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What are the Benefits of a Scarless Breast Augmentation?

Some women hesitate to get breast augmentation because they do not want scars on their breasts. Dr. Mashhadian understands this, and for this reason, he has become one of the nation’s experts in an implant method called TUBA (trans-umbilical breast augmentation) that leaves no visible scars but still offers beautiful results. How Does Scarless Breast Augmentation Work? Dr. Mashhadian performs breast implant replacement under general anesthesia in the Rodeo Surgical Art AAAHC certified surgical facility. The TUBA or Scarless process uses one small incision through the umbilicus or belly button. Specially designed probes create channels through the fat layer under the skin, one directed to each breast. The surgeon can use tiny cameras to visualize the inside of the breast and create a perfect pocket for the implant to rest in. This version of breast augmentation only works with saline implants. The surgeon inserts these into the breast pocket while still empty. This allows him to fill and adjust the volume to achieve the most attractive and shapely results. Other types of implants can still be placed with minimally invasive procedures based on Dr. Mashhadian’s overall Scarless philosophy. Implants under the arm can leave only small, almost invisible scars. What are the Benefits of a Scarless Breast Augmentation? Scarless breast augmentation offers many benefits, including: Minimal disruption of healthy breasts No visible incisions Lower risks of infection Less risk of sensation loss Maintained ability to breastfeed Faster, less painful recovery   With this less invasive version of breast augmentation, your surgeon can decrease many potential risks and cause less disruption to the breast itself while placing the implant. As a result, people experience less bruising, soreness, and breast discomfort after surgery. Recovery and Results With Dr. Mashhadian’s unique Recovery EXL system, people recover faster and experience less discomfort. This combination of pre-surgical medication and specialized incisions cause less stress on the body and result in better recovery. After Scarless breast augmentation, you will see enhanced breasts with more volume and fullness. You will not see any scars because the only scar has been hidden inside the belly button. This procedure does not add lift, so people who want to address sagging breasts may need a breast lift procedure. Am I a Good Candidate for Scarless Breast Augmentation? If you want breasts with more volume but no visible scars, this procedure may work for you. Ideal candidates are healthy nonsmokers with no history of bleeding problems. Only people interested in saline implants can have this procedure since other implants will not fit through the small incision and tube.

How Often Do You Need to Replace Your Breast Implants?

Like many procedures, breast augmentation has grown and advanced, with new implant technologies and surgical options becoming available all the time. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we offer the most innovative and safest types of breast augmentation to give you the best possible results. What is Breast Augmentation? If you wish you had larger, more symmetrical, or differently shaped breasts, you may want to consider breast augmentation. Dr. David Mashhadian performs several different types of augmentation to help you achieve your goals. He can also help you select the right type of implant for the breast shape, appearance, and feel that you desire. What Types of Breast Augmentation are Available? You have several options for breast augmentation, including one option with no implants. During your consultation. Dr. Mashhadian will review your options and help you choose the best implants and the best procedure for you. Traditional Breast Augmentation Traditional breast augmentation uses an incision in one of several places, including along the edge of the areola or under the armpit. All leave minimal scarring, especially in the hands of an experienced surgeon. Implants are placed into a pocket created behind the breast tissue. This type of augmentation allows for any type of implant placement, giving you more options for implant shape and texture. TUBA Procedure The transumbilical breast augmentation, or TUBA, leaves no scars, minimizes recovery time, and prevents disruption of the breast tissue. It uses an incision inside the belly button. Dr. Mashhadian will then create a pathway through the fat layer of the abdomen, avoiding any delicate structures. He will create an implant pocket using a tiny camera to visualize the area. An empty saline implant is rolled to a small size and inserted through the belly button. After placing the empty implants, he fills them with saline to the desired volume. Fat Transfer Augmentation For more subtle and natural breast augmentation, fat transfer augmentation may be a good choice. Dr. Mashhadrian will liposuction fat from another area of your body and then inject it into your breasts. As an expert in this type of breast augmentation, he can create noticeable volume enhancement using this fast, non-surgical method. What Kind of Breast Augmentation is Right for Me? Your ideal type of breast augmentation depends on your desired results. A TUBA procedure offers many advantages, including the lack of a visible scar and the shortened recovery time. However, TUBA procedures only allow the surgeon to place saline implants. If you choose a silicone implant type, you will have more options for shape, projection, and feel, but you will require a more traditional augmentation procedure. Fat transfer augmentation makes an excellent option for those who want to avoid implants. How Long Do Breast Implants Last? Breast implants can last ten to fifteen years or even longer. However, you may choose to have them removed before this time. While ruptures happen very rarely, they can occur, especially in older implants. This is not dangerous but requires a replacement of the implants. Some people also develop capsular contracture, where scar tissue forms around the implant. Dr. Mashhadian can correct this problem before placing new implants. What Implant Choices are Available? You can choose between a range of implant types to help you achieve exactly the breasts you desire.  Saline A saline implant uses a silicone shell that the surgeon fills with saline after placing it in the breast pocket. This allows precise control of the breast volume. These implants have FDA approval for ages 18 and up, making them available to younger adults. Silicone These implants may require a slightly larger incision since they will already be full when Dr. Mashhadian places them. Silicone implants come in a wide range of shapes to give you the outward projection, upper volume, or enhanced roundness you want. They usually feel more like natural breasts. They are FDA approved for those 21 and older. Ideal Implant These implants strike a balance between the benefits of saline and silicone. Ideal implants have a silicone shell and internal dividers. They have two saline-filled chambers. The unique design of the silicone shell makes it more natural to the touch. Unlike a typical saline implant, a rupture will only affect one chamber, so your breast will not suddenly lose volume. Gummy Bear These firm, resilient implants hold their shape, unlike other implants that contain liquid or gel. Solid gummy bear implants have become increasingly popular since they can produce significant enhancements in shape and projection. However, they may feel too firm for some people. Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation? If you want to enhance the volume or shape of your breasts, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation. Ideal candidates are in good health, have no history of bleeding or clotting problems, and do not smoke or are prepared to quit. Even if you want to avoid implants, you can still get excellent results from a fat transfer augmentation thanks to Dr. Mashhadian’s skill with this procedure.

How Long Does Mommy Makeover Surgery Take?

Pregnancy and childbirth are life-changing experiences but often cause dramatic changes to a woman’s body. Fortunately, a Mommy Makeover can target each woman’s areas of concern to restore a pre-pregnancy body and return a woman’s self-confidence. What is a Mommy Makeover? A Mommy Makeover works by using several procedures in one surgery to create a full-body restoration, targeting each woman’s areas of concern. This means the Mommy Makeover may include different procedures for each woman depending on her needs and treatment goals. These may include anything from breast augmentation to liposuction. What Procedures are Included in a Mommy Makeover? Dr. Mashhadian performs Mommy Makeovers under general anesthesia in the Rodeo Surgical Art AAAHC certified surgical facility. Dr. Mashhardian does not perform a one-size-fits-all Mommy Makeover. Each surgery addresses a woman’s specific needs, and no two women may have the same concerns. A Mommy Makeover often includes the following: Breast Augmentation Breasts often lose volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding. A breast augmentation can restore breast volume and symmetry. With a Transumbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA), women can enjoy a breast augmentation with no visible scars. Breast Lift Many women see sagging breasts after pregnancy. A breast lift can restore the breasts to their former position, remove loose skin, and reshape the breast tissue. Breast augmentation and a breast lift will often go together to achieve an ideal breast shape. Tummy Tuck Pregnancy not only stretches the skin of the abdomen but can also separate the underlying abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck can remove loose skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and restore a flatter stomach. Liposuction Some women choose liposuction during their Mommy Makeover to restore pre-baby curves and eliminate stubborn fat. Liposuction complements other procedures by sculpting and shaping the area to restore contours. What Results Will I See From a Mommy Makeover? Depending on the procedures involved, the results of a Mommy Makeover usually include lifted, firmer, and sometimes larger breasts, a firmer abdomen without sagging skin, and a more contoured and slimmer-looking figure. Most mothers just want to return to the body they enjoyed before pregnancy, but some women choose to enhance features they have always wanted, such as augmented breasts. What is Recovery Like From a Mommy Makeover? Recovery time varies based on the procedures performed. Most people can get up and around within a day or two and can resume moderate activities within about four to six weeks, following Dr. Mashhadian’s instructions. The proprietary Recovery EXL™ techniques offer faster and more comfortable recovery. How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost? Costs for a Mommy Makeover vary significantly depending on which procedures you have performed, among other factors. The American Academy of Plastic Surgeons gives a range of $9000 to $20,000, although you will find that this varies by location, the experience of the surgeon, and other factors.

Can You Have a Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift at the Same Time?

Women seek out breast augmentation for several reasons. Some women feel that their breasts do not fit the rest of their body, and some have breasts that look asymmetrical or have an unusual shape. Breast augmentation usually places an implant into the breasts to make them look larger and give them the desired shape. On the other hand, a breast lift lifts and reshapes existing breast tissue to correct sagging breasts. Together, they work as a full breast rejuvenation. How Does Breast Augmentation Work? Dr. Mashhadian offers several different types of breast implants in order to provide the desired appearance, shape, and feel. Using advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Mashhadian places the implants through small, hidden incisions. This may include the transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) method, which places the implants through the belly button, leaving no visible scar. Some women choose to avoid implants and opt for a more subtle and natural-looking fat transfer breast implant. This procedure uses a woman’s own fat and injects it into the breasts. The fat will remain in the breasts and provide a minor but lasting enhancement. How Does a Breast Lift Work? While a breast augmentation can make breasts larger, it cannot undo loose or sagging skin. A breast lift uses an incision under the breast to remove loose skin, lift up the breast, and reshape the existing breast tissue into a more satisfactory shape. It may also reposition the areola and nipple to their proper location on the breast. Can You Have a Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift at the Same Time? Dr. Mashhadian performs breast surgeries under general anesthesia in the Rodeo Surgical Art AAAHC certified surgical facility. In many cases, a breast augmentation with a breast lift will give much better results than either one alone. A breast augmentation cannot provide much lift, so sagging skin remains unless the surgeon also performs a breast lift. Breast lifts remove loose skin so that the implant can sit higher on the chest, and the breast will have more shape. Since a breast lift uses a larger incision to remove loose skin, no extra incision is needed to place the implants. Both procedures can be performed at the same time, reducing the time under anesthesia and the length of recovery time over having each procedure separately. What Results Will I See From a Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift? You will see fuller, rounder breasts with firm skin. Depending on your type of implant, your breasts may have more projection and fullness or may look rounder and more natural. Each woman will have her own preferences, and Dr. Mashhadian will help you select the implant that will give you the breast shape, size, and feel that you want.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Breast Reduction?

Large breasts can cause numerous problems, and this often begins during puberty. Breast reduction can eliminate most of the issues associated with large breasts. Some girls want a breast reduction in their early teens. How old should a young woman be before getting a breast reduction? Dr. Mashhadian assesses each case individually to determine the right timing for this procedure. What is Breast Reduction? A breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, decreases breast volume and reshapes the breast for a more pleasing appearance. Women choose breast reduction for many reasons, including relief of pain in the neck, back, and shoulders as well as less discomfort during activities. Large breasts can cause significant physical and emotional distress, but a breast reduction can give women balanced, shapely, appropriately sized breasts. How Does Breast Reduction Work? Dr. Mashhadian performs reduction under general anesthesia in the Rodeo Surgical Art AAAHC certified surgical facility. Dr. Mashhadhian performs three versions of breast reduction, depending on the woman’s treatment goals. While all types of breast reduction procedures remove excess fat and glandular tissue while reshaping the breast, Dr. Mashhadian chooses his method based on each woman’s individual needs. In the simplest form of the procedure, an incision is made along the edge of the areola. Fat and glandular tissue are removed, and the nipple is positioned if needed. This type of procedure works best for women who do not have significant excess skin or need major breast reshaping. The second type of procedure uses a keyhole incision, which forms a keyhole shape around the areola and vertically under the breast. This allows Dr. Mashhadian to access more breast tissue and to perform more skin removal and tightening. This procedure works best for people looking for a moderate decrease in breast size. An inverted T incision also runs from the areola in a vertical line under the breast but will also include a horizontal line in the breast crease. This allows for the most significant amount of breast reduction, reshaping, and extensive resizing and relocation of the nipple to its proper position. What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction? Breast reduction includes both physical and emotional benefits for many women. Many women find that breast reduction improves their overall quality of life, including: Well-Fitting Clothes Finding clothes that fit appropriately can seem nearly impossible for women with large breasts. Tops do not fit as intended, and clothes shopping becomes a frustrating experience. This poses a major challenge for teens and young women who want to dress like their peers and feel isolated when they cannot. Decreased Pain Pain in the back, neck, and shoulders can become severe for women with large breasts. The weight of the breasts causes a strain on the musculoskeletal system, and by removing this excess weight, the body can adjust its posture, and pain often disappears. More Activity Women often struggle with physical activities when large breasts either get in the way or make the activity uncomfortable. Women can engage in more physical activities and feel comfortable and freer to move with a breast reduction. Improved Self-Esteem Feeling like breasts look too large and too obvious can make women of any age feel self-conscious. With breasts better suited to their body and image of themselves, women can feel more confident. How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Breast Reduction? Dr. Mashhadian will assess each young woman individually. Factors he considers include the stage of breast development, emotional and physical maturity, and whether the immediate benefits outweigh any risks. Some breast tissue can grow back for young women who have breast reduction before the breast has finished developing. Once breast development has ended, this is no longer a concern. What is Recovery Like From a Breast Reduction? You will need to limit physical activity for one to two weeks. After this time, you can resume activities as long as they do not stress the surgical area. The Recovery EXL™ techniques minimize bruising and discomfort after surgery and make healing easier and faster. You can usually return to moderate exercise after about four to six weeks. How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost? The American Society of Plastic Surgeons lists the average cost of breast reduction at $5475. However, this varies by area and by the surgeon and does not cover some fees and expenses such as anesthesia. For women with physical health problems, insurance may cover some or all of the procedures. Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction? If you feel like your breasts are too large or that they prevent you from doing things, you may make a good candidate for breast reduction. Women with significant pain should consider this procedure as a way to decrease musculoskeletal stress.

Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

If you have been pregnant or experienced major weight loss, you may have stubborn fat and loose skin in your abdominal area. Underlying this skin and fat, the abdominal muscles may have become loosened and slack, making it almost impossible to tighten up that abdominal area with diet or exercise. What is a Tummy Tuck? A tummy tuck is a procedure that uses a single long incision to remove loose skin and fat around the abdominal area. At the same time, Dr. Mashhadian will tighten abdominal muscles to restore a flatter, smoother stomach. How Does A Tummy Tuck Work? Dr. Mashhadian performs tummy tucks in the AAAHC certified surgical facility at Rodeo Surgical Art. The procedure begins with an incision. The traditional tummy tuck incision runs from hip to hip and allows for maximum loose skin removal, but some procedures, such as a mini tummy tuck, will use a smaller incision. Dr. Mashhadian will then pull down the loose skin and remove any excess, along with excess fat. He will reposition the belly button back in its proper location and tighten the abdominal muscles to restore a flatter stomach. Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck? If you have significant loose skin around the abdominal area, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. You should be in good health and have no issues with bleeding or clotting. If you plan to lose weight, you may want to wait to have a tummy tuck since this could result in more loose skin. The ideal candidate has maintained a stable weight and plans to continue, which will keep their results looking optimal. How Do I Prepare for a Tummy Tuck? One important way to prepare for any surgery, including a tummy tuck, is to quit smoking. Using nicotine can cause healing and blood flow issues after surgery and could compromise your results. You should also consult with Dr. Mashhadian about any medications you take, and he may recommend that you stop taking blood-thinning medications like aspirin prior to surgery. What is Recovery Like From a Tummy Tuck? You should plan to have someone stay and help you for the first day or two after your procedure since you will need to rest and recover. After a few days, you can move around more. You may have a small tube to drain fluids from the incision during the early days of healing. Dr. Mashhadian may prescribe medications for discomfort, blood thinners to prevent clots, or antibiotics. You will have a compression garment for a few weeks to prevent fluid accumulation and support the surgical area. You will need to move carefully and avoid any sudden motions for at least six weeks while your incision heals. A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure, so you should be prepared for several weeks of recovery before you can resume normal activities. Once you have healed, however, the results will make the healing process more than worthwhile. What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck? Some benefits of a tummy tuck include: Long-Lasting Results Tummy tuck results can last for many years. The fat removed will not return, although other fat cells in the area can still get larger or smaller. Maintaining a stable weight will help you maintain your results. Unless you have another pregnancy or gain and lose a lot of weight, your abdominal muscles will not separate again. Flatter Abdomen You will look and feel better with a flatter abdomen. Although you have a scar, it hides below the bikini line, so you can feel comfortable wearing things that show off your flatter stomach or simply feel better in your clothes. Tighter Abdominal Muscles The abdominal muscles loosened during pregnancy or weight gain, the rectus muscles, form part of the core muscles that people work hard to build. Before the correction, they could not do their work properly, but now they can help support your body. Reduced Stretch Marks A tummy tuck usually removes a significant amount of loose skin. If you have stretch marks, they have probably formed in areas where you now have loose skin, so removing the loose skin often gets rid of the majority of your stretch marks. Stubborn Fat Removal The abdominal area accumulates stubborn fat, and this becomes even harder to get rid of when you also have loose skin. Dr. Madhhashian will remove enough fat to leave you with a slimmer figure and no more abdominal bulge. How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost? According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost for a tummy tuck is $6154. This does not include fees, anesthesia and medication costs, or other expenses, so the best way to get an accurate estimate is to meet with Dr. Mashhadian. The cost will also vary depending on your location, your provider, and other factors.

What Can a Rhinoplasty Treat?

The nose forms the central feature of the face, so many people feel self-conscious if they do not like the way it looks. The nose also has a functional purpose, and an injury or accident can cause people to have difficulty breathing through their nose. Rhinoplasty can create a functional and attractive nose that makes your features look balanced and harmonious. What is Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty reshapes the nose to correct either cosmetic or functional problems. Dr. Mashhadian will examine your nose carefully to decide on the best method for achieving your desired results. After your rhinoplasty, you will benefit from his proprietary Recovery EXL™ healing process, which decreases discomfort and swelling to make recovery easier. What Can Rhinoplasty Treat? Rhinoplasty can treat many cosmetic aspects of your nose, including Making part of the nose larger or smaller Reshaping the nostrils Removing a hump Enhancing the tip of the nose Straightening the nose Smoothing the bridge of the nose Narrowing or widening the nose Making the nose symmetrical Dr. Mashhadian can reshape your nasal shape and structure to produce your desired results. While issues such as an asymmetrical or crooked nose may not hinder breathing or qualify as a medical problem, they can still have a significant effect on your quality of life. Rhinoplasty can give you a nose you feel comfortable seeing every day in the mirror. How Does Rhinoplasty Work? Rhinoplasty procedures occur under general anesthesia, so you will not feel anything during the surgery. The process can take up to three hours, depending on the complexity of the nasal reshaping. Dr. Masshadian will use an open or closed technique, depending on how much of the nasal structure he needs to access. Closed Rhinoplasty A closed rhinoplasty uses incisions inside the nostrils with no external incisions. This means you will have no external scar, but it gives the surgeon less access to the structures of the nose. This will work more often for more subtle reshaping. Open Rhinoplasty For more significant reshaping, Dr. Masshadian may choose an open rhinoplasty. This uses a small incision in the cartilage between the nostrils, leaving a tiny scar that most people will never notice. After gaining access to the nasal structure, Dr. Masshadian will reshape the tissue, cartilage, and bone to achieve the desired results. If necessary, he may take a small piece of cartilage from the ear and use it to enhance your nasal shape or size. What Kind of Rhinoplasty Do I Need? Dr. Masshadian and his team offer four types of rhinoplasty, from cosmetic improvements to functional corrections and even a nonsurgical version. Cosmetic Rhinoplasty A cosmetic rhinoplasty improves the appearance of the nose to bring it more in line with the nose you want to have. This surgery can improve everything from nostril size to a crooked nose bridge, and using the Recovery EXL™ healing system, you will have a less complicated recovery. Functional Rhinoplasty If you have had an injury or accident that affected your breathing through your nose, you may need a functional rhinoplasty. Insurance may cover part of your procedure since improving breathing has medical benefits. Revision Rhinoplasty Whether you had a rhinoplasty and did not like the results or you want a different look, a revision rhinoplasty can help. This procedure requires skill and experience on the part of the surgeon since they must work around scar tissue left from the previous surgery. Those who feel unhappy with their rhinoplasty results should wait at least a year for the nose to heal entirely and all the swelling to go away before considering a revision. Non Surgical Rhinoplasty If you want a subtle, temporary solution to your nose concerns, dermal fillers allow you to enhance the shape of your noses by strategically adding volume to certain areas. You will have to repeat this once or twice a year in order to maintain your results. What Results Will I See With Rhinoplasty? Bruising and swelling start to subside after a week or two. However, you will have some residual swelling that lasts up to a year. Your nose will continue to improve in appearance during this time. Once your nose has settled into its new position, your rhinoplasty will last for life. What is Recovery Like From Rhinoplasty? After surgery, Dr. Mashhadian will place splints or packing inside your nose. This supports the nose until your follow-up visit. We recommend waiting for one to two weeks before returning to work and waiting about four weeks before resuming strenuous activities. The Recovery EXL™ healing process will minimize your need for medication and keep you more comfortable during your recovery time. You will have several follow-up visits with Dr. Mashhadian to monitor your progress.

How Often Do You Need to Replace Your Breast Implants?

Like many procedures, breast augmentation has grown and advanced, with new implant technologies and surgical options becoming available all the time. At Rodeo Surgical Art, we offer the most innovative and safest types of breast augmentation to give you the best possible results. What is Breast Augmentation? If you wish you had larger, more symmetrical, or differently shaped breasts, you may want to consider breast augmentation. Dr. David Mashhadian performs several different types of augmentation to help you achieve your goals. He can also help you select the right type of implant for the breast shape, appearance, and feel that you desire. What Types of Breast Augmentation are Available? You have several options for breast augmentation, including one option with no implants. During your consultation. Dr. Mashhadian will review your options and help you choose the best implants and the best procedure for you. Traditional Breast Augmentation Traditional breast augmentation uses an incision in one of several places, including along the edge of the areola or under the armpit. All leave minimal scarring, especially in the hands of an experienced surgeon. Implants are placed into a pocket created behind the breast tissue. This type of augmentation allows for any type of implant placement, giving you more options for implant shape and texture. TUBA Procedure The transumbilical breast augmentation, or TUBA, leaves no scars, minimizes recovery time, and prevents disruption of the breast tissue. It uses an incision inside the belly button. Dr. Mashhadian will then create a pathway through the fat layer of the abdomen, avoiding any delicate structures. He will create an implant pocket using a tiny camera to visualize the area. An empty saline implant is rolled to a small size and inserted through the belly button. After placing the empty implants, he fills them with saline to the desired volume. Fat Transfer Augmentation For more subtle and natural breast augmentation, fat transfer augmentation may be a good choice. Dr. Mashhadrian will liposuction fat from another area of your body and then inject it into your breasts. As an expert in this type of breast augmentation, he can create noticeable volume enhancement using this fast, non-surgical method. What Kind of Breast Augmentation is Right for Me? Your ideal type of breast augmentation depends on your desired results. A TUBA procedure offers many advantages, including the lack of a visible scar and the shortened recovery time. However, TUBA procedures only allow the surgeon to place saline implants. If you choose a silicone implant type, you will have more options for shape, projection, and feel, but you will require a more traditional augmentation procedure. Fat transfer augmentation makes an excellent option for those who want to avoid implants. How Long Do Breast Implants Last? Breast implants can last ten to fifteen years or even longer. However, you may choose to have them removed before this time. While ruptures happen very rarely, they can occur, especially in older implants. This is not dangerous but requires a replacement of the implants. Some people also develop capsular contracture, where scar tissue forms around the implant. Dr. Mashhadian can correct this problem before placing new implants. What Implant Choices are Available? You can choose between a range of implant types to help you achieve exactly the breasts you desire.  Saline A saline implant uses a silicone shell that the surgeon fills with saline after placing it in the breast pocket. This allows precise control of the breast volume. These implants have FDA approval for ages 18 and up, making them available to younger adults. Silicone These implants may require a slightly larger incision since they will already be full when Dr. Mashhadian places them. Silicone implants come in a wide range of shapes to give you the outward projection, upper volume, or enhanced roundness you want. They usually feel more like natural breasts. They are FDA approved for those 21 and older. Ideal Implant These implants strike a balance between the benefits of saline and silicone. Ideal implants have a silicone shell and internal dividers. They have two saline-filled chambers. The unique design of the silicone shell makes it more natural to the touch. Unlike a typical saline implant, a rupture will only affect one chamber, so your breast will not suddenly lose volume. Gummy Bear These firm, resilient implants hold their shape, unlike other implants that contain liquid or gel. Solid gummy bear implants have become increasingly popular since they can produce significant enhancements in shape and projection. However, they may feel too firm for some people. Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation? If you want to enhance the volume or shape of your breasts, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation. Ideal candidates are in good health, have no history of bleeding or clotting problems, and do not smoke or are prepared to quit. Even if you want to avoid implants, you can still get excellent results from a fat transfer augmentation thanks to Dr. Mashhadian’s skill with this procedure.

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

If your healthy lifestyle has left you with areas of hard-to-remove fat, you might be a perfect candidate for liposuction. This procedure removes fat from targeted areas to shape and sculpt your figure so you can enjoy the results you have worked for. What is Liposuction? Some areas of the body tend to resist fat removal. These areas include the abdomen and thighs, although these stubborn pockets of fat can occur anywhere on the body. Liposuction targets problem fat and removes it to leave it looking more contoured. Liposuction can sculpt and slim many areas, almost anywhere you can accumulate and struggle to get rid of fat. How Does Liposuction Work? To perform liposuction, Dr. Mashhadian will insert a cannula through a small incision. The cannula breaks up fat and suctions it out of the body. He may use standard tumescent liposuction or VASER ultrasound technology to help liquefy the fat for easier removal. The incisions will be hidden in natural skin creases to disguise them. Liposuction works best when used on specific regions of resistant fat that have not gone away even if you lead a healthy lifestyle. It is a body sculpting procedure and not intended for weight loss. Am I a Candidate for Liposuction? The best candidates for liposuction lead a healthy lifestyle but have areas of fat that keep them from achieving their aesthetic goals. You should have good skin elasticity to prevent loose skin. Good candidates maintain a stable weight and have committed to maintaining it in the future since weight gain can compromise your results. If you have any significant health problems, take blood thinners, or smoke, you may not make a good candidate. Smoking impairs blood flow and the healing process, so people who want to have a surgical procedure should plan to quit several weeks before. ‘ Where Can I Have Liposuction? Many people have liposuction in the abdominal area. Abdominal fat may resist all your efforts to budge it, and if you have worked for tight abs, you do not want them hidden under a layer of stubborn fat. Other popular areas include: Hips Flanks Love handles Behind the knees Neck and chin Arms Thighs Back Dr. Mashhadian will help you determine whether liposuction is your best option for your areas of fat. If you have loose skin along with fat in the problem area, he may recommend excess skin removal and tightening. This includes procedures like an arm lift, neck lift, or tummy tuck. Is Liposuction Part of a Tummy Tuck? Liposuction can improve the results of many procedures, along with removing fat by itself. Liposuction works very well with a tummy tuck, addressing love handles and other areas the tummy tuck does not reach. Liposuction can remove excess fat before procedures like an arm lift. For significant loose skin, liposuction alone will not achieve the desired results. Instead, it can improve body sculpting and shaping during procedures like a tummy tuck. Dr. Mashhadian will review his plans for your procedure in detail, so you will know if it includes liposuction for body contouring. If you have loose skin without excess fat, you may not require liposuction, but liposuction may improve your results if you have pockets of fat along with your loose skin.   What is Recovery Like From Liposuction? Dr. Mashhadian has developed Recovery EXL, his own recovery plan that helps you get back on your feet and back to your everyday life in less time. This plan uses pain management techniques to reduce the need for pain medication. It often has people back to work and regular activities within one week after their procedure. You will feel some soreness and notice some bruising and swelling in the area, but this will fade over the next few days and disappear within a few weeks. What Results Will I See From Liposuction? After the swelling goes away, you will see your slimmer, more sculpted figure emerge. The areas where you had liposuction will look smoother, more slender, and flatter with no more bulges of fat. Depending on where you had your liposuction, you may see a smaller, more defined waist, contoured hips, smaller thighs, or even a diminished double chin. How Long Does Liposuction Last? Liposuction removes fat cells, and the ones removed will not grow back. Your results should last as long as you maintain a consistent weight. If your weight increases, the fat cells that remain can still expand. If you maintain your healthy lifestyle, you should not see your stubborn fat again. Liposuction results can last a lifetime.

How Much Does TUBA Breast Augmentation Cost?

Dr. David Mashhadian offers TUBA breast augmentation for women who want all the benefits of breast augmentation with no scars. Transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) uses only one small hidden incision to prepare your breasts and put in your implants. It offers less tissue disruption and a faster recovery, making it an increasingly preferred option. What is TUBA Breast Augmentation? Transumbilical breast augmentation uses an incision hidden inside your navel to access your breasts and place saline implants. This procedure causes less tissue trauma and less risk of nerve damage than a traditional breast augmentation without sacrificing the quality of your results. The TUBA option makes this procedure available entirely scar-free for women who avoided breast augmentation to avoid scars.  How Does TUBA Breast Augmentation Work? To begin the procedure, Dr. Mashhadian will make a small incision inside the navel. It will heal into a tiny, almost invisible scar. He will create a tunnel from the incision toward the breasts using a thin, sharp instrument called an obturator. This instrument lets him create a narrow space that stays above the connective tissue of the abdomen, so it never risks damage to essential structures. Before continuing, Dr. Mashhadian will examine the tunnel, and inside the breast with an endoscope, a small camera inserted through a tube. He will insert flattened tissue expanders into the breasts and fill them with sterile saline. This allows him to sculpt the breast pocket to hold the final implants. It also allows him to measure the best volume of saline to use in the final implants. These are also inserted while empty and then filled with sterile saline to the correct volume.   How Much Does TUBA Breast Augmentation Cost? Surgical costs vary based on your location and your provider. An experienced surgeon with a record of excellence will not always be your cheapest choice, but your breasts matter too much for a discount procedure. Dr. Mashhadian will be happy to meet with you and provide an accurate estimate of how much your procedure will cost. Traditional breast augmentation surgery ranges from $6000 to $12,000, but the price provided may not include fees such as anesthesia, surgical supplies, and medications.  What are the Benefits of TUBA Breast Augmentation? The lack of a visible scar helps make TUBA breast augmentation the procedure of choice for many women. The procedure offers several other benefits that you should consider when discussing breast augmentation options. Minimal disruption of breast tissue Faster, easier recovery Lower risk of infection Less risk of nerve damage No risk to the ability to breastfeed Traditional breast augmentation procedures can disrupt nerves and muscles on their way to inserting breast implants. Because TUBA breast augmentation uses the smallest possible tools and implant inserts, it allows Dr. Mashhadian to minimize disruption of your healthy breast tissue.   Am I a Good Candidate for TUBA Breast Augmentation? If you are in good overall health and want larger, more symmetrical breasts, TUBA breast augmentation may be a good choice for you. The TUBA procedure can only use saline implants because they can be inserted empty, so people who want silicone implants will need a different approach. What is Recovery Like From TUBA Breast Augmentation? After your surgery, you will have your chest and abdomen wrapped in a pressure bandage. Dr. Mashhadian will remove this during your follow-up appointment. He recommends that you limit yourself to light activity for a few weeks, although you will probably feel well enough to go back to work during that time.   Dr. Masshadian uses a proprietary healing technique called RECOVERY EXL to improve your recovery time and limit discomfort. He developed this combination of pre-surgical medications and specialized incisions that help you feel minor discomfort after surgery and enjoy a faster recovery. What Results Will I See From TUBA Breast Augmentation? You will see larger breasts as soon as your pressure bandages are removed. It will take several months for your breasts to heal and settle into their new position fully, so your results will continue to evolve for up to a year. With TUBA breast augmentation and RECOVERY EXL techniques, you can return to regular activities as soon as possible. How Long Does a TUBA Breast Augmentation Last? Breast implants, silicone or saline, typically last ten to fifteen years, although some people keep theirs for a long time with no issues. You may choose to have your implants removed sooner than this because you want a different size or different type of implant. Some women develop scar tissue around the implant, known as a capsular contracture that can require an implant replacement. The TUBA procedure allows for removing and replacing your saline implants without creating any new scars.

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