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How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

It may surprise you to learn that breast implants aren’t guaranteed to last a lifetime. The reasons for a revision procedure are varied and personal, but future procedures will become necessary to ensure your implants’ integrity. Dr. David Mashhadian is Beverly Hills’ breast implant expert, and he can help you understand everything you need to know about successful breast augmentation, including revisions.   How Do Breast Implants Work? Breast implants enhance the size, shape, position, and symmetry of women’s breasts to improve self-confidence and quality of life. The breasts are a big part of femininity, and if a patients’ breasts lack a pleasing appearance, they can erode a fundamental part of one’s self-image. Dr. Mashhadian has spent years perfecting techniques and researching implant science to give women more control over the appearance of their breasts. Each patient’s augmentation will vary in type and style of implant, method of insertion, and placement, which gives Dr. Mashhadian a variety of advanced techniques to improve your overall breast appearance with natural, enhanced results. Am I a Good Candidate? Women who dislike the size, shape, or appearance of their breasts may find a breast augmentation can greatly enhance their comfort with their chest profile. Saline implants have been FDA-approved for women 18 or older, and silicone implants are a viable choice for women 22 or older. During your consultation, Dr. Mashhadian will explore your choices for breast augmentation and how they affect the overall results so you can determine what’s best for you. How Long Do Breast Implants Last? While breast implants don’t have an expiration date, they typically last between 10-20 years. There are many reasons women undergo breast implant revision. For some, it’s a matter of aesthetics changing as they get older. Perhaps the size or shape chosen in their 20s doesn’t appeal in their 30s or 40s and no longer gives them the results they love. Another reason is the implants have ruptured. With saline implants, this becomes obvious quickly, as the breast changes shape with the rapid loss of implant volume. It’s less obvious in silicone implants, which lose volume more slowly. The development of hardened scar tissue around one or both implants, called capsular contraction, is another reason women have their implants revised or removed. This can be a painful situation that causes the breast’s outward appearance to change or leaves the patients feeling tenderness or skin tightness that must be addressed as soon as possible. The implant shell may also fold or ripple with movement, causing a change to the outward shape of the breast or the ability to feel these ripples when breasts are touched. Implant shifting may also be a good reason to consider a revision to your breast augmentation. What Can I Do to Prolong My Breast Implants? One of the best ways to prolong the longevity of your implants is to choose your surgeon wisely. Dr. Mashhadian is one of Beverly Hills’ best, with years of experience across thousands of patients who’ve been thrilled with their augmentation results. He’ll monitor the condition of your implants for as long as you have them, so detection of a rupture, rippling, or capsular contraction can be made sooner than later. Regularly scheduled checkups can go a long way toward keeping your implants healthy for longer. Another option to improve the longevity of your implant results is choosing gummy bear implants. These are made of advanced silicone gel with 3% more cross-linking to give it more stability in its shape in all positions. This reduces the occurrence of folding and rippling, minimizing the chance of rupture. It also limits the incidence of capsular contracture by 69%. The textured shell, along with several unique size and shape options, gives gummy bear implants a more natural look and feel to find your perfect fit. Their low chance of rippling or rupture reduces stress on the implants, which leads to a far less likelihood for sooner revision. While no implant is entirely guaranteed against shifting, leakage, or rippling, the cohesive gel structure of gummy bear implants limits the silicone traveling within the body after a rupture and becoming a danger to the patient. Breast implants are a safe and long-lasting medical device, but they will eventually require a revision to replace them for your safety and continued improved quality of life. With the right physician and implant choice, you can prolong their longevity and enjoy the natural feel and appearance of your enhanced breasts for years.

BOTOX® VS Dermal Fillers: What is the Difference?

When the signs of age become noticeable, it can be difficult to know what aesthetic treatments will showcase your best features while still keeping your appearance natural and refreshed. Do you need neurotoxins like BOTOX® or would dermal fillers better suit you? Dr. David Mashhadian’s artistry and expertise with injectables can help you decide which treatment can keep you looking your best for years to come.   How Does BOTOX® Work? Neurotoxins such as BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Xeomin® have a big impact without a lot of recovery time. When age begins to slow skin repair from dynamic muscle movement such as smiling and frowning, wrinkles form and contribute to an older, exhausted appearance. Neurotoxins can temporarily suspend muscle movement to allow the skin time to repair itself. Wrinkles between the brows, across the forehead, and around the eyes diminish, leaving patients looking younger and more vibrant. Using tiny needles with precise doses of the chosen neurotoxin, Dr. Mashhadian strategically pauses dynamic facial movement while still allowing your personality to shine through. There are no frozen, surprised, or overdone results at Rodeo Surgical Art. How Do Dermal Fillers Work? Dermal fillers such as Juvéderm®, Radiesse®, and Restylane® take a different approach to treating age-related concerns like wrinkles and volume loss. As time affects the viability of collagen fibers—the skin’s most vital support network—the skin can lose firmness and begin to sag. Fatty tissues can shift downward, leaving cheeks looking gaunt and eyes appearing hollow. These dermal fillers replace lost volume while also boosting collagen production to help your skin remain firm and supple, staying youthful for longer. Each of the dermal filler options used by Rodeo Surgical Art are made of hyaluronic acid (HA) molecules in different linked configurations which determine the consistency and viscosity of the gel. Thinner gels are used in delicate areas around the eyes or to plump lips, while thicker gels can restore lost cheek volume and elevate the tissues to a more youthful facial contour.     Am I a Good Candidate for Injectable Treatments? If signs of aging are getting ahead of your regular skincare routine, perhaps your youthful features can be restored with neurotoxin or dermal filler treatment at Rodeo Surgical Art. These procedures are safe for most anyone unhappy with wrinkles around their forehead, eyes, and mouth, or lost volume of the cheeks and lips. A consultation with Dr. Mashhadian can determine which treatment will best suit your aesthetic goals and facial features.   What’s the Procedure Like? Dr. Mashhadian performs all injectable treatments himself at Rodeo Surgical Art, so you get the benefit of his years of experience and extensive training in creating beautiful, natural results that preserve your youth, beauty, and personality. Local anesthetic is available for patients nervous about needles, and the dermal fillers at Rodeo Surgical Art all contain lidocaine to make each injection less painful than the one before. Precision injection techniques and exacting doses of each medication give Dr. Mashhadian’s patients a renewed appearance without fear of an overdone or plastic result. It’s normal to experience some injection site tenderness and bruising, but these will resolve in a few hours or a couple of days, depending on your treatment choice. Both neurotoxins and dermal fillers have a long track record of safety and efficacy when administered by a physician of Dr. Mashhadian’s talent and credentials. You should be back to your normal routine immediately following your appointment at Rodeo Surgical Art. What Results Can I Expect? With neurotoxin treatment, you’ll notice a visible reduction of dynamic wrinkles beginning 5-10 days following your injections, with smoother skin around your eyes and forehead. You can expect neurotoxin results to last 4-6 months before maintenance is necessary. Repeated treatments may prolong the time between sessions as muscles acclimate to the medication. Results with dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the formula and treatment area. They are a great semi-permanent way to look younger for longer without resorting to more invasive surgical procedures. Many patients in their 30s use dermal fillers as a preventative measure against aging and volume loss. The use of neurotoxins and dermal fillers, alone or in combination, can reverse years off your appearance and keep you looking young for longer than ever. They’re a great long-term solution to put off the need for a facelift or more invasive treatment. Let Rodeo Surgical Art help you stay more youthful for longer than ever with injectable treatments.

3 Tips for Breast Augmentation Recovery

Unhappiness with the breasts is one of the most common sources of insecurity for women of nearly every age. It’s why breast augmentation is such a popular aesthetic correction, and it can enhance breast size to bring overall proportions into balance, correct noticeable breast asymmetries, or give breasts a more pleasing shape for a better chest profile. With a surgeon as talented and experienced in breast augmentations as Dr. David Mashhadian, your results will be natural, beautiful, and will give you the confidence to stand proud. How Does Breast Augmentation Work? Breast augmentation involves so much more than just inserting implants to give a woman bigger breasts. While the end goal is the same—to add fullness and shape to the breasts and correct asymmetry—the path to achieving that is incredibly personal to each patient. Dr. Mashhadian begins your journey with an in depth discussion about your goals, what is achievable for your particular anatomy, and which options will best give you the outcome you’re hoping for. You’ll have the choice of the type of implant—saline, silicone, or gummy bear—and its shape, either round or teardrop. You’ll also determine if the implant is placed subglandular or submuscular (above or below the pectoralis muscle). Finally, you’ll choose the insertion method, around the areola, beneath the breasts in the inframammary fold, in the armpit, or through the umbilicus for no scarring. Together with Dr. Mashhadian, you’ll create a treatment plan with the best chance of a successful result. 3 Tips for Breast Augmentation Recovery Thanks to Dr. Mashhadian’s Recovery EXL™ system, you’re already on the recovery fast track. Many patients don’t even need narcotic pain management and are mobile much faster. Here are some additional tips to prime yourself for the best possible outcome to your breast augmentation. Invest in good surgical support bras. Bras designed for post-op comfort with targeted support will help not only keep your new breasts stable, they’ll assist with proper lymph drainage and circulation. You’ll be wearing them at all times for the first few weeks after your procedure, so breathable, pressure-free fabric that adjusts comfortably will make that easier to adhere to. Prepare for your recovery ahead of the procedure. When you’re ready to come home from the Rodeo Surgical Arts surgical facility, you’ll feel a little foggy and unsteady with a strong desire to rest and sleep. If you arrange for a loved one to help out the first day, spend time meal prepping, and complete or outsource your household chores before you have your breast augmentation, your recuperation will be more relaxed and stress free. Listen to your body and follow all aftercare instructions. Getting plenty of rest rather than pushing to recover faster will allow your energy to be directed where you need it. A little mobility to prevent clotting is advised, but being well-rested will go a long way toward a smoother recovery with a better overall outcome. After a week or two, you’ll feel more like yourself, with better-fitting clothes and a more positive self-image. Soon, it’ll be time to enjoy this investment in yourself. What’s the Procedure Like? The type of anesthesia you’ll have, either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, is determined during the planning phase for your breast augmentation procedure. Dr. Mashhadian performs breast enhancements on an outpatient basis, so you’ll be home recovering after the 1-3 hour procedure is complete. With his Recovery EXL™ system and techniques like the Keller Funnel method of insertion—which uses a smaller incision and inserts silicone implants with as little trauma to surrounding tissues as possible—Dr. Mashhadian can reduce the length and discomfort of your recovery.  You’ll awaken wearing a surgical bra to minimize swelling and support your new breasts as they heal. You may feel as though a heavy weight is on your chest, but this is normal, as it may take you some time to acclimate to the weight of the implants. You’ll receive thorough aftercare instructions to help you through your recovery. Am I a Good Candidate? Any woman unhappy with the size, shape, or profile (forward projection) of her breasts should carefully consider whether a breast augmentation can improve her quality of life. Patients with the most satisfaction in their results are those in general good health who don’t smoke and have realistic expectations of the final outcome. Dr. Mashhadian can go into detail about the best options for you during your comprehensive consultation.

What is a Sculptra® Butt Lift?

A lifted, more rounded buttocks is becoming an increasingly frequent request in plastic surgery practices across the country. In the past, these were achieved with implant devices or fat grafting, where fat is transferred from one area of the body to another. Now, Dr. David Mashhadian in Beverly Hills is offering patients a non-surgical alternative to lift and shape the buttocks with Sculptra®.   How Does the Sculptra® Butt Lift Work? It is collagen that gives the skin its shape, thickness, and youthful fullness. The more collagen we have, the smoother, more supple our skin appears. This is true all over the body, not just the face. The toll age takes on collagen’s strength and quantity also happens all over the body, including the buttocks, which can flatten and sag over time. The Sculptra® butt lift uses collagen to its full advantage, increasing collagen production over a period of weeks or months to lift and round out the buttocks for a natural, pleasing plumpness that matches your body type and dimensions. Instead of adding volume with fat cells from other areas of the body or the insertion of silicone implants, the Sculptra® buttocks lift is an injectable treatment that requires no incisions or surgery. The active ingredient in Sculptra® is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which is injected deeper into the layers of your skin where it promotes the increased production of collagen fibers. These fibers are strong, creating a matrix of support for your skin that results in a rounded posterior for up to two years. Additionally, many patients report an improved appearance of stretch marks and other skin textural concerns in the buttocks because collagen is such an essential protein for healthy skin elasticity. Am I a Good Candidate? Sculptra® is a fantastic solution for patients seeking a plumper backside who don’t qualify for a fat transfer due to not having sufficient fat stores to transfer.  Anyone seeking more curve to their buttocks who isn’t a good candidate for surgery or cannot suspend their busy schedules for a recovery period may find the Sculptra® butt lift is an ideal alternative treatment. Dr. Mashhadian will provide a thorough examination of your buttocks and discuss your goals and the procedure’s nuances during a comprehensive consultation. How is the Procedure Performed? Your Sculptra® butt lift is completed by Dr. Mashhadian in the luxurious comfort of Rodeo Surgical Art’s boutique style office and takes only 30 minutes to complete. Patients concerned about pain may have local anesthesia at the injection site or ice compresses to numb the area before the injections are administered. Dr. Mashhadian will mark the treatment area to map the best placement of the injections, and once you’re finished, you may return to your regularly scheduled activities. Is There Any Downtime? Unlike other butt lift techniques which restrict sitting for up to 6 weeks, you’ll be able to sit on your buttocks soon after your Sculptra® treatment is performed. The most common reaction patients experience is injection site tenderness, which lasts only a few days. You may exercise at the level you feel most comfortable within a few days of treatment as well. What Results Can I Expect? With other butt lift procedures, the results are not always natural. Because Sculptra® treatments work directly with your body’s natural collagen production capabilities, your results will be very much in line with your body type and shape. It does take time for collagen fibers to develop, so your buttocks will become more rounded and plump gradually in the weeks following your first Sculptra® treatment. For fuller results, Dr. Mashhadian recommends 2-4 treatments scheduled about 3 weeks apart. Most patients see their buttocks achieve their shape goals within 6 months. Collagen is still subject to your body’s age, so a series of treatments will last around 2 years before you may need to repeat the process. Dr. Mashhadian’s commitment to the artistry and science of beauty and aesthetic enhancement have driven him to great successes with his patients and their outcomes. This is also why he does not overbook appointments and takes great care to learn everything he needs to know about your aesthetic goals and medical history. As a fellowship trained Diplomate of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Mashhadian’s passion shines through in every treatment he performs. If you’re interested in a beautifully curved, lifted backside that compliments your overall stature, call Rodeo Surgical Art today.

Tummy Tuck VS Liposuction: What’s the Difference?

Both liposuction and a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) aim to slim down the abdomen and torso and reduce stubborn pockets of fat. However, each procedure uses different techniques to achieve a slender profile. Dr. David Mashhadian has performed liposuction and tummy tuck procedures on patients with successful outcomes throughout the entirety of his career. If you’re looking to achieve a sleeker silhouette, you can achieve it with Rodeo Surgical Art. How Does Liposuction Work? Liposuction removes stubborn fat cells that simply don’t respond to diet and exercise. Sometimes, no matter how close to your goal weight you are, there are areas—typically on the abdomen, flanks, hips, or thighs—where fat won’t budge and you’re not as slender as you wish to be. Dr. Mashhadian has meticulously perfected his body sculpting techniques with liposuction to remove these unwanted fat pockets so you can achieve the body shape you’ve worked so hard for. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we have two options for the type of procedure that works best for you: tumescent liposuction and VASER liposuction. Tumescent liposuction involves the infusion of sterile fluid into the treatment area. This minimizes bleeding and eases the fat removal process. Once the fluid has worked its magic on your fatty deposits, they’re gently suctioned out through a small cannula inserted into your treatment area. This preserves the fat cells in patients having a fat transfer procedure, and also minimizes trauma to surrounding tissues, which decreases bleeding risk and improves recovery times. VASER liposuction also aims to keep fat removal gentle, using ultrasound energy to heat the fat cells, disrupting their membranes and liquefying the cells for easier removal. VASER stands for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance, and this process gives Dr. Mashhadian incredible sculpting control to help you achieve the body shape you want most. This gentle removal of fat also improves recovery times with less tissue trauma. How Does a Tummy Tuck Work? A tummy tuck also removes excess fat while additionally addressing abdominal muscles separated from the abdominal wall (a common concern among women who’ve been pregnant), and excess skin. The overall effect is a flatter, tighter stomach with smoother skin. Patients who’ve experienced significant weight loss, have been pregnant, and have a belly pooch that simply won’t diminish no matter what they do typically have good outcomes with a tummy tuck procedure. The incision is made between the pubic hairline and navel, and Dr. Mashhadian will anchor the abdominal muscles to the abdominal wall for greater stability and core strength. Then, stubborn fat is removed, and excess skin is removed to create a slim, sleek abdomen. Am I a Good Candidate? Patients who have good skin elasticity are often ideal candidates for liposuction, while skin laxity is one of the concerns a tummy tuck will correct. Both procedures remove fat deposits, so the skin’s condition is often the deciding factor for which technique is best for you. Neither procedure is a good tool for weight loss, so good candidates are non-smokers who are at or near their ideal weight. Dr. Mashhadian can answer any questions you have during a comprehensive consultation. How Are the Procedures Performed? Both liposuction and tummy tuck are performed under general anesthesia in Rodeo Surgical Art’s state-of-the-art surgical suite on an outpatient basis. If you’re having liposuction, either the tumescent fluid or the VASER ultrasound energy is delivered to the treatment area, and the unwanted fat is gently suctioned away while Dr. Mashhadian sculpts your new, slimmer profile. The treatment takes 60-90 minutes to complete. For abdominoplasty patients, the procedure takes 2-4 hours and begins with anesthesia. The shape and length of your incision will depend on how much correction is necessary. Weakened and separated abdominal muscles are sutured and repaired, and excess fat, tissue, and skin are removed. The incisions are closed with techniques designed to minimize scarring, and you’ll be wrapped in compression bandages for stability, support, and shape preservation. What Results Can I Expect? In both procedures, swelling needs to subside before results are evident, which will take a couple of weeks. Some tissue settling can be expected for a few more months. The fat cells that have been removed won’t return, but remaining cells can still fluctuate in size, so a healthy lifestyle is crucial for maintaining your new physique. Both procedures produce long-lasting results with better fitting clothing and greater confidence in yourself and your body.

How Much Can Dermal Fillers Cost?

In recent years, dermal fillers have become a powerhouse treatment in the fight against fine lines and wrinkles, volume loss, and aging. Time and the environment can take a toll on our features, and our tissues thin and shift, creating skin laxity that leads to wrinkles, deep facial folds, and lost volume in the cheeks and beneath the eyes. Dermal fillers are one of Dr. David Mashhadian’s most commonly used tools to help patients restore facial volume and minimize the signs of aging that take the most toll on youth and beauty. How Do Dermal Fillers Work? The dermal filler market has an array of incredible injectable fillers to achieve almost any cosmetic enhancement goal, from plump cheeks and lips to diminished wrinkles and volume restoration. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we use Juvéderm®, Radiesse®, and Restylane® fillers to achieve the natural results that preserve your most striking features while minimizing the flaws you want gone. Each option comes with its own unique properties to enhance your appearance in specific and nuanced ways. While BOTOX® can improve wrinkles caused by dynamic muscle movement (your most common facial expressions), Juvéderm® is capable of tackling a variety of imperfections. Juvéderm® Ultra and Ultra Plus beautifully fill in lips, marionette lines, smile lines, and deep frown lines. Juvéderm® Voluma goes deeper for more robust lift and volume in the cheeks, chin, and jawline where tissues have thinned and sagged the most. Juvéderm® Vollure works fantastically on more serious nasolabial folds and jawline contouring, while Volbella gives Dr. Mashhadian superior control for enhancing lips. Radiesse® works slightly differently to Juvéderm®, both immediately restoring lost volume to cheek and eye hollows while simultaneously stimulating boosted collagen production to shore up your skin’s natural support network. Over time, the gel is absorbed, but it leaves behind tiny microspheres to enhance collagen production which prolongs your results for up to 2 years. Restylane®, like Juvéderm®, is made of hyaluronic acid (HA) molecules which mimic the natural HA our skin produces. As we age, HA levels decrease, drying our skin and leading to the formation of lines and wrinkles. Restoring HA to our skin brings back a supple, youthful glow while the gel adds volume to thin tissues in the cheeks and around the mouth. Restylane’s® ultra-smooth formula is ideal for subtle or enhanced correction, whichever best meets your cosmetic goals. How Much Can Dermal Fillers Cost? As with any cosmetic enhancement treatment, the financial impact should be carefully considered along with the medical aspects patients face. Dr. Mashhadian has diligently built his clientele in such a way that allows for incredibly competitive pricing while still giving patients the dedicated attention they deserve. The amount of filler you’ll require to achieve your goals will also play a role in how much your treatment will cost.  According to statistics published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for 2019, Radiesse® costs around $690 per syringe, and HA fillers like Juvéderm® and Restylane® cost an average of $652 per syringe. Because Dr. Mashhadian understands the balance patients must strike between this investment in themselves and budgeting, Rodeo Surgical Art offers several financing options to make the decision as pressure-free as possible. Many of our patients believe restoring their confidence and quality of life with dermal fillers has, for them, been priceless. Am I a Good Candidate? All three dermal fillers used at Rodeo Surgical Art are composed of materials that naturally occur in the body, making them much safer and less likely to be rejected. Anyone concerned about wrinkles or lost facial volume is an ideal candidate. How is the Procedure Performed? Dr. Mashhadian employs his incredible talent and artistry to restore lost volume through a series of injections with your dermal filler of choice. Many of the gels contain lidocaine, making each injection as comfortable as possible beyond the initial pinch of the needle. He has also mastered the Cannula technique, leading to less trauma at the injections site. Dermal fillers only take minutes to apply, and other than some initial tenderness, they produce minimal to no side effects and require zero downtime. What Results Can I Expect? The plumping properties of dermal fillers are seen immediately, and the moisturizing effects of the HA molecules begin within a few days of your treatment, creating supple, smooth, youthful curves and facial contouring. Depending on the correction you’re after and the filler you’ve chosen, your results could last for up to 1-2 years. Diminished lines and wrinkles and restore facial volume go a long way to a youthful, glowing appearance you’ll love.

What You Need to Know about Breast Augmentation

For many women, beautiful, shapely breasts are foundational to their femininity and overall happiness. When the breasts are disproportionate or asymmetrical, the self-consciousness can invade the social, professional, and personal aspects of a woman’s life. Dr. David Mashhadian created Rodeo Surgical Art because enhancing the human body through cosmetic medicine is an art form in itself. With his creative approach to breast enhancement, Dr. Mashhadian has cultivated a reputation as one of Beverly Hills’s premier breast experts with unmatched, naturally beautiful results. Breast augmentation involves many choices, each of which has an impact on the outcome. The type, contents, shape, size, and position of the implant matter, as do the techniques Dr. Mashhadian uses during the procedure. There are reasons patients rave about their experience with Dr. Mashhadian: the results he creates with his expertise and aesthetic eye are true art.   Types of Implants for Breast Augmentation The type of implant you choose will have the most impact on how your breast augmentation will look. All implants consist of a silicone shell encasing the contents of the implant itself. Those contents change the feel of the breasts and their final result. Saline Implants Saline implants are approved by the FDA for women 18 and older, and their defining feature is Dr. Mashhadian’s meticulous control over their volume. The silicone shell is placed into the breast pocket empty, giving Dr. Mashhadian precise volume control as saline solution is introduced. Saline implants are ideal for a firmer breast structure. They’re incredibly safe as well, particularly in the case of a rupture, where the body harmlessly absorbs the fluid. Silicone Implants Medical-grade silicone gel implants feel more natural to the touch and move like the surrounding tissues. These implants are FDA-approved for women 21 and over, and significant advances in the gel’s cohesiveness make them a safe choice even if they rupture, which is a small risk. Silicone implants come in round and teardrop shapes for different breast projections from the chest wall, which is called the profile. They’re a versatile option where patients can choose to be as natural or dramatic as they wish. Gummy Bear Implants These implants are the latest breakthrough in gel technology to form a natural-feeling breast. Gummy bear implants, approved for women 22 and older, improve safety with a more cohesive gel, which helps implants maintain their shape in the breast pocket and reduces rippling, folding, rupture, and leakage risks. The remarkable gel properties shape your breast rather than being shaped by the pocket in which they rest. This implant maintains its shape for an attractive breast in any position. IDEAL Breast Implants Until IDEAL Implants, patients had to choose between the safety of saline implants and the appealing look and feel of silicone implants. IDEAL implants use a series of silicone shells that surrounds two inner saline chambers. These implants have the natural feel and movement of silicone implants, but in the event of a rupture, they would only leak harmless saline. Implant Shapes Patients interested in breasts with a more dramatic breast profile often choose round implants as they increase the volume at the breast pole, or upper curve. Women interested in plumpness in the lower breast that tapers toward the pole will find teardrop implants more fulfilling. The silicone shell’s surface may also be smooth or textured to achieve the patient’s desired breast firmness. Breast Implant Placement The next choice that affects the final result is where your implant is placed. There are two options—subglandular and submuscular. Subglandular Breast Implant Placement Subglandular placement is behind your existing breast tissue but in front of the pectoralis muscle. Ideal for women with more soft tissue coverage, this placement helps disguise the implant’s edges, particularly important with saline implants. They have a higher incidence of rippling that can be seen and felt unless enough tissue covers the diameter of the implant. Submuscular Breast Implant Placement Dr. Mashhadian recommends placement beneath the pectoralis muscle for women with smaller cup sizes who need more complete tissue coverage of the implant. It has less to do with the volume you’re adding than it does with the diameter of the implant. This technique can distort the appearance of the pectoralis muscle and is less appealing for patients who strength train or weight lift. Procedure Techniques for Breast Augmentation The techniques Dr. Mashhadian has developed have distinguished his breast enhancement results above standard practices. His proprietary Recovery EXL™ program combines surgical techniques for minimal tissue trauma with medications that ease patient recovery. Some patients don’t even require narcotic pain management, which is often a big worry given the risk of dependence. Without pain medication, side effects such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness during recovery are far less likely. It’s a much more comfortable overall recovery experience. Part of this process is placing the implants through the Keller funnel. This sterile technique allows for much smaller incisions, results in less tissue trauma, and reduces the need for Dr. Mashhadian to touch the implant at all. As a result, there’s less risk of infection, and the scars from the procedure are more subtle. Dr. Mashhadian also infuses the surgical field with tumescent fluid, an anesthetic with epinephrine, to shrink the blood vessels for minimal bleeding. It has the added benefit of breaking up fat cells. With the numbing effect on the tissues, patients awaken from the procedure with far less discomfort than before. Incision Placement Where Dr. Mashhadian makes the incisions can also impact the overall outcome of your breast augmentation. He typically uses 4 types of incisions. The periareolar incision is camouflaged by the edges of the areola surrounding the nipple. Through this semi-circular incision on the bottom curve of the areola, Dr. Mashhadian inserts the tip of the Keller funnel and squeezes the implant gently into place. The inframammary incision is disguised beneath the swell of the breast in the crease along the underside. It’s only as long as the Keller funnel requires. The transaxillary incision is placed in the armpit for minimum visibility while still providing Dr. Mashhadian the access he …

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How Long Does a Facelift Last?

Having a surgical procedure like a facelift can seem like a daunting prospect, especially if you’re unsure how long the effects will keep you looking youthful and fresh. With Dr. David Mashhadian’s skill and highly-trained expertise, you can achieve a youthful, natural appearance that showcases your most stunning features without looking like you’ve had any work done. How Does a Facelift Work? As we get older, the collagen that gives our skin firm and youthful support begins to weaken and break down, repairing more slowly and with fewer fibers in the support network. As a result, the structures that make up the face—the underlying muscles in the superficial musculoaponeurotic system, the SMAS layer, and the fat pads that round out our facial volume—succumb to gravity. We see the development of jowls, loss of volume in the cheeks, deepening folds around the mouth, and loose, “crepey” skin of the neck. A facelift, or rhytidectomy, at Rodeo Surgical Art addresses all these facial structures to achieve youthful, natural results. Modern-day facelifts are about more than tightening the skin. Dr. Mashhadian will create incisions in discreet locations for maximum camouflage, typically around the ears and near the hairline behind them, to access the SMAS layer and your adipose pads. With his exceptional talent and eye for detail, Dr. Mashhadian will then reposition and anchor your muscles into place, correcting age-related shifting. Next, he’ll sculpt fatty tissues and remove any excess to restore lost volume to areas like your cheeks and around your mouth. Finally, he’ll redrape your skin into a more youthful position, remove any excess, and close your incisions. This leaves your features smooth, properly balanced, and remarkably young, no matter your age. In some cases, a neck lift is a perfect complement to a facelift for an overall youthful rejuvenation. Am I a Good Candidate? It’s relatively common for people in their 40s-60s to begin considering having a facelift, and men and women alike have benefited from Dr. Mashhadian’s expertise and talent with the procedure. If you’re unhappy with your facial contours, have noticeable sagging and skin laxity, and desire more definition in your cheeks and jawline, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mashhadian to determine if a facelift is the procedure most suited for you. What is the Facelift Procedure Like? Every patient’s facial anatomy is unique, and so each facelift Dr. Mashhadian performs is designed to erase the signs of aging in ways that most benefit you, and he employs techniques that minimize tissue trauma and maximize patient comfort. There are no cookie-cutter facelifts at Rodeo Surgical Art. Each facelift Dr. Mashhadian performs is conducted in our state-of-the-art surgical suite with a talented and cohesive team of experts and takes 2-4 hours to complete. You’ll be able to return to the comfort of your own home the day of your facelift, and with Dr. Mashhadian’s Recovery EXL™ techniques, your recovery time will be as easy as we can make it. Many of our past facelift recipients didn’t even require narcotic pain medication as part of their recovery process, such is the effectiveness of Recovery EXL™. What are the Benefits of a Facelift? You can address multiple signs of aging in a single procedure. Age accumulates in multiple ways, so why wouldn’t you tackle it from multiple angles? Dr. Mashhadian can restore youth with many facelift techniques in a single procedure. Facelifts are appropriate for almost any age. Not every patient is mentally ready for a facelift in their 40s. That’s okay because the techniques Dr. Mashhadian has perfected can be adjusted for each patient’s degree of skin laxity, tissue shifting, and overall health. Pair your facelift with other procedures, such as Renuvion® skin tightening for a better, more complete youthful makeover. How Long Does a Facelift Last? There is no cosmetic enhancement that can entirely prevent aging, but a facelift turns back time, so you appear years younger than what’s on your birth certificate. In this, your facelift can keep you looking youthful for up to 10 years before those signs begin to return.

How Does Laser Skin Tightening Work?

The effects of skin laxity and age aren’t limited to the face. Age-related loose skin can occur on the neck, arms, and even legs. Pregnancy, childbirth, and significant weight loss can create loose skin concerns on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.  Dr. David Mashhadian’s commitment to providing his patients with the latest technology in the cosmetic enhancement industry brings Renuvion®, the most advanced skin tightening treatment of its kind. Renuvion® restores skin’s smooth firmness, and it does so from the inside, where the skin is most effectively tightened. How Does Renuvion® Laser Skin Tightening Work? Renuvion® was once called J Plasma, and its innovative technology targets the skin from an unlikely angle—on the inside. When radiofrequency (RF) energy interacts with helium gas, it creates a very stable cool plasma beam that only reaches 100° rather than the 300°-600° of RF or ultrasound energy. Dr. Mashhadian applies this plasma beam to the underside of your skin through a tiny catheter to coagulate, ablate, and strategically cut soft tissues. Skin contracts, collagen production is boosted, and your skin’s support structures are revitalized to bring back skin’s youthful firmness with more collagen fibers for support. The best part is some of this improvement happens in seconds under Dr. Mashhadian’s watchful eye, so he can contour your soft tissues in real-time to maximize your skin tightening. Renuvion® reverses time, tightening and renewing your skin’s firmness without damaging nearby tissues. Renuvion® can be performed laparoscopically on its own or combined with open procedures like a tummy tuck or mommy makeover. Renuvion’s® extraordinary results can restore skin’s firmness for your: Neck Arms Back Sides or flanks Abdomen Hips Buttocks Thighs and legs Am I a Good Candidate for Renuvion®? Because Renuvion® uses RF energy and helium to create the plasma beam, it doesn’t interact with the skin’s pigment. This means patients of all skin types with concerns about skin laxity can be considered candidates for Renuvion’s® exceptional results. If you have loose skin you’d like to firm up and tighten, but you’re unsure an invasive surgery is the answer, Renuvion® may be precisely the treatment to suit you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mashhadian to find out. What is the Laser Skin Tightening Procedure Like? Dr. Mashhadian’s patient-centric approach covers your complete medical history and your aesthetic goals to determine just how Renuvion® will reset your skin. If you’ve opted for a standalone treatment, it will only take 30 minutes in the comfort of Rodeo Surgical Art’s treatment rooms for your procedure to be complete. If you’re having Renuvion® as part of a greater procedure plan, your Renuvion® treatment will be conducted in our state-of-the-art surgical suite. Dr. Mashhadian will carefully direct the plasma beam where your skin most needs it, contracting tissues for visible tightening and improving your appearance. What are the Benefits of Renuvion® Skin Tightening? Dr. Mashhadian believes minimizing recovery times will maximize patient outcomes and achieve the greatest results, and Renuvion® on its own requires minimal recovery time. Only the tiniest of incisions are necessary for the standalone procedure. Because Dr. Mashhadian takes great care not to damage nearby tissues, your recovery is weeks shorter than more invasive skin removal and tightening procedures. Scarring is kept to a minimum. More traditional skin removal processes involve long scars because extensive incisions are often necessary to achieve good aesthetic results. The incisions with Renuvion® are no bigger than those used in liposuction, about 2mm-4mm. Indisputable results mean you’ll have noticeably tighter skin immediately with Renuvion®. Skin’s structures contract on contact with the plasma beam, so you’ll see some tightening right away. As collagen production improves, your skin will continue to firm up over the next few months, behaving like much younger skin. What Results Can I Expect After Renuvion®? While Renuvion® cannot prevent new signs of aging from forming, it can restore your skin’s youthful behavior and structure. This means any further laxity or wrinkles begin on skin with a much younger starting point, giving you long-term results after your Renuvion® procedure. Change the rules on your skin’s aging process with Renuvion®.

All About Mommy Makeovers: Preparation, Procedure, and Recovery

Many women have said bringing a baby into the world is one of the most fulfilling things they have ever done. But there’s a physical cost involved in pregnancy and childbirth that manifests in loose abdominal skin and muscles, drooping breasts, and unwanted pockets of fat that resist diet and exercise. If you’re experiencing distress due to the changes in your body, or you’re frustrated because your efforts aren’t restoring your pre-pregnancy shape, Dr. David Mashhadian can help with the mommy makeover.   What is a Mommy Makeover? The popularity of the mommy makeover at Rodeo Surgical Art is due to several factors. First, the procedure is actually a combination of cosmetic enhancements designed specifically to address all the regions of the body that pregnancy and childbirth have affected. Mommy makeovers are tailor-made with a combination of procedures, such as a breast lift or breast augmentation (or both), a tummy tuck, and liposuction to quickly restore your pre-baby body all at once. Adding Renuvion® skin tightening will further enhance your results. Second, busy moms are often concerned about multiple procedures requiring multiple recoveries, which is hard to do with a little one running around. Having many procedures spaced over time is just not feasible for some patients. With Dr. Mashhadian’s Recovery EXL™ program—a combination of surgical techniques and medications—designed to minimize tissue trauma, bleeding, and recovery discomfort, the mommy makeover restores your figure all at once, with one recovery and natural, beautiful results. Many of Dr. Mashhadian’s patients don’t even need to take narcotic pain medication thanks to Recovery EXL™, and they’re on their feet in a few days rather than more than a week. Am I a Good Candidate? If you’re a generally healthy adult with concerns about the toll pregnancy and childbirth have taken on your figure, a mommy makeover may suit your needs very well. During your comprehensive consultation, Dr. Mashhadian will thoroughly evaluate your areas of concern and discuss with you all the options available to restore your physique to its pre-baby glory. How Can I Prepare for a Mommy Makeover? During your consultation with Dr. Mashhadian, you’ll go over your complete medical history and any prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines you’re taking. Dr. Mashhadian may order lab testing as well as instruct you on pausing or altering certain medications. If you are a smoker, we recommend you stop smoking 4-6 weeks in advance of your procedure and remain smoke-free for 4-6 weeks after. Often, our patients use this as an opportunity to quit smoking altogether. Your mommy makeover is an outpatient procedure, so you’ll be able to return home the same day. You’ll likely awaken unsteady and a little foggy from the anesthesia used to keep you comfortable. Someone will need to drive you home that day, and it’s wise to have a loved one assist you in the first 24-48 hours following your mommy makeover. Before your makeover day, consider setting up a recovery nest and pre-planning easy, healthy meals for the first few days after your procedure. This will help you ease more gently into your routine as you begin to feel better. Some of our patients outsource their household chores for a week or two while recovering. Whether that’s recruiting a friend or loved one or hiring a service, this relieves the pressure on you to do too much too soon and can keep you comfortable for longer. What is Recovery from a Mommy Makeover Like? Having more than one procedure performed at once may seem like it would prolong your recovery, but thankfully, this is not the case. Dr. Mashhadian spent years developing the Recovery EXL™ system to make patient recovery more comfortable. It involves the precisely timed delivery of medications and trusted surgical techniques—such as using the Keller Funnel to place breast implants—that minimize tissue trauma and reduce the risk of complications. Reliance on narcotic pain management after surgery is often of great concern, particularly with mothers who have children to care for. The associated brain fog, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and other undesirable side effects can leave patients less mobile and slow the recovery process. With Recovery EXL™, pain is minimized to the point where many of Dr. Mashhadian’s patients are able to skip the narcotics altogether. The overall experience is more relaxing, and patients become mobile much faster, allowing them to get back to caring for their families or returning to work sooner. Recovery EXL™ drastically reduces the overall disruption to the usual routine any surgical procedure creates. What Results Can a Mommy Makeover Achieve? Each patient’s unique combination of mommy makeover procedures determines the timeline for when results become apparent. The abdominoplasty is the most extensive of the typical mommy makeover procedures, so it will often take longer to heal. You’ll experience some swelling, tenderness, and bruising, the majority of which should fade in the first 1-2 weeks. It may, however, take up to 1 year before all of the swelling has subsided and your tissues settle into their final shape. Your newly sculpted contour will begin to emerge as swelling and bruising diminish in the days and weeks following your procedure. Your stomach will be flatter, and your breasts will be a flattering proportion to your hips. The sagging, drooping skin of your abdomen or breasts will be taut and smooth, and your abdominal muscles will be returned to their rightful position, with less forward projection. If you’ve become self-conscious about drooping breasts, lax skin, or a belly pooch that won’t respond to your best efforts in the gym, a mommy makeover at Rodeo Surgical Art could be the answer. Dr. Mashhadian is one of Beverly Hills’ premier plastic surgeons who really takes his time with each patient to understand your goals and concerns. His expertise has helped many mothers regain their confidence by restoring pre-pregnancy contours to help them maintain active, healthy lives for their children. The miracle of motherhood is a thing of beauty, and your post-baby body should be, too.

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