case 979_1
Case 979
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, moderate profile, size 480cc implants placed through belly button, under the muscle.
Case 980_1
Case 980
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, High Profile filled to 480cc implants placed through the belly button, under the muscle.
Case 981_1
Case 981
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, moderate profile, size 480cc implants placed through the belly button, under the muscle.
Case 982_1
Case 982
Transumbilical scarless breast augmentation with Allergan saline, High Profile, filled to 480cc implants placed through belly button, under the muscle.
Case 983_1
Case 983
Transumbilical breast augmentation with Allergan saline implants Moderate Profile, size 360cc, placed through belly button, under the muscle.
Case 958_1
Case 958
Feeling disproportionate to her curves, she wanted a look to balance out her body. Dr. Mashhadian placed 400cc high profile implants under the muscle scarlessly through the belly button.
Case 975_1
Case 975
Allergan Gel Silicone, Style 20, size 350cc implants through Peri Areolar incision, under the muscle.
Case 959_1
Case 959
Always having small breast she was ready for a little increase in size and shape. Dr. Mashhadian placed 480cc moderate profile implants under the muscle under the muscle scarlessly through the belly button.

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