Gynecomastia Archives - RodeoSurgicalArt


How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition where men experience the development of breast tissue, and it’s more prevalent than you may think. Around 50%-60% of adolescent males experience insecurity stemming from gynecomastia. For those patients whose breast tissue doesn’t resolve on its own, Dr. David Mashhadian of Rodeo Surgical Art can alleviate the distress gynecomastia causes with a male breast reduction. What Causes Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia can happen at any age and has multiple causes. Excess breast tissue can be due to hormonal changes, heredity, and certain drugs like steroids and anabolic hormones. Obesity may also cause gynecomastia because fat cells release estrogen into the bloodstream. We have two types of hormones in charge of our sex characteristics: estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Estrogen is responsible for feminine traits, including breast growth, while testosterone is responsible for masculine characteristics like muscle distribution. Estrogen, however, isn’t exclusive to women. Men produce it, too, and when estrogen and testosterone imbalances occur in men, breast growth may be the result. This imbalance may come about because of medications, the natural aging process, medical conditions that affect hormone levels, and even herbal products, like lavender, sometimes present in some shampoos and soaps. How is Gynecomastia Treated? For patients experiencing gynecomastia resulting from an underlying condition, such as hypogonadism, treating the imbalance of hormones often corrects the gynecomastia. However, not all instances of gynecomastia can be corrected this way. Male breast reduction is the treatment of choice for patients whose gynecomastia cannot be corrected through other medical interventions. Your procedure with Dr. Mashhadian will be designed to fit your unique physique and aesthetic goals. In general, male breast reductions are performed using liposuction to remove excess fatty and glandular tissue. Often, not all the breast tissue present can be removed using suction, so Dr. Mashhadian will create a small, half-moon incision on the bottom of the areola to access the remainder of tissue to be removed. For a smaller number of patients, excess skin must also be removed to achieve the more masculine shaping Dr. Mashhadian intends to sculpt, in which case there will be incisions on the underside of the pecs. Am I a Good Candidate for a Male Breast Reduction? The best candidates include healthy men without medical conditions that preclude them from undergoing surgery, those who have a healthy expectation for the outcome, and those whose breast development has stabilized. The procedure can alleviate the emotional distress overly large breasts can cause in men. Dr. Mashhadian can explain in detail during your comprehensive consultation how you can get started. What is Gynecomastia Surgery Like? Based on your procedure’s treatment plan, you’ll undergo your male breast reduction in the privacy and comfort of our AAAHC certified surgical facility located next door to the Rodeo Surgical Art offices. Dr. Mashhadian will make sure you’re comfortable, and when your anesthesia is administered, he’ll perform your procedure according to the treatment plan you’ve created together. You’ll likely have a compression bandage to reduce swelling and preserve Dr. Mashhadian’s careful contouring. You may also have drains to aid in fluid reduction. What is Gynecomastia Recovery Like? The hardest part about your recovery will be limiting your arms’ range of motion. You should avoid lifting your arms above shoulder height for 2-4 weeks. You should also refrain from lifting more than 20 pounds for 4-6 weeks. Most of Dr. Mashhadian’s patients return to work within 1-2 weeks, and because of his Recovery EXL™ techniques during your procedure, you may recover at a faster pace than average. What Results Can I Expect? Patients notice an immediate improvement to the shape and flatness of their chest, even with swelling and bandages. The excess breast tissue is gone. Your swelling may slightly obscure your results, but this should subside enough within 2 weeks to see if your procedure meets your aesthetic goals. Your chest is flatter, your clothes will fit better, and most of all, you’ll be relieved of the anxiety that comes with a chest you’re not comfortable with. Removing breast and fatty tissue is a long-term solution that will not have to be repeated. However, it is possible future or uncorrected hormonal imbalances could produce new breast tissue. If you’re a man who has been suffering from gynecomastia, Dr. Mashhadian and the Rodeo Surgical Art team are here to help. Male breast reduction surgery can improve your mental well-being and restore a masculine profile to your chest. Dr. Mashhadian is one of the most skilled plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, and he understands how sensitive gynecomastia can be for men. Relief is waiting for you at Rodeo Surgical Art.

How Long is Recovery from Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlarged breasts in males. This can be caused by hormonal changes, obesity, or drug use, and the discomfort it creates may cause some men to avoid physical activities and intimacy. Male breast reduction surgery reduces breast size, but how long does recovery take?    What is Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is a common disorder among boys and men. It occurs when an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen stimulates the growth of excess glandular breast tissue, resulting in abnormal swelling of the pectoral area.  The most common causes for enlarged male breast tissue include an abnormal fat deposit near the pectoral area of the chest and fluctuations in estrogen levels. Drugs or prescription medications can also cause this condition to surface. How Long is Recovery from Gynecomastia? The recovery process from male breast reduction surgery can vary greatly depending on the surgical technique used and the amount of tissue removed. If you undergo a liposuction procedure, you may experience some soreness and bruising that will disappear within a week or two. However, if there is any skin removal, Dr. Mashhadian will give you clear instructions on when you can remove your sutures and resume normal activities. How Can I Treat Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is a condition that causes men’s breasts to grow abnormally large and become swollen with excessive amounts of tissue. In most cases, this resolves without treatment as long as there isn’t an underlying medical issue causing it, such as hypogonadism or malnutrition. Liposuction may be ideal if your gynecomastia doesn’t go away by itself. Liposuction works by sucking out the glandular tissue around the nipple that causes excess bulk in men’s breasts. It also reduces other fat deposits on and under the areola, leaving no scars behind. Sometimes this procedure doesn’t work alone; surgeons can perform mammoplasty simultaneously where they make a small incision near the bottom of the areola to remove glands for further reduction. What Should I Expect During Gynecomastia Recovery? After your gynecomastia surgery at Rodeo Surgical Art, Dr. Mashhadian will carefully apply dressings or bandages on your incisions, and you may be given an elastic support garment. A thin tube may also be placed under your skin to drain excess blood or fluid. Dr. Mashhadian will also give you post-surgery instructions on how to take care of the surgical site to aid your recovery and prevent infection. What are the Benefits of a Male Breast Reduction Surgery? Male breast reduction surgery is the leading treatment for gynecomastia and is exceptionally successful. The procedure can help you: Enjoy a more masculine figure Regain your self-confidence Improve your posture Alleviate back pain Gain enough strength to engage in physical activities Am I a Good Candidate for a Male Breast Reduction Surgery? If you feel uncomfortable with your enlarged breast tissue, have a surgical procedure for gynecomastia. This surgery is an option if: You do not want to try alternative treatments Your condition cannot be corrected through other medical treatments The size of your breasts bothers you significantly

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