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How to Lift Your Butt

The popularity of full, round buttocks continues to grow, but for a long time, most options required significant recovery and had other disadvantages. Now you can have a non-surgical, minimally invasive butt lift with Sculptra®. This dermal filler gives your buttocks a natural-looking lift without surgery or recovery time. What is a Butt Lift? With the exploding popularity of large, round, lifted buttocks in popular culture, the demand for butt lifts keeps growing. However, not everyone qualifies for or wants to deal with the recovery time involved with traditional methods of lifting the butt. If you want to see enhancement of your buttocks without the downsides, a Sculptra® butt lift can make a good choice. How Does Sculptra® Work? Sculptra® is an injectable dermal filler containing poly-L-lactic acid. It adds volume by stimulating the skin cells to produce collagen. Collagen proteins make up the support network of our skin, giving it firmness and lift. Providers often use Sculptra® to treat deep facial lines and wrinkles. It also works to rejuvenate areas of the face that have lost volume over time. How to Lift Your Butt When injected into the buttocks, Sculptra® triggers deeper layers of skin to produce collagen, adding lift and volume. While the results are not as dramatic as other types of butt lifts, a Sculptra® butt lift looks naturally round and firm. Dr. Mashhadian will inject Sculptra® into your buttocks during your 30-minute treatment. You have the option of a topical numbing treatment if you have concerns about discomfort. Most people need more than one treatment to achieve lift and fullness. Sculptra® vs. Brazilian Butt Lift A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) uses fat removed from another part of your body using liposuction. This fat is purified and injected into the fat layers of the buttocks. Not all of this fat will stay where injected, but many of the fat cells will establish themselves through grafting. These fat cells add long-lasting volume and lift. Sculptra® does not require liposuction, an advantage for people who do not have enough fat to inject for a BBL. Recovery time for a BBL also lasts much longer. After a BBL, you will need to sit on a special pillow and cannot lay on your back for several weeks while the fat becomes established. Some people want a butt lift but not a long recovery time, and Sculptra® requires no downtime at all. What is Recovery Like From a Sculptra® Butt Lift? You will not need any recovery time after your Sculptra® butt lift. You can return to your usual activities after your treatment. The lack of recovery time helps make the Sculptra® lift a popular option for people not ready to make the commitment to a BBL. How Much Does a Butt Lift Cost? The cost of Sculptra® and the cost to perform the procedure will differ from place to place and between providers. Choose your provider based on experience, not price. Dr. Mashhadian has the expertise and artistry to give you an attractive result. According to Healthline, the average Sculptra® butt lift will cost between $4000 and $7000. This will partly depend on the number of treatments, and the amount of Sculptra® needed for each treatment. What Results Will I See From a Sculptra® Butt Lift? Results from Sculptra® look more natural and less obvious than results from a BBL. Some people prefer this natural-looking, subtle enhancement. Dr. Mashhadian recommends two to four treatments spaced about three weeks apart to see your best results. Your results will develop over the next four to six months as your body continues to produce collagen and improve the firmness and lift of the skin. Am I a Good Candidate for a Butt Lift? Sculptra® has been FDA approved for facial use since 1999, and it has established an extensive safety record. Most people can get a Sculptra® butt lift. People who are allergic to any of the components of the injection or who are pregnant or nursing are not good candidates. If you have a history of forming abnormal scars, make sure to let Dr. Mashhadian know. You can have a Sculptra® butt lift even if you have a health problem that prevents you from undergoing a more invasive procedure. How Long Does a Butt Lift Last? Sculptra® outlasts most dermal fillers, although the results will not last as long as a BBL. Because Sculptra® uses your body’s collagen to create lift and volume, results can last two years or more. You can have maintenance treatments as your results start to fade, letting you continue to enjoy your butt lift indefinitely.

Am I a Candidate for an Eyelid Lift?

The thin, sensitive skin around the eyes shows signs of aging before the rest of your face. The eyelids can start to sag and wrinkle, and you may notice drooping skin or undereye puffiness. You can rejuvenate the appearance of your eyes with an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty. This procedure lifts sagging skin and brightens your eyes to make you look younger and more refreshed. What is an Eyelid Lift? An eyelid lift can include surgery on the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both. Some people have a specific concern, such as undereye droopiness, while others want to lift and brighten the entire eye area. An eyelid lift can even remove drooping skin and fat that has started to obstruct your vision. Depending on the procedure, Dr. Mashhadian performs eyelid lifts using either local or general anesthesia. He may also perform an eyelid lift as part of another procedure, such as a facelift. How Does an Eyelid Lift Work? An eyelid lift uses a small hidden incision to lift the eyelid, remove excess skin, and remove or reposition the fat pads. A different procedure is performed on the upper or lower eyelid. Since many people have concerns with both eyelids, they often choose to have the upper and lower eyelid lift at the same time.  Upper Eyelid Dr. Mashhadian makes a small incision hidden in a crease on the upper eyelid, then lifts and removes excess skin to tighten the eyelid for a more alert, bright-eyed appearance. If drooping upper eyelids make you look sleepy or even obstruct your vision, an upper eyelid lift can correct the problem. Lower Eyelid This incision is made along the lower eyelashes. Dr. Mashhadian will lift the loose skin to correct drooping. He will also reposition the fat pads under the eye. When these sag below their usual position, they create the appearance of puffiness or undereye bags. Repositioning them makes your undereye area look smoother, younger, and less hollow. Am I a Candidate for an Eyelid Lift? If you have drooping eyelid skin and fat, you may be a good candidate for an eyelid lift. Depending on your concerns, you may be a candidate for an upper or lower eyelid surgery or both. Good candidates have no major health problems and no significant eye problems. You should not smoke or prepare to quit at least four weeks before your surgery. Smoking can impair healing and complicate your recovery. How Long Does an Eyelid Lift Last? The loose skin and fat removed by an eyelid lift will not return. You can expect your results to last for many years. Gravity and aging will eventually start to affect your results, but you will continue to look younger than you would have without the procedure. You can prolong your results by following the recommended skincare and sun protection plan. Avoiding sun exposure plays a crucial role in keeping your eye area looking younger. How Much Does an Eyelid Lift Cost? Costs for surgical procedures like an eyelid lift are difficult to estimate. The average eyelift procedure costs about $3200. This average includes prices from across the nation, and your cost will vary depending on your area. Dr. Mashhadian makes eyelid lifts and other procedures available for you by offering excellent financing options. What are the Benefits of an Eyelid Lift? Eyelid lifts are a very popular procedure thanks to their ability to rejuvenate and refresh the eye area. You will enjoy some expected and possibly unexpected benefits from your eyelid lift. Reduction in eyelid wrinkles Tightened eyelids Improved vision for some people Removal of puffy undereye bags Correction of undereye hollowness Easier eye makeup application No more tired or sad appearance Long-lasting results What Procedures Can I Have With an Eyelid Lift? Many people choose an eyelid lift to accompany a facelift or brow lift. A brow lift complements an eyelid lift by raising drooping eyebrows to make your bright, youthful eyes more visible. A facelift improves lines and wrinkles around the eyes but does not affect the eyelids, so an eyelid lift can make sure your eyes look as young as the rest of your face after the procedure. What is Recovery Like From an Eyelid Lift? Dr. Mashhadian will monitor your recovery and determine when you can resume activities such as going to work. He recommends that you plan for two weeks of recovery time, although you may need more or less. Bruising and swelling can take a week or two to resolve. As the swelling fades, you can see the new, rejuvenated shape of your eyelids. Your results will continue to develop as residual swelling resolves.

How Long Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Last?

If you want to enhance your breasts without using artificial implants, you have an option. Fat transfer breast augmentation removes your fat from elsewhere in the body and injects it into the breasts. This fat will establish itself for long-lasting results.   What is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation? While most breast augmentation procedures use implants, some patients prefer fat transfer breast augmentation. This procedure makes an excellent option if you want to see subtle fullness and volume enhancement without artificial materials implanted in the body. If you want to avoid the possible risks of breast implants, you can have fat transfer breast augmentation. You will not achieve quite the same results you would get with an implant, but you will see results.   How Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Work? Dr. Mashhadian performs fat transfer breast augmentation in the Rodeo Surgical Art AAAHC certified surgical facility. He will use advanced liposuction techniques to harvest fat from your abdomen and thighs. After purification, this fat is injected into the breasts through small incisions. The fat will establish itself in its new location, giving your breasts a boost of volume. Fat behaves the same wherever it finds itself in your body, so the injected fat acts like it “belongs” in the breasts.   How Long Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Last? The fat cells used in fat transfer breast augmentation are your own, so your body will not try to remove them. Not all injected fat cells will survive. The remaining fat cells will establish themselves and stay in place for many years. As most of us know from experience, fat cells are long-lived, so you can expect the ones in your breasts to last a long time. If you have significant weight changes, these fat cells will change like the fat cells on the rest of your body. If you lose weight, you may lose some volume from your breasts. Gaining weight could cause your breasts to get larger and develop sagging. Maintaining a consistent weight will keep your results looking full and natural for many years to come.   How Much Volume Will I Get From Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation? Fat transfer breast augmentation achieves soft, natural volume enhancement. Fat cannot give you the same lift, roundness, or volume that an implant can. Improvements in volume with fat transfer breast augmentation are long-lasting and very safe, but not dramatic. Fat transfer breast augmentation can achieve this goal for those who want a natural look.   What are the Benefits of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation? Although fat transfer breast augmentation will not give you implant-sized volume, this procedure offers many benefits of its own. You may find that the advantages of fat transfer breast augmentation outweigh the less noticeable size increase.   No Implant Risks If you have concerns about the safety of implants, fat transfer breast augmentation offers an alternative. You will never have to worry about an implant rupture, a reaction to the implant, or scar tissue formation.   Natural Look and Feel If you want breasts with a completely natural look and feell, fat transfer breast augmentation makes an excellent option. The injected fat looks and feels like it has always been there. You will not feel an implant, and neither will anyone else.   No Follow-Up Breast implants should be replaced after ten to fifteen years, and many need to be removed before this time due to capsular contracture or other problems. Once your fat cells have become established, you will not have to worry about changes or adverse reactions.   What are the Alternatives to Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation? Dr. Mashhadian is an expert in Scarless breast augmentation using a technique called transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA). This procedure places saline-filled implants with a minimum of tissue disruption, making it an ideal choice if you want implants with minimal risk and downtime. The implants are placed through an incision inside the belly button, making this a Scarless procedure.   What is Recovery Like From Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation? You may have some swelling and soreness in your breasts for a few days. You may also have soreness and bruising in the area where you had liposuction. Most people can go back to work after a few days. Your breasts may look larger at first than they will look after settling.   Am I a Good Candidate for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation? To be eligible for fat transfer breast augmentation, you will need to have enough body fat for Dr. Mashhadian to harvest it. Good candidates have no major health problems, are close to their target weight, and have reasonable expectations about the procedure. Results from fat transfer breast augmentation will not achieve the same volume enhancement as implants. However, the subtle enhancements may be exactly what you need.

How Much Does an Arm Lift Cost?

Weight loss, age, genetics, and other factors can lead to loose skin under the upper arms. An arm lift, also known as a Brachioplasty, can remove this sagging skin and tighten the upper arm area. Loose upper arm skin can be hard to hide, but with an arm lift, you no longer have to. You can enjoy wearing sleeveless shirts without feeling like people keep noticing your loose skin.   What is an Arm Lift? Many of us have some loose skin on our upper arms. You may have gained or lost weight, or age and heredity may have played a role, but sagging arm skin can make you feel self-conscious. If you have lost a large amount of weight, you may feel frustrated that you cannot appreciate your results without seeing your loose arm skin. An arm lift can let you see tighter, more toned-looking arms with no more sagging.    How Much Does an Arm Lift Cost? If you have been considering an arm lift, you have probably wondered about the cost. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that the average price of an arm lift is $4861. Keep in mind that this does not include fees, anesthesia, medication, and other costs. Pricing also differs between locations and providers. When you feel ready to consider an arm lift, a consultation can answer all of your pricing questions.   How is an Arm Lift Performed? Dr. Mashhadian performs arm lifts using an incision to remove extra skin. After this skin has been removed, he will pull the remaining skin tighter, so the area looks firm and smooth. An incision usually runs under the arm from the underarm to the elbow. If you have minor loose skin, Dr. Mashhadian may use a smaller incision located in the underarm. If you have excess fat in the area that keeps the skin from tightening, liposuction can remove it. If you do not have much loose skin and still have good elasticity, liposuction alone may give you good results.   Can I Have Other Procedures With an Arm Lift? Many people who have an upper arm lift have some liposuction to remove fat deposits and achieve a tighter appearance. However, you can have an arm lift at the same time as many other procedures. An arm lift often forms a part of large-scale skin removal after significant weight loss. This skin removal may include an arm lift, abdominoplasty, and lifts in other areas such as the thighs or neck. One advantage to having several procedures at the same time is that they share a recovery period. Instead of separate procedures, each with its downtime, you can have one recovery period and enjoy your results. If you have loose skin elsewhere on your body or are interested in other types of treatment, ask during your consultation.   Preparing for an Arm Lift Dr. Mashhadian will have a consultation with you to discuss your goals and answer any questions you have about an arm lift procedure. Before your surgery, he may recommend some blood tests to check your health. If you take medications, he may recommend that you adjust the dosage before your procedure. If you smoke, quitting at least one month before the procedure will improve healing and cut your risk of complications.   What is Recovery Like From an Arm Lift? You should avoid lifting your arms above your shoulders for three to four weeks after your arm lift. You can return to work within a week or two if your job does not involve physical activity. Within six weeks, you should be able to resume most activities. Dr. Mashhadian will give you a list of symptoms to watch out for, so make sure to contact him if you experience any issues.   Will I Have Scars After an Arm Lift? Removing loose skin requires an incision. An arm lift will usually require an incision from the underarm to near the elbow. Dr. Mashhadian will hide the incision as well as possible and create a minimally visible scar. If scars bother you, treatments are available to tighten loose arm skin. They work better on minor laxity, but an arm lift usually provides the only effective way to remove significant sagging.   Am I a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift? If you have loose skin under your arms, you may be a good candidate for an arm lift. The procedure can remove this sagging skin and tighten the upper arm. You should be in overall good health, and smokers must commit to quitting before surgery. Candidates should have reasonable expectations about how their final results will look. 

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